How to get from Berge(Emsbüren) Frömming to Papenburg by bus and train?
From Berge(Emsbüren) Frömming to Papenburg by bus and train
To get from Berge(Emsbüren) Frömming to Papenburg in Papenburg, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the 822 bus from Berge(Emsbüren) Frömming station to Emsbüren Schulzentrum station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 154 bus and finally take the RE15 train from Leschede Bahnhof station to Bahnhof Papenburg station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 53 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationBerge(Emsbüren) Frömming
- 2Wait for bus822Leschede Grundschule
- 3Ride to bus stationEmsbüren Schulzentrum8 min
- 4Walk to bus stationEmsbüren Schulzentrum60 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus154Emsbüren Kiga St. Josef
- 6Ride to bus stationLeschede Bahnhof7 min
- 7Walk to train stationLeschede Bahnhof130 m • 2 min
- 8Wait for trainRE15Emden(Ostfriesl) Hbf
- 9Ride to train stationBahnhof Papenburg56 min
- 10Walk toPapenburg2.23 km • 29 min
Public transit directions from Berge(Emsbüren) Frömming to Papenburg
Public transit stations close to Berge(Emsbüren) Frömming
Berge(Emsbüren) Frömming is located at Berge(Emsbüren) Frömming, Papenburg and the nearest public transit station is Berge(Emsbüren) Völkering.
Bus stations close to Berge(Emsbüren) Frömming:
- Berge(Emsbüren) Völkering
Public transit stations close to Papenburg, Papenburg
Papenburg is located at Papenburg, Papenburg and the nearest public transit station is Papenburg Osterkanal/Hermann-Heyen-Straße.
Bus stations close to Papenburg:
- Papenburg Osterkanal/Hermann-Heyen-Straße
- Papenburg Kirchschule
- Papenburg Bbs Berufsschule
Related Routes
- Wolfsburg Autostadt to Papenburg
- Bad Harzburg Schmiedestraße to Papenburg
- Bad Harzburg am Bahnhofsplatz to Papenburg
- Bad Harzburg Stadtmitte to Papenburg
- Wolfenbüttel, Kornmarkt to Papenburg
- Braunschweig, Helenenstraße to Papenburg
- Braunschweig, Staatstheater to Papenburg
- Braunschweig, Schloss to Papenburg
- Braunschweig, Fabrikstraße to Papenburg
- Braunschweig, Messeweg to Papenburg
- Braunschweig, Aschenkamp to Papenburg
- Wolfsburg, Zob to Papenburg
- Wolfenbüttel, Bahnhof to Papenburg
- Bad Harzburg, am Bahnhofsplatz to Papenburg
- Braunschweig, Hamburger Straße to Papenburg
- Wolfsburg, Emmausheim to Papenburg
- Braunschweig, Rathaus to Papenburg
- Braunschweig, Heideblick to Papenburg
- Braunschweig, Querumer Straße to Papenburg
- Braunschweig, Hansestraße Ost to Papenburg
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Berge(Emsbüren) Frömming to Papenburg?
The fastest way takes 113 minutes, using Bus line 822, Bus line 154, Bus line RE15.
Is there a direct bus between Berge(Emsbüren) Frömming and Papenburg?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines and one train line in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 53 min.
Which bus line goes from Berge(Emsbüren) Frömming to Papenburg?
The 822 bus line goes from Leschede Grundschule station near Berge(Emsbüren) Frömming in Emsbüren to Emsbüren Schulzentrum station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line and one train line till Emsbüren Schulzentrum station near Papenburg in Papenburg.
How long does it take to travel from Berge(Emsbüren) Frömming to Papenburg by bus and train?
The total travel time between Berge(Emsbüren) Frömming in Emsbüren and Papenburg in Papenburg by bus and train is about 1 hr 53 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Berge(Emsbüren) Frömming to get to Papenburg?
Get on the 822 bus from the Leschede Grundschule stop near Berge(Emsbüren) Frömming in Emsbüren.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Berge(Emsbüren) Frömming and Papenburg?
Get off the bus at the Emsbüren Schulzentrum station, which is closest to Papenburg in Papenburg.