How to get from Av Roma - Tarragona to Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor by bus and metro?
From Av Roma - Tarragona to Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor by bus and metro
To get from Av Roma - Tarragona to Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor in Palau-Solità I Plegamans, take the L5 metro from Sants Estació station to La Sagrera station. Next, take the 201 bus from Av. Meridiana - Hondures station to Av. Catalunya - Can Cortès station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 59 min. The ride fare is €6.20.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to metro stationSants EstacióID 319 | 518180 m • 3 min
- 2Wait for metroL5Vall D'Hebron
- 3Ride to metro stationLa SagreraID 133 | 526 | 930 | 7880614 min
- 4Wait for bus201Estació D'Autobusos De Caldes De Montbui
- 5Ride to bus stationAv. Catalunya - Can CortèsID 228230 min
- 6Walk toPavelló D'Esports Maria VictorPasseig de la Carrerada450 m • 6 min
From Av Roma - Tarragona to Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor by bus
To get from Av Roma - Tarragona to Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor in Palau-Solità I Plegamans, take the H10 bus from Av Roma - Tarragona station to València-Muntanya station. Next, take the 201 bus from Meridiana - València station to Av. Catalunya - Can Cortès station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 14 min. The ride fare is €6.20.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAv Roma - Tarragona
- 2Wait for busH10Olímpic De Badalona
- 3Ride to bus stationValència-MuntanyaID 33724 min
- 4Walk to bus stationMeridiana - ValènciaID 1489100 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus201Estació D'Autobusos De Caldes De Montbui
- 6Ride to bus stationAv. Catalunya - Can CortèsID 228234 min
- 7Walk toPavelló D'Esports Maria VictorPasseig de la Carrerada450 m • 6 min
Public transit directions from Av Roma - Tarragona to Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor
Public transit stations close to Av Roma - Tarragona
Av Roma - Tarragona is located at Av Roma - Tarragona, Palau-Solità I Plegamans and the nearest public transit station is Tarragona - Mallorca.
Metro stations close to Av Roma - Tarragona:
- Tarragona
- Entença
- Sants Estació
Train stations close to Av Roma - Tarragona:
- Barcelona - Sants
Bus stations close to Av Roma - Tarragona:
- Tarragona - Mallorca
- Josep Tarradellas - Numància
- Numància-Av. Roma
Public transit stations close to Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor, Palau-Solità I Plegamans
Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor is located at Passeig de la Carrerada, Palau-Solità I Plegamans and the nearest public transit station is Rbla. Del Mestre Pere Pou - Can Cortès.
Bus stations close to Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor:
- Rbla. Del Mestre Pere Pou - Can Cortès
- Av. Catalunya - Can Cortès
- Folch I Torres - Escola Marinada
Related Routes
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From Av Roma - Tarragona to Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor by bus
To get from Av Roma - Tarragona to Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor in Palau-Solità I Plegamans, take the H10 bus from Av Roma - Tarragona station to València-Muntanya station. Next, take the 201 bus from Meridiana - València station to Av. Catalunya - Can Cortès station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 14 min. The ride fare is €6.20.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAv Roma - Tarragona
- 2Wait for busH10Olímpic De Badalona
- 3Ride to bus stationValència-MuntanyaID 33724 min
- 4Walk to bus stationMeridiana - ValènciaID 1489100 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus201Estació D'Autobusos De Caldes De Montbui
- 6Ride to bus stationAv. Catalunya - Can CortèsID 228234 min
- 7Walk toPavelló D'Esports Maria VictorPasseig de la Carrerada450 m • 6 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Av Roma - Tarragona to Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor?
The fastest way takes 59 minutes, using Bus line L5, Bus line 201.
What is the alternative route to get from Av Roma - Tarragona to Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor?
The alternative route takes 74 minutes, using Bus line H10, Bus line 201.
Is there a direct metro between Av Roma - Tarragona and Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor?
No, you’ll have to take one metro line and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 59 min.
Which metro line goes from Av Roma - Tarragona to Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor?
The L5 metro line goes from Sants Estació station near Av Roma - Tarragona in Barcelona to Vall D'Hebron station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Vall D'Hebron station near Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor in Palau-Solità I Plegamans.
How long does it take to travel from Av Roma - Tarragona to Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor by metro and bus?
The total travel time between Av Roma - Tarragona in Barcelona and Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor in Palau-Solità I Plegamans by metro and bus is about 59 min.
Where do I get on the metro near Av Roma - Tarragona to get to Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor?
Get on the L5 metro from the Sants Estació station near Av Roma - Tarragona in Barcelona.
Where do I get off the metro when travelling between Av Roma - Tarragona and Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor?
Get off the metro at the Vall D'Hebron stop, which is closest to Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor in Palau-Solità I Plegamans.
How much is the metro fare from Av Roma - Tarragona to Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor?
The ride from Av Roma - Tarragona to Pavelló D'Esports Maria Victor costs €6.20.