How to get from Vst to RTC X Roads by bus?
From Vst to RTC X Roads by bus
Take one direct bus from Vst to RTC X Roads in Hyderabad: take the 86V bus from Vst station to RTC Kalabhavan station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 7 min. The ride fare is ₹10.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationVst
- 2Wait for bus86VKoti Bus Stop
- 3Ride to bus stationRTC Kalabhavan2 min
- 4Walk toRTC X Roads330 m • 5 min
Public transit directions from Vst to RTC X Roads
Public transit stations close to Vst
Vst is located at Vst, Hyderabad and the nearest public transit station is Vst.
Metro stations close to Vst:
- Musheerabad
- Chikkadapally
- RTC X Roads
Train stations close to Vst:
- Kacheguda
- Vidya Nagar
Bus stations close to Vst:
- Vst
- V.S.T.
- Ramnagar Sbh
Public transit stations close to RTC X Roads, Hyderabad
RTC X Roads is located at RTC X Roads, Hyderabad and the nearest public transit station is Narayanguda.
Metro stations close to RTC X Roads:
- Narayanguda
- Chikkadapally
- RTC X Roads
Train stations close to RTC X Roads:
- Kacheguda
- Vidya Nagar
Bus stations close to RTC X Roads:
- Chikkadapalli
- Ambedkar College Baghlingampally
- RTC X Roads
Related Routes
- Abids (G.P.O.) to RTC X Roads
- Assembly to RTC X Roads
- Chilkalguda to RTC X Roads
- Bhoiguda to RTC X Roads
- Musheerabad Police Station to RTC X Roads
- Raja Delux to RTC X Roads
- RTC X Road to RTC X Roads
- Afzalgunj Bus Station to RTC X Roads
- Hasan Nagar to RTC X Roads
- Koti to RTC X Roads
- Y.M.C.A. to RTC X Roads
- Sultana Bazar to RTC X Roads
- Koti Womens College to RTC X Roads
- Malakpet Chermas to RTC X Roads
- T.V.Tower / Moosaram Bagh to RTC X Roads
- Bata to RTC X Roads
- Bible House to RTC X Roads
- Boats Club to RTC X Roads
- D B R Mills to RTC X Roads
- Mini Tankbund to RTC X Roads
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Vst to RTC X Roads?
The fastest way takes 7 minutes, using Bus line 86V.
Is there a direct bus between Vst and RTC X Roads in Hyderabad?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Vst to RTC X Roads in Hyderabad in 7 min.
Which bus line goes from Vst to RTC X Roads in Hyderabad?
The 86V bus line goes from Koti Bus Stop station near Vst to RTC Kalabhavan station near RTC X Roads in Hyderabad.
How long does it take to travel from Vst to RTC X Roads in Hyderabad by bus?
The total travel time between Vst and RTC X Roads in Hyderabad by bus is about 7 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Vst to get to RTC X Roads in Hyderabad?
Get on the 86V bus from the Koti Bus Stop stop near Vst in Hyderabad.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Vst and RTC X Roads in Hyderabad?
Get off the bus at the RTC Kalabhavan stop, which is closest to RTC X Roads in Hyderabad.
When is the first bus from Vst to RTC X Roads in Hyderabad?
The first bus from Vst to RTC X Roads in Hyderabad is Musheerabad- II Depot to Koti Terminus. It leaves the Vst stop at 1:36 PM.
How much is the bus fare from Vst to RTC X Roads?
The ride from Vst to RTC X Roads costs ₹10.00.