How to get from Limena to Povegliano Veronese by bus and train?
From Limena to Povegliano Veronese by bus and train
To get from Limena to Povegliano Veronese in Padova, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the 13 bus from Capolinea Limena station to Codalunga Liceo station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the R train and finally take the 160 bus from Viale Piave station to Villafranca Via Bixio I B station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 4 hr 46 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationLimena
- 2Wait for bus13Capolinea Boccaccio
- 3Ride to bus stationCodalunga Liceo25 min
- 4Walk to train stationPadova470 m • 7 min
- 5Wait for trainRVerona P.Ta Nuova
- 6Ride to train stationVerona P.Ta Nuova82 min
- 7Walk to bus stationViale PiaveID 1533710 m • 10 min
- 8Wait for bus160Valeggio Sul Mincio
- 9Ride to bus stationVillafranca Via Bixio I BID 15603935 min
- 10Walk toPovegliano Veronese2.35 km • 30 min
Alternative route from Limena to Povegliano Veronese by bus and train via 13, R and 159
To get from Limena to Povegliano Veronese in Padova, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the 13 bus from Capolinea Limena station to Codalunga Liceo station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the R train and finally take the 159 bus from Viale Piave station to Villafranca Via Bixio I B station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 5 hr 11 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationLimena
- 2Wait for bus13Capolinea Boccaccio
- 3Ride to bus stationCodalunga Liceo25 min
- 4Walk to train stationPadova470 m • 7 min
- 5Wait for trainRVerona P.Ta Nuova
- 6Ride to train stationVerona P.Ta Nuova82 min
- 7Walk to bus stationViale PiaveID 1533710 m • 10 min
- 8Wait for bus159Belvedere
- 9Ride to bus stationVillafranca Via Bixio I BID 15603927 min
- 10Walk toPovegliano Veronese2.35 km • 30 min
Public transit directions from Limena to Povegliano Veronese
Public transit stations close to Limena
Limena is located at Limena, Padova and the nearest public transit station is Capolinea Limena.
Bus stations close to Limena:
- Capolinea Limena
- G. Basso Fr. 9
- Limena Peep R
Public transit stations close to Povegliano Veronese, Padova
Povegliano Veronese is located at Povegliano Veronese, Padova and the nearest public transit station is Veronetta.
Bus stations close to Povegliano Veronese:
- Veronetta
- Sant'Eurosia II A
- Sant'Eurosia II B
Related Routes
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- Bosaro to Povegliano Veronese
- Camisano Vicentino to Povegliano Veronese
- Isola Vicentina to Povegliano Veronese
- Limena to Verona
- Limena to Marano Di Valpolicella
- Limena to San Martino Buon Albergo
- Limena to Albignasego
- Limena to Battaglia Terme
- Limena to Campodoro
- Limena to Maserà Di Padova
- Limena to Noventa Padovana
- Limena to Padova
- Limena to Ponte San Nicolò
- Limena to Rubano
- Limena to Selvazzano Dentro
- Limena to Stra
Alternative route from Limena to Povegliano Veronese by bus and train via 13, R and 159
To get from Limena to Povegliano Veronese in Padova, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the 13 bus from Capolinea Limena station to Codalunga Liceo station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the R train and finally take the 159 bus from Viale Piave station to Villafranca Via Bixio I B station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 5 hr 11 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationLimena
- 2Wait for bus13Capolinea Boccaccio
- 3Ride to bus stationCodalunga Liceo25 min
- 4Walk to train stationPadova470 m • 7 min
- 5Wait for trainRVerona P.Ta Nuova
- 6Ride to train stationVerona P.Ta Nuova82 min
- 7Walk to bus stationViale PiaveID 1533710 m • 10 min
- 8Wait for bus159Belvedere
- 9Ride to bus stationVillafranca Via Bixio I BID 15603927 min
- 10Walk toPovegliano Veronese2.35 km • 30 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Limena to Povegliano Veronese?
The fastest way takes 286 minutes, using Bus line 13, Bus line R, Bus line 160.
What is the alternative route to get from Limena to Povegliano Veronese?
The alternative route takes 311 minutes, using Bus line 13, Bus line R, Bus line 159.
Is there a direct bus between Limena and Povegliano Veronese in Padova?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines and one train line in total. The total travelling time is 4 hr 46 min.
Which bus line goes from Limena to Povegliano Veronese in Padova?
The 13 bus line goes from Capolinea Boccaccio station near Limena to Codalunga Liceo station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line and one train line till Codalunga Liceo station near Povegliano Veronese in Padova
How long does it take to travel from Limena to Povegliano Veronese in Padova by bus and train?
The total travel time between Limena and Povegliano Veronese in Padova by bus and train is about 4 hr 46 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Limena to get to Povegliano Veronese in Padova?
Get on the 13 bus from the Capolinea Boccaccio stop near Limena in Padova.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Limena and Povegliano Veronese in Padova?
Get off the bus at the Codalunga Liceo stop, which is closest to Povegliano Veronese in Padova.