How to get from Opp Pangsapuri Meranti to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai by bus?
From Opp Pangsapuri Meranti to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai by bus
Take one direct bus from Opp Pangsapuri Meranti to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai in Kulaijaya: take the P211 bus from Aeon Taman U (0004197) station to Enter Utm (Pintu Gerbang) (0008001) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 15 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAeon Taman U (0004197)720 m • 10 min
- 2Wait for busP211P211 Larkin Sentral
- 3Ride to bus stationEnter Utm (Pintu Gerbang) (0008001)4 min
- 4Walk toPintu Gerbang Utm Skudai2nd (Door)60 m • 1 min
Public transit directions from Opp Pangsapuri Meranti to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai
Public transit stations close to Opp Pangsapuri Meranti
Opp Pangsapuri Meranti is located at Opp Pangsapuri Meranti, Kulaijaya and the nearest public transit station is U Mall.
Bus stations close to Opp Pangsapuri Meranti:
- U Mall
- Terminal Taman U (0004199)
- Aeon Jusco
Public transit stations close to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai, Kulaijaya
Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai is located at 2nd (Door), Kulaijaya and the nearest public transit station is S38 & S40, Kolej Tunku Canselor, Utm.
Bus stations close to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai:
- S38 & S40, Kolej Tunku Canselor, Utm
- Opp. Fakulti Kejuteraan Elektrik (Jalan Kempas 1)
- Fakulti Kejuteraan Elektrik, Jalan Kempas 1 (No Bus Stand)
Related Routes
- Shell Bakawali to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai
- Hospital Sultanah Aminah (0004171) to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai
- Persiaran Medini 01 (0005505) to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai
- Shell Kiosk Taman Sri Putri to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai
- Opp Aeon Taman U (0004354) to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai
- Taman Pulai Flora to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai
- Opp Petronas Nusa Perintis to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai
- Danga Bay to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai
- Skudai Parade to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai
- Opp Pelangi Leisure Mall to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai
- Opp Tm Point Taman Sentosa to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai
- Ciq Johor Bahru to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai
- Hentian Setia Indah to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai
- Bus Stop Sk Kangkar Tebrau to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai
- Bus Stop Opp Shell Jalan Daya to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai
- Persiaran Indah (1) to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai
- Hutan Bandar Mbip to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai
- Terminal Taman Ungku Tun Aminah to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai
- Opp Pusat Majodi to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai
- Opp Klinik Desa Kempas to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Opp Pangsapuri Meranti to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai?
The fastest way takes 15 minutes, using Bus line P211.
Is there a direct bus between Opp Pangsapuri Meranti and Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Opp Pangsapuri Meranti in Johor Baharu to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai in Kulaijaya in 15 min.
Which bus line goes from Opp Pangsapuri Meranti to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai?
The P211 bus line goes from Aeon Taman U (0004197) station near Opp Pangsapuri Meranti in Johor Baharu to P211 Larkin Sentral station near Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai in Kulaijaya.
How long does it take to travel from Opp Pangsapuri Meranti to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai by bus?
The total travel time between Opp Pangsapuri Meranti in Johor Baharu and Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai in Kulaijaya by bus is about 15 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Opp Pangsapuri Meranti to get to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai?
Get on the P211 bus from the Aeon Taman U (0004197) stop near Opp Pangsapuri Meranti in Johor Baharu.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Opp Pangsapuri Meranti and Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai?
Get off the bus at the P211 Larkin Sentral stop, which is closest to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai in Kulaijaya.
When is the first bus from Opp Pangsapuri Meranti to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai?
The first bus from Opp Pangsapuri Meranti in Johor Baharu to Pintu Gerbang Utm Skudai in Kulaijaya is Larkin Sentral ↔ Terminal Taman U. It leaves the Aeon Taman U (0004197) stop at 4:11 PM.