How to get from Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800) to Parque Rodó by Ómnibus?
From Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800) to Parque Rodó by Ómnibus
To get from Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800) to Parque Rodó in Parque Rodo, take the 14AR Ómnibus from Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800) station to (S) Uruguay & Arenal Grande station. Next, take the 128 Ómnibus from Arenal Grande - Av Uruguay station to Av Gonzalo Ramirez - Dr Joaquin Requena station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 27 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from Ómnibus stationParada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800)
- 2Wait for Ómnibus14ARPando→Montevideo
- 3Ride to Ómnibus station(S) Uruguay & Arenal Grande70 min
- 4Walk to Ómnibus stationArenal Grande - Av Uruguay40 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for Ómnibus128Pocitos
- 6Ride to Ómnibus stationAv Gonzalo Ramirez - Dr Joaquin Requena11 min
- 7Walk toParque RodóJoaquín de Salterain240 m • 4 min
Alternative route from Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800) to Parque Rodó by Ómnibus via 14AR and 199
To get from Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800) to Parque Rodó in Parque Rodo, take the 14AR Ómnibus from Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800) station to (S) Uruguay & Arenal Grande station. Next, take the 199 Ómnibus from Arenal Grande - Av Uruguay station to Av Gonzalo Ramirez - Dr Joaquin Requena station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 28 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from Ómnibus stationParada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800)
- 2Wait for Ómnibus14ARPando→Montevideo
- 3Ride to Ómnibus station(S) Uruguay & Arenal Grande70 min
- 4Walk to Ómnibus stationArenal Grande - Av Uruguay40 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for Ómnibus199Punta Carretas
- 6Ride to Ómnibus stationAv Gonzalo Ramirez - Dr Joaquin Requena11 min
- 7Walk toParque RodóJoaquín de Salterain240 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800) to Parque Rodó
Public transit stations close to Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800)
Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800) is located at Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800), Parque Rodo and the nearest public transit station is Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23.800).
Ómnibus stations close to Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800):
- Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23.800)
- Parada 24 Ruta 8 (Km 23.500)
- Parada 26 Ruta 8 (Km 24.200)
Public transit stations close to Parque Rodó, Parque Rodo
Parque Rodó is located at Joaquín de Salterain, Parque Rodo and the nearest public transit station is Av Gonzalo Ramirez - Juan D Jackson.
Ómnibus stations close to Parque Rodó:
- Av Gonzalo Ramirez - Juan D Jackson
- Canelones Y Dr Joaquin Requena
- Juan D Jackson Y Durazno
Related Routes
- Dm1 Av. Italia & Bolonia (Latu) to Parque Rodó
- Av De Las Instrucciones Y Psje F to Parque Rodó
- Av De Las Instrucciones Y Cno Jose Duran to Parque Rodó
- Cno Manuel M Flores - Cno Vecinal to Parque Rodó
- (S) Galicia & Paraguay to Parque Rodó
- Av. Libertador & Nueva York to Parque Rodó
- Av. Libertador & Venezuela to Parque Rodó
- (S) Plaza 1º De Mayo (Av. De Las Leyes & Dr. Luis P. Lenguas) to Parque Rodó
- Av. Agraciada & García Morales to Parque Rodó
- (S) Paysandú & Paraguay to Parque Rodó
- (S) Paysandú & Ejido to Parque Rodó
- (S) Paysandú & Arenal Grande to Parque Rodó
- (S) Cufré & Dr. Salvador Ferrer Serra to Parque Rodó
- Av. 8 De Octubre & Jaime Cibils to Parque Rodó
- (S) Av. 8 De Octubre & Agustina Contucci to Parque Rodó
- Av. 8 De Octubre & Gobernador Viana to Parque Rodó
- Av. 8 De Octubre & Larravide to Parque Rodó
- Av. 8 De Octubre & Dr. Silvestre Pérez to Parque Rodó
- (S) Corredor Gral. Flores & Ing. José Serrato to Parque Rodó
- (S) Corredor Gral. Flores Y Santiago Sierra to Parque Rodó
Alternative route from Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800) to Parque Rodó by Ómnibus via 14AR and 199
To get from Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800) to Parque Rodó in Parque Rodo, take the 14AR Ómnibus from Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800) station to (S) Uruguay & Arenal Grande station. Next, take the 199 Ómnibus from Arenal Grande - Av Uruguay station to Av Gonzalo Ramirez - Dr Joaquin Requena station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 28 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from Ómnibus stationParada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800)
- 2Wait for Ómnibus14ARPando→Montevideo
- 3Ride to Ómnibus station(S) Uruguay & Arenal Grande70 min
- 4Walk to Ómnibus stationArenal Grande - Av Uruguay40 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for Ómnibus199Punta Carretas
- 6Ride to Ómnibus stationAv Gonzalo Ramirez - Dr Joaquin Requena11 min
- 7Walk toParque RodóJoaquín de Salterain240 m • 4 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800) to Parque Rodó?
The fastest way takes 87 minutes, using Ómnibus line 14AR, Ómnibus line 128.
What is the alternative route to get from Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800) to Parque Rodó?
The alternative route takes 88 minutes, using Ómnibus line 14AR, Ómnibus line 199.
Is there a direct Ómnibus between Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800) and Parque Rodó?
No, you’ll have to take 2 Ómnibus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 27 min.
Which Ómnibus line goes from Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800) to Parque Rodó?
The 14AR Ómnibus line goes from Pando→Montevideo station near Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800) in Montevideo to (S) Uruguay & Arenal Grande station. From there you’ll have to take one Ómnibus line till (S) Uruguay & Arenal Grande station near Parque Rodó in Parque Rodo.
How long does it take to travel from Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800) to Parque Rodó by Ómnibus?
The total travel time between Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800) in Montevideo and Parque Rodó in Parque Rodo by Ómnibus is about 1 hr 27 min.
Where do I get on the Ómnibus near Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800) to get to Parque Rodó?
Get on the 14AR Ómnibus from the Pando→Montevideo stop near Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800) in Montevideo.
Where do I get off the Ómnibus when travelling between Parada 25 Ruta 8 (Km 23,800) and Parque Rodó?
Get off the Ómnibus at the (S) Uruguay & Arenal Grande stop, which is closest to Parque Rodó in Parque Rodo.