How to get from Roccasecca to Piedimonte San Germano by train?
From Roccasecca to Piedimonte San Germano by train
Take one direct train from Roccasecca to Piedimonte San Germano in Rome and Lazio: take the FL6 train from Roccasecca station to Piedemonte - Villa S.L. - Aquino station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 9 min. The ride fare is €1.10.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationRoccasecca
- 2Wait for trainFL6Cassino
- 3Ride to train stationPiedemonte - Villa S.L. - Aquino6 min
Public transit directions from Roccasecca to Piedimonte San Germano
Public transit stations close to Roccasecca
Roccasecca is located at Roccasecca, Rome and Lazio and the nearest public transit station is Roccasecca FS (Via Volturno, Altezza Uscita Sottopasso Stazione Fs).
Bus stations close to Roccasecca:
- Roccasecca FS (Via Volturno, Altezza Uscita Sottopasso Stazione Fs)
- Roccasecca | Melfa
Public transit stations close to Piedimonte San Germano, Rome and Lazio
Piedimonte San Germano is located at Piedimonte San Germano, Rome and Lazio and the nearest public transit station is Piedimonte - Villa Santa Lucia - Aquino FS.
Train stations close to Piedimonte San Germano:
- Piedemonte - Villa S.L. - Aquino
Bus stations close to Piedimonte San Germano:
- Piedimonte - Villa Santa Lucia - Aquino FS
- Piedimonte | Stazione FS
- Piedimonte San Germano Staz. FS
Related Routes
- Fiumicino to Piedimonte San Germano
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- Gallicano Nel Lazio to Piedimonte San Germano
- Anagni to Piedimonte San Germano
- Cassino to Piedimonte San Germano
- Arpino to Piedimonte San Germano
- Castelliri to Piedimonte San Germano
- Guidonia Montecelio to Piedimonte San Germano
- Piglio to Piedimonte San Germano
- Pofi to Piedimonte San Germano
- Pastena to Piedimonte San Germano
- Blera to Piedimonte San Germano
- Boville Ernica to Piedimonte San Germano
- Bracciano to Piedimonte San Germano
- Campoli Appennino to Piedimonte San Germano
- Minturno to Piedimonte San Germano
- Picinisco to Piedimonte San Germano
- Monte San Biagio to Piedimonte San Germano
- Alatri to Piedimonte San Germano
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Roccasecca to Piedimonte San Germano?
The fastest way takes 9 minutes, using Bus line FL6.
Is there a direct train between Roccasecca and Piedimonte San Germano in Rome and Lazio?
Yes, there is a direct train going from Roccasecca to Piedimonte San Germano in Rome and Lazio in 9 min.
Which train line goes from Roccasecca to Piedimonte San Germano in Rome and Lazio?
The FL6 train line goes from Cassino station near Roccasecca to Piedemonte - Villa S.L. - Aquino station near Piedimonte San Germano in Rome and Lazio.
How long does it take to travel from Roccasecca to Piedimonte San Germano in Rome and Lazio by train?
The total travel time between Roccasecca and Piedimonte San Germano in Rome and Lazio by train is about 9 min.
Where do I get on the train near Roccasecca to get to Piedimonte San Germano in Rome and Lazio?
Get on the FL6 train from the Cassino station near Roccasecca in Rome and Lazio.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Roccasecca and Piedimonte San Germano in Rome and Lazio?
Get off the train at the Piedemonte - Villa S.L. - Aquino station, which is closest to Piedimonte San Germano in Rome and Lazio.
When is the last bus from Roccasecca to Piedimonte San Germano in Rome and Lazio?
The last bus from Roccasecca to Piedimonte San Germano in Rome and Lazio is the Corse sostitutive FL6 line. It leaves the Roccasecca | Stazione FS stop at 1:50 AM.
When is the first train from Roccasecca to Piedimonte San Germano in Rome and Lazio?
The first train from Roccasecca to Piedimonte San Germano in Rome and Lazio is Roma Termini - Frosinone - Cassino. It leaves the Roccasecca station at 8:22 AM.
How much is the train fare from Roccasecca to Piedimonte San Germano?
The ride from Roccasecca to Piedimonte San Germano costs €1.10.