How to get from San Dona' Pasqualigo to Piombino Dese by bus and train?
From San Dona' Pasqualigo to Piombino Dese by bus and train
To get from San Dona' Pasqualigo to Piombino Dese in Piombino Dese, take the 2 bus from San Dona' Val Gardena station to Stazione Mestre FS C3 station. Next, take the R train from Venezia Mestre station to Piombino-Dese station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 57 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationSan Dona' Val GardenaID 6017310 m • 4 min
- 2Wait for bus2Venezia
- 3Ride to bus stationStazione Mestre FS C3ID 16411 min
- 4Walk to train stationVenezia Mestre20 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for trainRBassano Del Grappa
- 6Ride to train stationPiombino-Dese34 min
- 7Walk toPiombino DeseVia Roma250 m • 4 min
Alternative route from San Dona' Pasqualigo to Piombino Dese by bus and train via 24H, R and R
To get from San Dona' Pasqualigo to Piombino Dese in Piombino Dese, you’ll need to take one bus line and 2 train lines: take the 24H bus from San Dona' Pasqualigo station to Ilaria Alpi Sfmr Ospedale station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the R train and finally take the R train from Venezia Mestre station to Piombino-Dese station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 6 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationSan Dona' Pasqualigo
- 2Wait for bus24HTosatto Impastato
- 3Ride to bus stationIlaria Alpi Sfmr OspedaleID 14059 min
- 4Walk to train stationVenezia Mestre Ospedale30 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for trainRVenezia Santa Lucia
- 6Ride to train stationVenezia Mestre5 min
- 7Wait for trainRBassano Del Grappa
- 8Ride to train stationPiombino-Dese34 min
- 9Walk toPiombino DeseVia Roma250 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from San Dona' Pasqualigo to Piombino Dese
Public transit stations close to San Dona' Pasqualigo
San Dona' Pasqualigo is located at San Dona' Pasqualigo, Piombino Dese and the nearest public transit station is San Dona' Pasqualigo.
Train stations close to San Dona' Pasqualigo:
- Venezia Carpenedo
Bus stations close to San Dona' Pasqualigo:
- San Dona' Pasqualigo
- San Dona' Pineta
- Rielta Parco Bissuola
Public transit stations close to Piombino Dese, Piombino Dese
Piombino Dese is located at Via Roma, Piombino Dese and the nearest public transit station is Piombino-Via Albere.
Train stations close to Piombino Dese:
- Piombino-Dese
- Trebaseleghe
- Resana
Bus stations close to Piombino Dese:
- Piombino-Via Albere
- Piombino-Via Pacinotti
- Piombino Via Albere
Related Routes
- Barrucchella Duse to Piombino Dese
- Ospedale Dell'Angelo Sfmr to Piombino Dese
- Scorze' Donatori Del Sangue to Piombino Dese
- Orlanda Tiburtina to Piombino Dese
- Campalto - Camping Rialto to Piombino Dese
- Aquae (Porto Marghera Fs) to Piombino Dese
- Mestre - Stadio Atletica to Piombino Dese
- Favaro - Incr. Tangenziale to Piombino Dese
- Mestre - Rampa Vempa to Piombino Dese
- Aquae - Libertà Porto Marghera FS to Piombino Dese
- Mestre - Breda (Fincantieri) to Piombino Dese
- Mestre - Teatro Corso (Bnl) to Piombino Dese
- Mestre - Ai Marmi to Piombino Dese
- Venezia Mestre to Piombino Dese
- Portogruaro-Caorle to Piombino Dese
- Resana to Piombino Dese
- Castelfranco Veneto to Piombino Dese
- Castello Di Godego to Piombino Dese
- Treviso FS to Piombino Dese
- P.Le Roma "C" (Scomenzera) to Piombino Dese
Alternative route from San Dona' Pasqualigo to Piombino Dese by bus and train via 24H, R and R
To get from San Dona' Pasqualigo to Piombino Dese in Piombino Dese, you’ll need to take one bus line and 2 train lines: take the 24H bus from San Dona' Pasqualigo station to Ilaria Alpi Sfmr Ospedale station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the R train and finally take the R train from Venezia Mestre station to Piombino-Dese station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 6 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationSan Dona' Pasqualigo
- 2Wait for bus24HTosatto Impastato
- 3Ride to bus stationIlaria Alpi Sfmr OspedaleID 14059 min
- 4Walk to train stationVenezia Mestre Ospedale30 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for trainRVenezia Santa Lucia
- 6Ride to train stationVenezia Mestre5 min
- 7Wait for trainRBassano Del Grappa
- 8Ride to train stationPiombino-Dese34 min
- 9Walk toPiombino DeseVia Roma250 m • 4 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from San Dona' Pasqualigo to Piombino Dese?
The fastest way takes 57 minutes, using Bus line 2, Bus line R.
What is the alternative route to get from San Dona' Pasqualigo to Piombino Dese?
The alternative route takes 66 minutes, using Bus line 24H, Bus line R, Bus line R.
Is there a direct bus between San Dona' Pasqualigo and Piombino Dese?
No, you’ll have to take one bus line and one train line in total. The total travelling time is 57 min.
Which bus line goes from San Dona' Pasqualigo to Piombino Dese?
The 2 bus line goes from San Dona' Val Gardena station near San Dona' Pasqualigo in Venezia to Venezia station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till Venezia station near Piombino Dese in Piombino Dese.
How long does it take to travel from San Dona' Pasqualigo to Piombino Dese by bus and train?
The total travel time between San Dona' Pasqualigo in Venezia and Piombino Dese in Piombino Dese by bus and train is about 57 min.
Where do I get on the bus near San Dona' Pasqualigo to get to Piombino Dese?
Get on the 2 bus from the San Dona' Val Gardena stop near San Dona' Pasqualigo in Venezia.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between San Dona' Pasqualigo and Piombino Dese?
Get off the bus at the Venezia station, which is closest to Piombino Dese in Piombino Dese.