How to get from Roma Palazzo Ganci to Pensionato San Saverio by bus?
From Roma Palazzo Ganci to Pensionato San Saverio by bus
Take one direct bus from Roma Palazzo Ganci to Pensionato San Saverio in Palermo: take the NAV bus from Garibaldi station to Tukory - Arcoleo station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 10 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationGaribaldiID 2219270 m • 4 min
- 2Wait for busNAVNavetta Centro Storico
- 3Ride to bus stationTukory - ArcoleoID 22234 min
- 4Walk toPensionato San SaverioVia Albergheria190 m • 3 min
Public transit directions from Roma Palazzo Ganci to Pensionato San Saverio
Public transit stations close to Roma Palazzo Ganci
Roma Palazzo Ganci is located at Roma Palazzo Ganci, Palermo and the nearest public transit station is Garibaldi.
Train stations close to Roma Palazzo Ganci:
- Palermo Centrale
Bus stations close to Roma Palazzo Ganci:
- Garibaldi
- Roma Palazzo Ganci
- Alloro Cocchieri
Public transit stations close to Pensionato San Saverio, Palermo
Pensionato San Saverio is located at Via Albergheria, Palermo and the nearest public transit station is Benedettini.
Train stations close to Pensionato San Saverio:
- Palazzo Reale-Orleans
- Palermo Centrale
- Vespri
Bus stations close to Pensionato San Saverio:
- Benedettini
- Tukory - Arcoleo
- Palermo Università
Related Routes
- Contrada Timpone to Pensionato San Saverio
- Roma Belmonte to Pensionato San Saverio
- Roma Bandiera to Pensionato San Saverio
- Papireto - Piazza Del Noviziato to Pensionato San Saverio
- Parcheggio Basile Corsia Esterna to Pensionato San Saverio
- Parcheggio Degli Emiri to Pensionato San Saverio
- Parcheggio Basile Corsia Interna to Pensionato San Saverio
- Stadio to Pensionato San Saverio
- Roma - FS to Pensionato San Saverio
- Roma - Fiume to Pensionato San Saverio
- Roma - Palazzo Ganci to Pensionato San Saverio
- Stazione Centrale Ardizzone to Pensionato San Saverio
- Roma Stabile to Pensionato San Saverio
- Roma - Vucciria to Pensionato San Saverio
- Cristoforo Colombo De Vega to Pensionato San Saverio
- Fante Inail to Pensionato San Saverio
- Villagrazia Eraclea Minoa to Pensionato San Saverio
- Villagrazia S Filippo to Pensionato San Saverio
- La Malfa Ripartizione Annona to Pensionato San Saverio
- Fante Piscina Comunale to Pensionato San Saverio
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Roma Palazzo Ganci to Pensionato San Saverio?
The fastest way takes 10 minutes, using Bus line NAV.
Is there a direct bus between Roma Palazzo Ganci and Pensionato San Saverio in Palermo?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Roma Palazzo Ganci to Pensionato San Saverio in Palermo in 10 min.
Which bus line goes from Roma Palazzo Ganci to Pensionato San Saverio in Palermo?
The NAV bus line goes from Garibaldi station near Roma Palazzo Ganci to Navetta Centro Storico station near Pensionato San Saverio in Palermo.
How long does it take to travel from Roma Palazzo Ganci to Pensionato San Saverio in Palermo by bus?
The total travel time between Roma Palazzo Ganci and Pensionato San Saverio in Palermo by bus is about 10 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Roma Palazzo Ganci to get to Pensionato San Saverio in Palermo?
Get on the NAV bus from the Garibaldi stop near Roma Palazzo Ganci in Palermo.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Roma Palazzo Ganci and Pensionato San Saverio in Palermo?
Get off the bus at the Navetta Centro Storico stop, which is closest to Pensionato San Saverio in Palermo.