How to get from 162 Metek-Toki to Rektörlük by bus?
From 162 Metek-Toki to Rektörlük by bus
To get from 162 Metek-Toki to Rektörlük in Düzce, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 7 bus from 162 Metek-Toki station to 104 Sanat station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 30 bus and finally take the 3 bus from K1 station to K36 Kampüs station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 37 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus station162 Metek-Toki
- 2Wait for bus765 Pazaryeri
- 3Ride to bus station104 Sanat6 min
- 4Walk to bus station29 Çoban160 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for bus30Osmanca-Konuralp-Yeni Hastane
- 6Ride to bus stationK111 min
- 7Wait for bus3Kampüs
- 8Ride to bus stationK36 Kampüs6 min
- 9Walk toRektörlükDüzce Üniversitesi320 m • 5 min
Alternative route from 162 Metek-Toki to Rektörlük by bus via 30 and 3
To get from 162 Metek-Toki to Rektörlük in Düzce, take the 30 bus from 190 station to K1 station. Next, take the 3 bus from K1 station to K36 Kampüs station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 40 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus station1901.41 km • 18 min
- 2Wait for bus30Osmanca-Konuralp-Yeni Hastane
- 3Ride to bus stationK19 min
- 4Wait for bus3Kampüs
- 5Ride to bus stationK36 Kampüs6 min
- 6Walk toRektörlükDüzce Üniversitesi320 m • 5 min
Public transit directions from 162 Metek-Toki to Rektörlük
Public transit stations close to 162 Metek-Toki
162 Metek-Toki is located at 162 Metek-Toki, Düzce and the nearest public transit station is 110 Koçyazi.
Bus stations close to 162 Metek-Toki:
- 110 Koçyazi
- 109 Koçyazi
- 160 Metek-Toki
Public transit stations close to Rektörlük, Düzce
Rektörlük is located at Düzce Üniversitesi, Düzce and the nearest public transit station is K36 Kampüs.
Bus stations close to Rektörlük:
- K36 Kampüs
- K37 Kampüs
- K38 Kampüs
Related Routes
- 1 Acil to Rektörlük
- 4 Hastane Caddesi to Rektörlük
- 5 Eski Kizilay to Rektörlük
- 72 Camikebir to Rektörlük
- 7 Valilik to Rektörlük
- 11 Rihtim to Rektörlük
- 12 Küçüksu to Rektörlük
- 17 Adilseven to Rektörlük
- 301 Cedidiye to Rektörlük
- 27 Atatürk Bulvari to Rektörlük
- 25 Çoban Garaj to Rektörlük
- Düzce Atatürk Devlet Hastanesi to Rektörlük
- 153 Muncurlu to Rektörlük
- 154 Muncurlu to Rektörlük
- 120 Soğanci to Rektörlük
- 201 Soğanci to Rektörlük
- 8 Şakuş to Rektörlük
- 26 Atatürk Bulvari to Rektörlük
- 24 Çoban Garaj to Rektörlük
- 155 to Rektörlük
Alternative route from 162 Metek-Toki to Rektörlük by bus via 30 and 3
To get from 162 Metek-Toki to Rektörlük in Düzce, take the 30 bus from 190 station to K1 station. Next, take the 3 bus from K1 station to K36 Kampüs station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 40 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus station1901.41 km • 18 min
- 2Wait for bus30Osmanca-Konuralp-Yeni Hastane
- 3Ride to bus stationK19 min
- 4Wait for bus3Kampüs
- 5Ride to bus stationK36 Kampüs6 min
- 6Walk toRektörlükDüzce Üniversitesi320 m • 5 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from 162 Metek-Toki to Rektörlük?
The fastest way takes 37 minutes, using Bus line 7, Bus line 30, Bus line 3.
What is the alternative route to get from 162 Metek-Toki to Rektörlük?
The alternative route takes 40 minutes, using Bus line 30, Bus line 3.
Is there a direct bus between 162 Metek-Toki and Rektörlük in Düzce?
No, you’ll have to take 3 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 37 min.
Which bus line goes from 162 Metek-Toki to Rektörlük in Düzce?
The 7 bus line goes from 65 Pazaryeri station near 162 Metek-Toki to 104 Sanat station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till 104 Sanat station near Rektörlük in Düzce
How long does it take to travel from 162 Metek-Toki to Rektörlük in Düzce by bus?
The total travel time between 162 Metek-Toki and Rektörlük in Düzce by bus is about 37 min.
Where do I get on the bus near 162 Metek-Toki to get to Rektörlük in Düzce?
Get on the 7 bus from the 65 Pazaryeri stop near 162 Metek-Toki in Düzce.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between 162 Metek-Toki and Rektörlük in Düzce?
Get off the bus at the 104 Sanat stop, which is closest to Rektörlük in Düzce.