How to get from Transformator to Piatra Neamţ by bus?
From Transformator to Piatra Neamţ by bus
Take one direct bus from Transformator to Piatra Neamţ in Piatra-Neamt: take the M8 bus from Transformator station to Restaurant Căprioara station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 55 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationTransformator
- 2Wait for busM8Văleni → P-ța Centrală→ Bloc Turn→ Gară → Carrefour
- 3Ride to bus stationRestaurant Căprioara11 min
- 4Walk toPiatra Neamţ3.42 km • 43 min
Public transit directions from Transformator to Piatra Neamţ
Public transit stations close to Transformator
Transformator is located at Transformator, Piatra-Neamt and the nearest public transit station is Biserica Văleni.
Bus stations close to Transformator:
- Biserica Văleni
- Alimentară
Gondola stations close to Transformator:
- Telegondolă Gară
Public transit stations close to Piatra Neamţ, Piatra-Neamt
Piatra Neamţ is located at Piatra Neamţ, Piatra-Neamt and the nearest public transit station is Canton.
Bus stations close to Piatra Neamţ:
- Canton
- Bâtca Doamnei
- Popas Pârâul Rece
Gondola stations close to Piatra Neamţ:
- Telegondolă Cozla
- Telegondolă Gară
Related Routes
- Sarata 2 to Piatra Neamţ
- Sarata 1 to Piatra Neamţ
- Ita to Piatra Neamţ
- Carrefour to Piatra Neamţ
- Biserica Nouă to Piatra Neamţ
- Școala Nr. 4 to Piatra Neamţ
- Petrodava to Piatra Neamţ
- Ovidius to Piatra Neamţ
- Bloc Turn to Piatra Neamţ
- Vaduri Biserică to Piatra Neamţ
- Bariera Cfr to Piatra Neamţ
- Primăria Alexandru Cel Bun to Piatra Neamţ
- Plopușor to Piatra Neamţ
- Ursuleți to Piatra Neamţ
- Gara to Piatra Neamţ
- Piața Centrală to Piatra Neamţ
- Bisericani to Piatra Neamţ
- Scăricica to Piatra Neamţ
- Mănăstirea Bistrița to Piatra Neamţ
- Magazin Bistrița to Piatra Neamţ
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Transformator to Piatra Neamţ?
The fastest way takes 55 minutes, using Bus line M8.
Is there a direct bus between Transformator and Piatra Neamţ?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Transformator in Piatra Neamt to Piatra Neamţ in Piatra-Neamt in 55 min.
Which bus line goes from Transformator to Piatra Neamţ?
The M8 bus line goes from Văleni → P-ța Centrală→ Bloc Turn→ Gară → Carrefour station near Transformator in Piatra Neamt to Restaurant Căprioara station near Piatra Neamţ in Piatra-Neamt.
How long does it take to travel from Transformator to Piatra Neamţ by bus?
The total travel time between Transformator in Piatra Neamt and Piatra Neamţ in Piatra-Neamt by bus is about 55 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Transformator to get to Piatra Neamţ?
Get on the M8 bus from the Văleni → P-ța Centrală→ Bloc Turn→ Gară → Carrefour stop near Transformator in Piatra Neamt.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Transformator and Piatra Neamţ?
Get off the bus at the Restaurant Căprioara stop, which is closest to Piatra Neamţ in Piatra-Neamt.
When is the last bus from Transformator to Piatra Neamţ?
The last bus from Transformator in Piatra Neamt to Piatra Neamţ in Piatra-Neamt is the Văleni ⇆ Carrefour line. It leaves the Transformator stop at 11:50 PM.