How to get from Vejle Trafikcenter to Privathospitalet Mølholm by bus?
From Vejle Trafikcenter to Privathospitalet Mølholm by bus
Take one direct bus from Vejle Trafikcenter to Privathospitalet Mølholm in Vejle: take the 10 bus from Vejle Trafikcenter station to Fredericiavej V Brummersvej (Vejle) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 7 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationVejle Trafikcenter50 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus10Vejle Trafikcenter
- 3Ride to bus stationFredericiavej V Brummersvej (Vejle)3 min
- 4Walk toPrivathospitalet MølholmBrummersvej200 m • 3 min
Alternative route from Vejle Trafikcenter to Privathospitalet Mølholm by bus via 9
Take one direct bus from Vejle Trafikcenter to Privathospitalet Mølholm in Vejle: take the 9 bus from Vejle Trafikcenter station to Fredericiavej V Brummersvej (Vejle) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 8 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationVejle Trafikcenter50 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus9Vendepladsen På Vindingvej
- 3Ride to bus stationFredericiavej V Brummersvej (Vejle)3 min
- 4Walk toPrivathospitalet MølholmBrummersvej200 m • 3 min
Public transit directions from Vejle Trafikcenter to Privathospitalet Mølholm
Public transit stations close to Vejle Trafikcenter
Vejle Trafikcenter is located at Vejle Trafikcenter, Vejle and the nearest public transit station is Vejle Trafikcenter.
Train stations close to Vejle Trafikcenter:
- Vejle St.
Bus stations close to Vejle Trafikcenter:
- Vejle Trafikcenter
- Vejle St. (Togbus)
- Langelinie V Holmen (Vejle)
Public transit stations close to Privathospitalet Mølholm, Vejle
Privathospitalet Mølholm is located at Brummersvej, Vejle and the nearest public transit station is Fredericiavej V Trianglen (Vejle).
Train stations close to Privathospitalet Mølholm:
- Vejle St.
Bus stations close to Privathospitalet Mølholm:
- Fredericiavej V Trianglen (Vejle)
- Fredericiavej V Brummersvej (Vejle)
- Koldingvej V Kiddesvej (Vejle)
Related Routes
- Kolding St. to Privathospitalet Mølholm
- Vejle St. to Privathospitalet Mølholm
- Vejle Trafikcenter to Faaborg-Midtfyn
- Vejle Trafikcenter to Aabenraa
- Vejle Trafikcenter to Billund
- Vejle Trafikcenter to Herning
- Vejle Trafikcenter to Holbæk
- Vejle Trafikcenter to Hvidovre
- Vejle Trafikcenter to Kerteminde
- Vejle Trafikcenter to Odense
- Vejle Trafikcenter to Århus
- Vejle Trafikcenter to Samsø
- Vejle Trafikcenter to Svendborg
- Vejle Trafikcenter to Varde
- Vejle Trafikcenter to Arkitektskolen Aarhus
- Vejle Trafikcenter to H.C. Ørsted Instituttet
- Vejle Trafikcenter to Marstal Navigationsskole
- Vejle Trafikcenter to Grenaa Flyveplads
- Vejle Trafikcenter to Vejle Stadion
- Vejle Trafikcenter to Fredericia Sygehus
Alternative route from Vejle Trafikcenter to Privathospitalet Mølholm by bus via 9
Take one direct bus from Vejle Trafikcenter to Privathospitalet Mølholm in Vejle: take the 9 bus from Vejle Trafikcenter station to Fredericiavej V Brummersvej (Vejle) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 8 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationVejle Trafikcenter50 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus9Vendepladsen På Vindingvej
- 3Ride to bus stationFredericiavej V Brummersvej (Vejle)3 min
- 4Walk toPrivathospitalet MølholmBrummersvej200 m • 3 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Vejle Trafikcenter to Privathospitalet Mølholm?
The fastest way takes 7 minutes, using Bus line 10.
What is the alternative route to get from Vejle Trafikcenter to Privathospitalet Mølholm?
The alternative route takes 8 minutes, using Bus line 9.
Is there a direct bus between Vejle Trafikcenter and Privathospitalet Mølholm in Vejle?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Vejle Trafikcenter to Privathospitalet Mølholm in Vejle in 7 min.
Which bus line goes from Vejle Trafikcenter to Privathospitalet Mølholm in Vejle?
The 10 bus line goes from Vejle Trafikcenter station near Vejle Trafikcenter to Vejle Trafikcenter station near Privathospitalet Mølholm in Vejle.
How long does it take to travel from Vejle Trafikcenter to Privathospitalet Mølholm in Vejle by bus?
The total travel time between Vejle Trafikcenter and Privathospitalet Mølholm in Vejle by bus is about 7 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Vejle Trafikcenter to get to Privathospitalet Mølholm in Vejle?
Get on the 10 bus from the Vejle Trafikcenter stop near Vejle Trafikcenter in Vejle.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Vejle Trafikcenter and Privathospitalet Mølholm in Vejle?
Get off the bus at the Vejle Trafikcenter stop, which is closest to Privathospitalet Mølholm in Vejle.
When is the first bus from Vejle Trafikcenter to Privathospitalet Mølholm in Vejle?
The first bus from Vejle Trafikcenter to Privathospitalet Mølholm in Vejle is Vejle Trafikcenter - Vejle Trafikcenter. It leaves the Vejle Trafikcenter stop at 9:10 AM.