How to get from Echeverría - Independencia to Renca by Micro?
From Echeverría - Independencia to Renca by Micro
Take one direct Micro from Echeverría - Independencia to Renca in Renca: take the B03 Micro from Pb1970-Av. Independencia / Esq. