How to get from Dobbs Ferry to Peekskill, NY by train?
From Dobbs Ferry to Peekskill, NY by train
To get from Dobbs Ferry to Peekskill, NY in Peekskill, Ny, take the HUDSON train from Dobbs Ferry station to Tarrytown station. Next, take the HUDSON train from Tarrytown station to Peekskill station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 7 min. The ride fare is $3.25.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationDobbs Ferry
- 2Wait for trainHUDSON8707#| Croton-Harmon
- 3Ride to train stationTarrytown8 min
- 4Wait for trainHUDSON8807#| Poughkeepsie
- 5Ride to train stationPeekskill27 min
- 6Walk toPeekskill, NY0.82 mi • 17 min
Public transit directions from Dobbs Ferry to Peekskill, NY
Public transit stations close to Dobbs Ferry
Dobbs Ferry is located at Dobbs Ferry, Peekskill, Ny and the nearest public transit station is Dobbs Ferry Rr Station.
Train stations close to Dobbs Ferry:
- Greystone
- Ardsley-On-Hudson
- Hastings - On- Hudson
Bus stations close to Dobbs Ferry:
- Dobbs Ferry Rr Station
- Livingston Ave @ Walnut St
- Main St @ Chestnut St
Public transit stations close to Peekskill, NY, Peekskill, Ny
Peekskill, NY is located at Peekskill, NY, Peekskill, Ny and the nearest public transit station is Nelson Ave @ Main St.
Train stations close to Peekskill, NY:
- Peekskill
Bus stations close to Peekskill, NY:
- Nelson Ave @ Main St
- South St @ Union Ave
- Central Ave @ S Division St
Related Routes
- Fordham Rd to Peekskill, NY
- 161 St-Yankee Stadium to Peekskill, NY
- Northern Blvd to Peekskill, NY
- Morgan Av to Peekskill, NY
- Times Sq-42 St to Peekskill, NY
- 231 St to Peekskill, NY
- 14 St to Peekskill, NY
- Wakefield-241 St to Peekskill, NY
- 233 St to Peekskill, NY
- 225 St to Peekskill, NY
- Franklin Av-Medgar Evers College to Peekskill, NY
- 167 St to Peekskill, NY
- 68 St-Hunter College to Peekskill, NY
- Freeport to Peekskill, NY
- Farmingdale to Peekskill, NY
- Rosedale to Peekskill, NY
- Bedford Hills to Peekskill, NY
- Bridgeport to Peekskill, NY
- Wassaic to Peekskill, NY
- Manitou to Peekskill, NY
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Dobbs Ferry to Peekskill, NY?
The fastest way takes 67 minutes, using Bus line HUDSON, Bus line HUDSON.
Is there a direct train between Dobbs Ferry and Peekskill, NY?
No, you’ll have to take 2 train lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 7 min.
Which train line goes from Dobbs Ferry to Peekskill, NY?
The HUDSON train line goes from 8707#| Croton-Harmon station near Dobbs Ferry in Dobbs Ferry, Ny to Tarrytown station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till Tarrytown station near Peekskill, NY in Peekskill, Ny.
How long does it take to travel from Dobbs Ferry to Peekskill, NY by train?
The total travel time between Dobbs Ferry in Dobbs Ferry, Ny and Peekskill, NY in Peekskill, Ny by train is about 1 hr 7 min.
Where do I get on the train near Dobbs Ferry to get to Peekskill, NY?
Get on the HUDSON train from the 8707#| Croton-Harmon station near Dobbs Ferry in Dobbs Ferry, Ny.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Dobbs Ferry and Peekskill, NY?
Get off the train at the Tarrytown station, which is closest to Peekskill, NY in Peekskill, Ny.
When is the first train from Dobbs Ferry to Peekskill, NY?
The first train from Dobbs Ferry in Dobbs Ferry, Ny to Peekskill, NY in Peekskill, Ny is Hudson. It leaves the Dobbs Ferry station at 7:28 PM.
How much is the train fare from Dobbs Ferry to Peekskill, NY?
The ride from Dobbs Ferry to Peekskill, NY costs $3.25.