How to get from Abreu E Lima to Paudalho by bus?
From Abreu E Lima to Paudalho by bus
To get from Abreu E Lima to Paudalho in Recife Region, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 1964 TI IGARASSU / TI MACAXEIRA bus from Br-101, 276 | Abreu Comércio De Material - Pista Central station to Terminal Integrado Macaxeira station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 2490 TI CAMARAGIBE / TI MACAXEIRA bus and finally take the 2467 CHÃ DE CRUZ / TI CAMARAGIBE bus from Av. Dr. Belmino Correia, 766 | Centro De Camaragibe station to Estrada De Aldeia, S/N station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 47 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAbreu E Lima
- 2Wait for bus1964 TI IGARASSU / TI MACAXEIRATi Igarassu / Ti Macaxeira
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal Integrado Macaxeira44 min
- 4Wait for bus2490 TI CAMARAGIBE / TI MACAXEIRATi Camaragibe / Ti Macaxeira
- 5Ride to bus stationBrt - Estação Frei Caneca6 min
- 6Walk to bus stationAv. Dr. Belmino Correia, 766 | Centro De CamaragibeID 09011180 m • 2 min
- 7Wait for bus2467 CHÃ DE CRUZ / TI CAMARAGIBEChã de Cruz
- 8Ride to bus stationEstrada De Aldeia, S/NID 09033738 min
- 9Walk toPaudalho70 m • 1 min
Public transit directions from Abreu E Lima to Paudalho
Public transit stations close to Abreu E Lima
Abreu E Lima is located at Abreu E Lima, Recife Region and the nearest public transit station is Br-101, 275 | Abreu Comércio De Material - Pista Central.
Bus stations close to Abreu E Lima:
- Br-101, 275 | Abreu Comércio De Material - Pista Central
- Br-101, 181 | Cepep - Pista Central
- Br-101, 184 | Cepep - Pista Central
Public transit stations close to Paudalho, Recife Region
Paudalho is located at Paudalho, Recife Region and the nearest public transit station is Estrada De Aldeia, S/N.
Bus stations close to Paudalho:
- Estrada De Aldeia, S/N
- Estrada De Aldeia, 13777 | Condomínio Green Garden
- Pe-027, 20 | Clube De Campo Dos Bancários
Related Routes
- Escada to Paudalho
- Ilha Do Retiro to Paudalho
- Arruda to Paudalho
- Barro to Paudalho
- Caxangá to Paudalho
- Chã De Alegria to Paudalho
- Moreno to Paudalho
- Mustardinha to Paudalho
- Olinda to Paudalho
- Ponta De Pedras to Paudalho
- Metrorec - Estação Santa Luzia to Paudalho
- Metrorec - Estação Rodoviária (Tip) to Paudalho
- Terminal Integrado Igarassu to Paudalho
- Abreu E Lima to Cordeiro
- Abreu E Lima to Água Fria
- Abreu E Lima to Ilha Do Retiro
- Abreu E Lima to Aflitos
- Abreu E Lima to Areias
- Abreu E Lima to Arruda
- Abreu E Lima to Boa Vista
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Abreu E Lima to Paudalho?
The fastest way takes 107 minutes, using Bus line 1964 TI IGARASSU / TI MACAXEIRA, Bus line 2490 TI CAMARAGIBE / TI MACAXEIRA, Bus line 2467 CHÃ DE CRUZ / TI CAMARAGIBE.
Is there a direct bus between Abreu E Lima and Paudalho in Recife Region?
No, you’ll have to take 3 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 47 min.
Which bus line goes from Abreu E Lima to Paudalho in Recife Region?
The 1964 TI IGARASSU / TI MACAXEIRA bus line goes from Ti Igarassu / Ti Macaxeira station near Abreu E Lima to Terminal Integrado Macaxeira station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Terminal Integrado Macaxeira station near Paudalho in Recife Region
How long does it take to travel from Abreu E Lima to Paudalho in Recife Region by bus?
The total travel time between Abreu E Lima and Paudalho in Recife Region by bus is about 1 hr 47 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Abreu E Lima to get to Paudalho in Recife Region?
Get on the 1964 TI IGARASSU / TI MACAXEIRA bus from the Ti Igarassu / Ti Macaxeira stop near Abreu E Lima in Recife Region.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Abreu E Lima and Paudalho in Recife Region?
Get off the bus at the Terminal Integrado Macaxeira stop, which is closest to Paudalho in Recife Region.