How to get from Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz to Ppgl by bus?
From Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz to Ppgl by bus
Take one direct bus from Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz to Ppgl in Boa Vista: take the 206 bus from Praça Da Bandeira station to U.F.R.R. - Restaurante Universitário station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 19 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationEscola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz
- 2Wait for bus206Caranã
- 3Ride to bus stationU.F.R.R. - Restaurante Universitário16 min
- 4Walk toPpglTravessa Pequim170 m • 3 min
Alternative route from Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz to Ppgl by bus via 308
Take one direct bus from Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz to Ppgl in Boa Vista: take the 308 bus from Terminal Centro station to Avenida Venezuela, 3623-3827 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 33 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationTerminal Centro1000 m • 13 min
- 2Wait for bus308Said Salomão
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Venezuela, 3623-382714 min
- 4Walk toPpglTravessa Pequim270 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz to Ppgl
Public transit stations close to Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz
Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz is located at Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz, Boa Vista and the nearest public transit station is Av. Getúlio Vargas, 5625-5685.
Bus stations close to Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz:
- Av. Getúlio Vargas, 5625-5685
- Rede Amazônica
- Av. Major Wiliams, 502
Public transit stations close to Ppgl, Boa Vista
Ppgl is located at Travessa Pequim, Boa Vista and the nearest public transit station is Avenida Venezuela, 3623-3827.
Bus stations close to Ppgl:
- Avenida Venezuela, 3623-3827
- U.F.R.R. - Insikiran
- Sesi Roraima C/B
Related Routes
- Rua João Padilha, 306-470 C/B to Ppgl
- Av. General Ataíde Teive, 5677 to Ppgl
- Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz to Laboratório De Técnicas Alimentares
- Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz to Laboratório Mac
- Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz to Anatomia Animal
- Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz to Coordenação Dos Cursos
- Rotatória Do Aeroporto B/C to Laboratório De Técnicas Alimentares
- Rotatória Do Aeroporto B/C to Laboratório Mac
- Rotatória Do Aeroporto B/C to Anatomia Animal
- Rotatória Do Aeroporto B/C to Coordenação Dos Cursos
- Centro Socioeducativo De Boa Vista B/C to Laboratório De Técnicas Alimentares
- Centro Socioeducativo De Boa Vista B/C to Laboratório Mac
- Centro Socioeducativo De Boa Vista B/C to Anatomia Animal
- Centro Socioeducativo De Boa Vista B/C to Coordenação Dos Cursos
- Acesso Av. Diamante B/C to Laboratório De Técnicas Alimentares
- Acesso Av. Diamante B/C to Laboratório Mac
- Acesso Av. Diamante B/C to Anatomia Animal
- Acesso Av. Diamante B/C to Coordenação Dos Cursos
- Saída Pedra Pintada B/C to Laboratório De Técnicas Alimentares
- Saída Pedra Pintada B/C to Laboratório Mac
Alternative route from Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz to Ppgl by bus via 308
Take one direct bus from Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz to Ppgl in Boa Vista: take the 308 bus from Terminal Centro station to Avenida Venezuela, 3623-3827 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 33 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationTerminal Centro1000 m • 13 min
- 2Wait for bus308Said Salomão
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Venezuela, 3623-382714 min
- 4Walk toPpglTravessa Pequim270 m • 4 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz to Ppgl?
The fastest way takes 19 minutes, using Bus line 206.
What is the alternative route to get from Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz to Ppgl?
The alternative route takes 33 minutes, using Bus line 308.
Is there a direct bus between Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz and Ppgl in Boa Vista?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz to Ppgl in Boa Vista in 19 min.
Which bus line goes from Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz to Ppgl in Boa Vista?
The 206 bus line goes from Caranã station near Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz to U.F.R.R. - Restaurante Universitário station near Ppgl in Boa Vista.
How long does it take to travel from Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz to Ppgl in Boa Vista by bus?
The total travel time between Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz and Ppgl in Boa Vista by bus is about 19 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz to get to Ppgl in Boa Vista?
Get on the 206 bus from the Caranã stop near Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz in Boa Vista.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz and Ppgl in Boa Vista?
Get off the bus at the U.F.R.R. - Restaurante Universitário stop, which is closest to Ppgl in Boa Vista.
When is the first bus from Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz to Ppgl in Boa Vista?
The first bus from Escola Estadual Oswaldo Cruz to Ppgl in Boa Vista is Caranã - UFRR - Centro. It leaves the Praça Da Bandeira stop at 4:02 AM.