How to get from Apts to Potrero de los Funes by bus?
From Apts to Potrero de los Funes by bus
To get from Apts to Potrero de los Funes in La Capital, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the E1 bus from Apts station to Ruta 146 X Ruta 147 station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the INTERURBANO bus and finally take the INTERURBANO bus from Terminal De Ómnibus station to Los Paraísos X Aguaribay station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 23 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationApts
- 2Wait for busE1Empresa
- 3Ride to bus stationRuta 146 X Ruta 1475 min
- 4Wait for busINTERURBANOSan Luis
- 5Ride to bus stationTerminal De Ómnibus9 min
- 6Wait for busINTERURBANOPotrero De Los Funes
- 7Ride to bus stationLos Paraísos X Aguaribay49 min
- 8Walk toPotrero de los Funes30 m • 1 min
Alternative route from Apts to Potrero de los Funes by bus via INTERURBANO and INTERURBANO
To get from Apts to Potrero de los Funes in La Capital, take the INTERURBANO bus from Bº Los Sauces station to Terminal De Ómnibus station. Next, take the INTERURBANO bus from Terminal De Ómnibus station to Los Paraísos X Aguaribay station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 33 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationBº Los Sauces940 m • 12 min
- 2Wait for busINTERURBANOSan Luis
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal De Ómnibus15 min
- 4Wait for busINTERURBANOPotrero De Los Funes
- 5Ride to bus stationLos Paraísos X Aguaribay49 min
- 6Walk toPotrero de los Funes30 m • 1 min
Public transit directions from Apts to Potrero de los Funes
Public transit stations close to Apts
Apts is located at Apts, La Capital and the nearest public transit station is Apts.
Bus stations close to Apts:
- Apts
- Pinar Del Nte.
- Bº Los Sauces
Public transit stations close to Potrero de los Funes, La Capital
Potrero de los Funes is located at Potrero de los Funes, La Capital and the nearest public transit station is Los Paraísos X Los Fresnos.
Bus stations close to Potrero de los Funes:
- Los Paraísos X Los Fresnos
- Los Abedules, 63
- Los Paraísos X Aguaribay
Related Routes
- Ruta Nacional 146, 372 to Potrero de los Funes
- Caseros X Av. Presidente Illia to Potrero de los Funes
- Cruz De Piedra X Las Acacias to Potrero de los Funes
- Chacabuco, 964 to Potrero de los Funes
- Lavalle X Colón to Potrero de los Funes
- República Del Líbano, 11 to Potrero de los Funes
- Ciudad De Rosario X Riobamba to Potrero de los Funes
- Av. Del Fundador X Catamarca to Potrero de los Funes
- Av. Del Fundador X Ruta 147 to Potrero de los Funes
- Terminal De Ómnibus to Potrero de los Funes
- Av. Del Fundador X Vía Del Sol to Potrero de los Funes
- Colón X Bolívar to Potrero de los Funes
- Bolívar, 982 to Potrero de los Funes
- Francia X Av. Ejército De Los Andes to Potrero de los Funes
- Chacabuco, 809 to Potrero de los Funes
- Mitre X Lavalle to Potrero de los Funes
- Chacabuco, 1130 to Potrero de los Funes
- Maipú, 788 to Potrero de los Funes
- Av. Cuchi Corral to Potrero de los Funes
- Calle 9 Norte X Calle 8 Oeste to Potrero de los Funes
Alternative route from Apts to Potrero de los Funes by bus via INTERURBANO and INTERURBANO
To get from Apts to Potrero de los Funes in La Capital, take the INTERURBANO bus from Bº Los Sauces station to Terminal De Ómnibus station. Next, take the INTERURBANO bus from Terminal De Ómnibus station to Los Paraísos X Aguaribay station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 33 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationBº Los Sauces940 m • 12 min
- 2Wait for busINTERURBANOSan Luis
- 3Ride to bus stationTerminal De Ómnibus15 min
- 4Wait for busINTERURBANOPotrero De Los Funes
- 5Ride to bus stationLos Paraísos X Aguaribay49 min
- 6Walk toPotrero de los Funes30 m • 1 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Apts to Potrero de los Funes?
The fastest way takes 83 minutes, using Bus line E1, Bus line INTERURBANO, Bus line INTERURBANO.
What is the alternative route to get from Apts to Potrero de los Funes?
The alternative route takes 93 minutes, using Bus line INTERURBANO, Bus line INTERURBANO.
Is there a direct bus between Apts and Potrero de los Funes in La Capital?
No, you’ll have to take 3 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 23 min.
Which bus line goes from Apts to Potrero de los Funes in La Capital?
The E1 bus line goes from Empresa station near Apts to Ruta 146 X Ruta 147 station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Ruta 146 X Ruta 147 station near Potrero de los Funes in La Capital
How long does it take to travel from Apts to Potrero de los Funes in La Capital by bus?
The total travel time between Apts and Potrero de los Funes in La Capital by bus is about 1 hr 23 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Apts to get to Potrero de los Funes in La Capital?
Get on the E1 bus from the Empresa stop near Apts in La Capital.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Apts and Potrero de los Funes in La Capital?
Get off the bus at the Ruta 146 X Ruta 147 stop, which is closest to Potrero de los Funes in La Capital.