How to get from 平煤总医院 to Pingdingshan by bus?
From 平煤总医院 to Pingdingshan by bus
Take one direct bus from 平煤总医院 to Pingdingshan in 新华区: take the 4路 bus from 平煤总医院 station to 绢纺厂 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 10 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus station平煤总医院30 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus4路曹镇
- 3Ride to bus station绢纺厂5 min
- 4Walk toPingdingshan290 m • 4 min
Alternative route from 平煤总医院 to Pingdingshan by bus via 1路
Take one direct bus from 平煤总医院 to Pingdingshan in 新华区: take the 1路 bus from 平煤总医院 station to 绢纺厂 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 10 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus station平煤总医院30 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus1路火车站
- 3Ride to bus station绢纺厂5 min
- 4Walk toPingdingshan290 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from 平煤总医院 to Pingdingshan
Public transit stations close to 平煤总医院
平煤总医院 is located at 平煤总医院, 新华区 and the nearest public transit station is 平煤总医院.
Bus stations close to 平煤总医院:
- 平煤总医院
- 体矿路口
- 联盟路口
Public transit stations close to Pingdingshan, 新华区
Pingdingshan is located at Pingdingshan, 新华区 and the nearest public transit station is 平声影剧院.
Bus stations close to Pingdingshan:
- 平声影剧院
- 建开路口
- 体建路口
Related Routes
- 火车站 to Pingdingshan
- 客运中心站 to Pingdingshan
- 中原银行 to Pingdingshan
- 市中医院 to Pingdingshan
- 平煤总医院 to Pingdingshan
- 建设街 to Pingdingshan
- 西体育场 to Pingdingshan
- 陶瓷厂 to Pingdingshan
- 团结路 to Pingdingshan
- 西市场(金山广场) to Pingdingshan
- 平煤三矿 to Pingdingshan
- 四矿口 to Pingdingshan
- 义乌国际商贸城 to Pingdingshan
- 陆顺建材城 to Pingdingshan
- 天成水果综合市场(西环路口) to Pingdingshan
- 泰赢花卉市场 to Pingdingshan
- 市车管一所 to Pingdingshan
- 先锋矿 to Pingdingshan
- 余家村路口 to Pingdingshan
- 公交驾校 to Pingdingshan
Alternative route from 平煤总医院 to Pingdingshan by bus via 1路
Take one direct bus from 平煤总医院 to Pingdingshan in 新华区: take the 1路 bus from 平煤总医院 station to 绢纺厂 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 10 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus station平煤总医院30 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus1路火车站
- 3Ride to bus station绢纺厂5 min
- 4Walk toPingdingshan290 m • 4 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from 平煤总医院 to Pingdingshan?
The fastest way takes 10 minutes, using Bus line 4路.
What is the alternative route to get from 平煤总医院 to Pingdingshan?
The alternative route takes 10 minutes, using Bus line 1路.
Is there a direct bus between 平煤总医院 and Pingdingshan in 新华区?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from 平煤总医院 to Pingdingshan in 新华区 in 10 min.
Which bus line goes from 平煤总医院 to Pingdingshan in 新华区?
The 4路 bus line goes from 平煤总医院 station near 平煤总医院 to 曹镇 station near Pingdingshan in 新华区.
How long does it take to travel from 平煤总医院 to Pingdingshan in 新华区 by bus?
The total travel time between 平煤总医院 and Pingdingshan in 新华区 by bus is about 10 min.
Where do I get on the bus near 平煤总医院 to get to Pingdingshan in 新华区?
Get on the 4路 bus from the 平煤总医院 stop near 平煤总医院 in 新华区.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between 平煤总医院 and Pingdingshan in 新华区?
Get off the bus at the 曹镇 stop, which is closest to Pingdingshan in 新华区.
When is the first bus from 平煤总医院 to Pingdingshan in 新华区?
The first bus from 平煤总医院 to Pingdingshan in 新华区 is 温度啦福酒店-沙岛. It leaves the 平煤总医院 stop at 4:02 PM.