How to get from Agudos Do Sul to Piên by bus?
From Agudos Do Sul to Piên by bus
Take one direct bus from Agudos Do Sul to Piên in Curitiba Region: take the I21 PIÊN / FAZENDA RIO GRANDE (VIA AGUDOS DO SUL) bus from Rodovia Pr-419, 3469 station to Terminal Rodoviário De Piên station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 29 min. The ride fare is R$6.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationRodovia Pr-419, 346980 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for busI21 PIÊN / FAZENDA RIO GRANDE (VIA AGUDOS DO SUL)Fazenda Rio Grande → Piên
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal Rodoviário De Piên27 min
Public transit directions from Agudos Do Sul to Piên
Public transit stations close to Agudos Do Sul
Agudos Do Sul is located at Agudos Do Sul, Curitiba Region and the nearest public transit station is Rodovia Pr-419, 3453.
Bus stations close to Agudos Do Sul:
- Rodovia Pr-419, 3453
- Rodovia Pr-419, 3469
- Rodovia Pr-419, 89
Public transit stations close to Piên, Curitiba Region
Piên is located at Piên, Curitiba Region and the nearest public transit station is Terminal Rodoviário De Piên.
Bus stations close to Piên:
- Terminal Rodoviário De Piên
Related Routes
- Ahu to Piên
- Alto Boqueirão to Piên
- Alto Da Glória to Piên
- Alto Da Rua XV to Piên
- Atuba to Piên
- Augusta to Piên
- Abranches to Piên
- Bacacheri to Piên
- Bairro Alto to Piên
- Barreirinha to Piên
- Batel to Piên
- Bigorrilho to Piên
- Boa Vista to Piên
- Bom Retiro to Piên
- Boqueirão to Piên
- Butiatuvinha to Piên
- Cabral to Piên
- Cachoeira to Piên
- Cajuru to Piên
- Campina Do Siqueira to Piên
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Agudos Do Sul to Piên?
The fastest way takes 29 minutes, using Bus line I21 PIÊN / FAZENDA RIO GRANDE (VIA AGUDOS DO SUL).
Is there a direct bus between Agudos Do Sul and Piên in Curitiba Region?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Agudos Do Sul to Piên in Curitiba Region in 29 min.
Which bus line goes from Agudos Do Sul to Piên in Curitiba Region?
The I21 PIÊN / FAZENDA RIO GRANDE (VIA AGUDOS DO SUL) bus line goes from Rodovia Pr-419, 3469 station near Agudos Do Sul to Fazenda Rio Grande → Piên station near Piên in Curitiba Region.
How long does it take to travel from Agudos Do Sul to Piên in Curitiba Region by bus?
The total travel time between Agudos Do Sul and Piên in Curitiba Region by bus is about 29 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Agudos Do Sul to get to Piên in Curitiba Region?
Get on the I21 PIÊN / FAZENDA RIO GRANDE (VIA AGUDOS DO SUL) bus from the Rodovia Pr-419, 3469 stop near Agudos Do Sul in Curitiba Region.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Agudos Do Sul and Piên in Curitiba Region?
Get off the bus at the Fazenda Rio Grande → Piên stop, which is closest to Piên in Curitiba Region.
When is the last bus from Agudos Do Sul to Piên in Curitiba Region?
The last bus from Agudos Do Sul to Piên in Curitiba Region is the PIÊN / FAZENDA RIO GRANDE (via AGUDOS DO SUL) line. It leaves the Rodovia Pr-419, 3469 stop at 4:58 PM.
How much is the bus fare from Agudos Do Sul to Piên?
The ride from Agudos Do Sul to Piên costs R$6.00.