How to get from João Arnaldo Gonzales to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia by bus?
From João Arnaldo Gonzales to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia by bus
To get from João Arnaldo Gonzales to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia in Porto Alegre, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the L121C SANTA RITA - EXECUTIVO bus from Av. Lupicínio Rodrigues, 208 station to Term. Metropolitano Chaves Barcellos station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 4382 bus and finally take the 353 bus from Av. Ipiranga 3207 - Praia De Belas Porto Alegre - Rs 90160-091 Brasil station to Partenon Ipiranga - Partenon Porto Alegre - Rs 90160-092 Brasil station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 58 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAv. Lupicínio Rodrigues, 208410 m • 6 min
- 2Wait for busL121C SANTA RITA - EXECUTIVOPorto Alegre Via Castelo Branco
- 3Ride to bus stationTerm. Metropolitano Chaves Barcellos14 min
- 4Walk to bus stationAv. Júlio De Castilhos 609 - Centro Histórico Porto Alegre - Rs 90030-000 Brasil290 m • 4 min
- 5Wait for bus4382Santana / Jardim Bôtanico - Centro/Bairro
- 6Ride to bus stationAv. Ipiranga 3207 - Praia De Belas Porto Alegre - Rs 90160-091 Brasil17 min
- 7Wait for bus353Ipiranga / Puc / Ufrgs - Centro/Bairro
- 8Ride to bus stationPartenon Ipiranga - Partenon Porto Alegre - Rs 90160-092 Brasil7 min
- 9Walk toPrédio 6 - Faculdade De OdontologiaAvenida Ipiranga210 m • 3 min
Alternative route from João Arnaldo Gonzales to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia by bus via L121C SANTA RITA - EXECUTIVO and 353
To get from João Arnaldo Gonzales to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia in Porto Alegre, take the L121C SANTA RITA - EXECUTIVO bus from Av. Lupicínio Rodrigues, 208 station to Term. Metropolitano Chaves Barcellos station. Next, take the 353 bus from Borges De Medeiros - Centro Histórico Porto Alegre - Rs 90030-080 Brasil station to Partenon Ipiranga - Partenon Porto Alegre - Rs 90160-092 Brasil station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 58 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAv. Lupicínio Rodrigues, 208410 m • 6 min
- 2Wait for busL121C SANTA RITA - EXECUTIVOPorto Alegre Via Castelo Branco
- 3Ride to bus stationTerm. Metropolitano Chaves Barcellos14 min
- 4Walk to bus stationBorges De Medeiros - Centro Histórico Porto Alegre - Rs 90030-080 Brasil610 m • 8 min
- 5Wait for bus353Ipiranga / Puc / Ufrgs - Centro/Bairro
- 6Ride to bus stationPartenon Ipiranga - Partenon Porto Alegre - Rs 90160-092 Brasil27 min
- 7Walk toPrédio 6 - Faculdade De OdontologiaAvenida Ipiranga210 m • 3 min
Public transit directions from João Arnaldo Gonzales to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia
Public transit stations close to João Arnaldo Gonzales
João Arnaldo Gonzales is located at João Arnaldo Gonzales, Porto Alegre and the nearest public transit station is João Arnaldo Gonzales.
Bus stations close to João Arnaldo Gonzales:
- João Arnaldo Gonzales
- João Arnaldo Gonzales - Praça Da Luz
- Valdir Rodrigues Soares, 202
Ferry stations close to João Arnaldo Gonzales:
- Hidroviária De Guaíba
Public transit stations close to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia, Porto Alegre
Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia is located at Avenida Ipiranga, Porto Alegre and the nearest public transit station is Bento Gonçalves - Pucrs Bc.
