How to get from Mg-050 Oeste to Passos by bus?
From Mg-050 Oeste to Passos by bus
Take one direct bus from Mg-050 Oeste to Passos in Centro: take the 08-0214-00 bus from Mg-050 Leste station to Terminal Rodoviário Presidente Tancredo Neves station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 57 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationMg-050 Oeste
- 2Wait for bus08-0214-00Ribeirão Preto ➞ Passos | Mapeada Desde Paraíso
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal Rodoviário Presidente Tancredo NevesID 10037 min
- 4Walk toPassos1.5 km • 20 min
Public transit directions from Mg-050 Oeste to Passos
Public transit stations close to Mg-050 Oeste
Mg-050 Oeste is located at Mg-050 Oeste, Centro and the nearest public transit station is Mg-050 Leste.
Bus stations close to Mg-050 Oeste:
- Mg-050 Leste
- Mg-050 Oeste
Public transit stations close to Passos, Centro
Passos is located at Passos, Centro and the nearest public transit station is Rua Olegário Maciel, 171.
Bus stations close to Passos:
- Rua Olegário Maciel, 171
- Rua Dep. Lourenço De Andrade, 468
- Av. Expedicionários, 203 | Casa Fujiyama
Related Routes
- Av. Brasília, 472 to Passos
- Av. Brasília, 509 to Passos
- Av. Chafariz, 745 to Passos
- Av. Chafariz, 1140 to Passos
- Av. Comend. Francisco Avelino Maia, 4309 to Passos
- Av. N. Sra. Da Penha, 295 to Passos
- Av. Das Nações, 575 to Passos
- Av. Das Nações, 584 to Passos
- Av. Das Nações, 691 to Passos
- Av. Das Nações, 805 to Passos
- Av. Das Nações, 910 to Passos
- Av. Do Museu, 166 to Passos
- Av. Do Museu, 177 to Passos
- Av. Dª. Liquinha Da Silveira, 1126 to Passos
- Av. Dª. Liquinha Da Silveira, 1300 to Passos
- Av. Dª. Liquinha Da Silveira, 1301 to Passos
- Av. Dª. Liquinha Da Silveira, 1490 to Passos
- Av. Dª. Liquinha Da Silveira, 1511 to Passos
- Av. Dª. Liquinha Da Silveira, 1820 to Passos
- Av. Dª. Liquinha Da Silveira, 1823 to Passos
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Mg-050 Oeste to Passos?
The fastest way takes 57 minutes, using Bus line 08-0214-00.
Is there a direct bus between Mg-050 Oeste and Passos?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Mg-050 Oeste in São Sebastião Do Paraíso to Passos in Centro in 57 min.
Which bus line goes from Mg-050 Oeste to Passos?
The 08-0214-00 bus line goes from Ribeirão Preto ➞ Passos | Mapeada Desde Paraíso station near Mg-050 Oeste in São Sebastião Do Paraíso to Terminal Rodoviário Presidente Tancredo Neves station near Passos in Centro.
How long does it take to travel from Mg-050 Oeste to Passos by bus?
The total travel time between Mg-050 Oeste in São Sebastião Do Paraíso and Passos in Centro by bus is about 57 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Mg-050 Oeste to get to Passos?
Get on the 08-0214-00 bus from the Ribeirão Preto ➞ Passos | Mapeada Desde Paraíso stop near Mg-050 Oeste in São Sebastião Do Paraíso.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Mg-050 Oeste and Passos?
Get off the bus at the Terminal Rodoviário Presidente Tancredo Neves stop, which is closest to Passos in Centro.
When is the first bus from Mg-050 Oeste to Passos?
The first bus from Mg-050 Oeste in São Sebastião Do Paraíso to Passos in Centro is Ribeirão Preto/Passos (mapeada desde São Sebastião do Paraíso). It leaves the Mg-050 Leste stop at 5:33 AM.