How to get from Jiřího Z Poděbrad to Praha 6 by subway?
From Jiřího Z Poděbrad to Praha 6 by subway
Take one direct subway from Jiřího Z Poděbrad to Praha 6 in Prague: take the A subway from Jiřího Z Poděbrad station to Dejvická station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 16 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from subway stationJiřího Z Poděbrad
- 2Wait for subwayANemocnice Motol
- 3Ride to subway stationDejvická11 min
- 4Walk toPraha 6190 m • 3 min
From Jiřího Z Poděbrad to Praha 6 by bus and light rail
To get from Jiřího Z Poděbrad to Praha 6 in Prague, take the 101 bus from Jiřího Z Poděbrad station to Viktoria Žižkov station. Next, take the 26 light rail from Viktoria Žižkov station to Dejvická station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 37 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationJiřího Z Poděbrad40 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus101Viktoria Žižkov
- 3Ride to bus stationViktoria Žižkov4 min
- 4Walk to light rail stationViktoria Žižkov110 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for light rail26Dědina
- 6Ride to light rail stationDejvická24 min
- 7Walk toPraha 6120 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Jiřího Z Poděbrad to Praha 6
Public transit stations close to Jiřího Z Poděbrad
Jiřího Z Poděbrad is located at Jiřího Z Poděbrad, Prague and the nearest public transit station is Jiřího Z Poděbrad.
Bus stations close to Jiřího Z Poděbrad:
- Perunova
- Jiřího Z Poděbrad
- U Prdlavky
Public transit stations close to Praha 6, Prague
Praha 6 is located at Praha 6, Prague and the nearest public transit station is Národní Technická Knihovna.
Subway stations close to Praha 6:
- Dejvická
Bus stations close to Praha 6:
- Národní Technická Knihovna
- Dělostřelecká
- Thákurova
Related Routes
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- Svitávka to Praha 6
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- Třebíč to Praha 6
From Jiřího Z Poděbrad to Praha 6 by bus and light rail
To get from Jiřího Z Poděbrad to Praha 6 in Prague, take the 101 bus from Jiřího Z Poděbrad station to Viktoria Žižkov station. Next, take the 26 light rail from Viktoria Žižkov station to Dejvická station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 37 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationJiřího Z Poděbrad40 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus101Viktoria Žižkov
- 3Ride to bus stationViktoria Žižkov4 min
- 4Walk to light rail stationViktoria Žižkov110 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for light rail26Dědina
- 6Ride to light rail stationDejvická24 min
- 7Walk toPraha 6120 m • 2 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Jiřího Z Poděbrad to Praha 6?
The fastest way takes 16 minutes, using Bus line A.
What is the alternative route to get from Jiřího Z Poděbrad to Praha 6?
The alternative route takes 37 minutes, using Bus line 101, Bus line 26.
Is there a direct subway between Jiřího Z Poděbrad and Praha 6?
Yes, there’s a direct subway going from Jiřího Z Poděbrad in Praha 3 to Praha 6 in Prague in 16 min.
Which subway line goes from Jiřího Z Poděbrad to Praha 6?
The A subway line goes from Nemocnice Motol station near Jiřího Z Poděbrad in Praha 3 to Dejvická station near Praha 6 in Prague.
How long does it take to travel from Jiřího Z Poděbrad to Praha 6 by subway?
The total travel time between Jiřího Z Poděbrad in Praha 3 and Praha 6 in Prague by subway is about 16 min.
Where do I get on the subway near Jiřího Z Poděbrad to get to Praha 6?
Get on the A subway from the Nemocnice Motol station near Jiřího Z Poděbrad in Praha 3.
Where do I get off the subway when travelling between Jiřího Z Poděbrad and Praha 6?
Get off the subway at the Dejvická station, which is closest to Praha 6 in Prague.
When is the first subway from Jiřího Z Poděbrad to Praha 6?
The first subway from Jiřího Z Poděbrad in Praha 3 to Praha 6 in Prague is Nemocnice Motol - Petřiny - Skalka - Depo Hostivař. It leaves the Jiřího Z Poděbrad station at 1:04 AM.
When is the first train from Jiřího Z Poděbrad to Praha 6?
The first train from Jiřího Z Poděbrad in Praha 3 to Praha 6 in Prague is Praha – Kralupy nad Vltavou – Hněvice. It leaves the Praha Masarykovo N. station at 5:41 AM.
When is the first bus from Jiřího Z Poděbrad to Praha 6?
The first bus from Jiřího Z Poděbrad in Praha 3 to Praha 6 in Prague is Suchdol - Sídliště Rohožník. It leaves the U Památníku stop at 1:41 AM.