How to get from Le Suzon to Plombières lès Dijon by bus?
From Le Suzon to Plombières lès Dijon by bus
To get from Le Suzon to Plombières lès Dijon in Plombières-Lès-Dijon, take the 10 bus from Le Suzon station to Square Darcy station. Next, take the 12 bus from Square Darcy station to Plombières Mairie station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 45 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationLe Suzon
- 2Wait for bus10Talant Citadelle
- 3Ride to bus stationSquare DarcyID 77619 min
- 4Wait for bus12Plombieres
- 5Ride to bus stationPlombières MairieID 101412 min
- 6Walk toPlombières lès Dijon90 m • 2 min
Alternative route from Le Suzon to Plombières lès Dijon by bus via L9 and 12
To get from Le Suzon to Plombières lès Dijon in Plombières-Lès-Dijon, take the L9 bus from Monnet station to Square Darcy station. Next, take the 12 bus from Square Darcy station to Plombières Mairie station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 51 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationMonnetID 435700 m • 10 min
- 2Wait for busL9Rolin
- 3Ride to bus stationSquare DarcyID 7813 min
- 4Walk to bus stationSquare DarcyID 776140 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus12Plombieres
- 6Ride to bus stationPlombières MairieID 101412 min
- 7Walk toPlombières lès Dijon90 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Le Suzon to Plombières lès Dijon
Public transit stations close to Le Suzon
Le Suzon is located at Le Suzon, Plombières-Lès-Dijon and the nearest public transit station is Nation.
Bus stations close to Le Suzon:
- Nation
- Lycée De Gaulle
- Coteaux Du Suzon
Public transit stations close to Plombières lès Dijon, Plombières-Lès-Dijon
Plombières lès Dijon is located at Plombières lès Dijon, Plombières-Lès-Dijon and the nearest public transit station is Vallon.
Train stations close to Plombières lès Dijon:
- Dijon
- Velars
Bus stations close to Plombières lès Dijon:
- Vallon
- Lycée Kir
- Courtois
Related Routes
- Dijon Porte Neuve to Plombières lès Dijon
- Ouges to Plombières lès Dijon
- Les Ateliers to Plombières lès Dijon
- Flavignerot to Plombières lès Dijon
- Terreau Du Moulin to Plombières lès Dijon
- Lapostolet to Plombières lès Dijon
- Vignery to Plombières lès Dijon
- Bolotte to Plombières lès Dijon
- Cat - Esat to Plombières lès Dijon
- Cap-Sud to Plombières lès Dijon
- Cat - Esat to Plombières lès Dijon
- Tourelle to Plombières lès Dijon
- Perrigny Mairie to Plombières lès Dijon
- Ecluse to Plombières lès Dijon
- Longvic Carmélites to Plombières lès Dijon
- Giono to Plombières lès Dijon
- Ecole De Gendarmerie to Plombières lès Dijon
- Longvic Centre to Plombières lès Dijon
- Terminal to Plombières lès Dijon
- Breteniere to Plombières lès Dijon
Alternative route from Le Suzon to Plombières lès Dijon by bus via L9 and 12
To get from Le Suzon to Plombières lès Dijon in Plombières-Lès-Dijon, take the L9 bus from Monnet station to Square Darcy station. Next, take the 12 bus from Square Darcy station to Plombières Mairie station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 51 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationMonnetID 435700 m • 10 min
- 2Wait for busL9Rolin
- 3Ride to bus stationSquare DarcyID 7813 min
- 4Walk to bus stationSquare DarcyID 776140 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus12Plombieres
- 6Ride to bus stationPlombières MairieID 101412 min
- 7Walk toPlombières lès Dijon90 m • 2 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Le Suzon to Plombières lès Dijon?
The fastest way takes 45 minutes, using Bus line 10, Bus line 12.
What is the alternative route to get from Le Suzon to Plombières lès Dijon?
The alternative route takes 51 minutes, using Bus line L9, Bus line 12.
Is there a direct bus between Le Suzon and Plombières lès Dijon?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 45 min.
Which bus line goes from Le Suzon to Plombières lès Dijon?
The 10 bus line goes from Talant Citadelle station near Le Suzon in Fontaine-Lès-Dijon to Square Darcy station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Square Darcy station near Plombières lès Dijon in Plombières-Lès-Dijon.
How long does it take to travel from Le Suzon to Plombières lès Dijon by bus?
The total travel time between Le Suzon in Fontaine-Lès-Dijon and Plombières lès Dijon in Plombières-Lès-Dijon by bus is about 45 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Le Suzon to get to Plombières lès Dijon?
Get on the 10 bus from the Talant Citadelle stop near Le Suzon in Fontaine-Lès-Dijon.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Le Suzon and Plombières lès Dijon?
Get off the bus at the Square Darcy stop, which is closest to Plombières lès Dijon in Plombières-Lès-Dijon.