Bus stations close to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia:
- Bento Gonçalves - Pucrs Bc
- Av. Bento Gonçalves 4211 - Partenon Porto Alegre - Rs 90650-001 Brasil
- Partenon Bento Goncalves - Vila Joao Pessoa Porto Alegre - Rs 90650-002 Brasil
Related Routes
- Term. Peri Machado to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia
- Carlos Gomes - Protásio Alves Sn (Piso 1) to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia
- Ramiro Barcelos - Rest. Universitário to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia
- Porto Alegre to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia
- Porto Mauá to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia
- Anita Garibaldi to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia
- Bauru to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia
- Rua Major Bento Alves, 4001 to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia
- Arthur José Gattino to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia
- Rua Congonhas to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia
- Rua Congonhas, 86 to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia
- Terminal Mal. Floriano - Mercado to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia
- Prof. Annes Dias - Pça. Dom Feliciano to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia
- Praia De Belas - Shopping Bc to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia
- Terminal Mercado to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia
- Terminal Borges De Medeiros to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia
- João Arnaldo Gonzales to Espm
- Valdir Rodrigues Soares, 202 to Faculdade Anhanguera
- Fortaleza, 315 to Pucrs
- Dorvidio Correa Da Silva (B Oito) to Alvorada
Alternative route from João Arnaldo Gonzales to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia by bus via L121C SANTA RITA - EXECUTIVO and 353
To get from João Arnaldo Gonzales to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia in Porto Alegre, take the L121C SANTA RITA - EXECUTIVO bus from Av. Lupicínio Rodrigues, 208 station to Term. Metropolitano Chaves Barcellos station. Next, take the 353 bus from Borges De Medeiros - Centro Histórico Porto Alegre - Rs 90030-080 Brasil station to Partenon Ipiranga - Partenon Porto Alegre - Rs 90160-092 Brasil station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 58 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAv. Lupicínio Rodrigues, 208410 m • 6 min
- 2Wait for busL121C SANTA RITA - EXECUTIVOPorto Alegre Via Castelo Branco
- 3Ride to bus stationTerm. Metropolitano Chaves Barcellos14 min
- 4Walk to bus stationBorges De Medeiros - Centro Histórico Porto Alegre - Rs 90030-080 Brasil610 m • 8 min
- 5Wait for bus353Ipiranga / Puc / Ufrgs - Centro/Bairro
- 6Ride to bus stationPartenon Ipiranga - Partenon Porto Alegre - Rs 90160-092 Brasil27 min
- 7Walk toPrédio 6 - Faculdade De OdontologiaAvenida Ipiranga210 m • 3 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from João Arnaldo Gonzales to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia?
The fastest way takes 58 minutes, using Bus line L121C SANTA RITA - EXECUTIVO, Bus line 4382, Bus line 353.
What is the alternative route to get from João Arnaldo Gonzales to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia?
The alternative route takes 58 minutes, using Bus line L121C SANTA RITA - EXECUTIVO, Bus line 353.
Is there a direct bus between João Arnaldo Gonzales and Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia?
No, you’ll have to take 3 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 58 min.
Which bus line goes from João Arnaldo Gonzales to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia?
The L121C SANTA RITA - EXECUTIVO bus line goes from Av. Lupicínio Rodrigues, 208 station near João Arnaldo Gonzales in Porto Alegre Region to Porto Alegre Via Castelo Branco station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Porto Alegre Via Castelo Branco station near Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia in Porto Alegre.
How long does it take to travel from João Arnaldo Gonzales to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia by bus?
The total travel time between João Arnaldo Gonzales in Porto Alegre Region and Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia in Porto Alegre by bus is about 58 min.
Where do I get on the bus near João Arnaldo Gonzales to get to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia?
Get on the L121C SANTA RITA - EXECUTIVO bus from the Av. Lupicínio Rodrigues, 208 stop near João Arnaldo Gonzales in Porto Alegre Region.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between João Arnaldo Gonzales and Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia?
Get off the bus at the Porto Alegre Via Castelo Branco stop, which is closest to Prédio 6 - Faculdade De Odontologia in Porto Alegre.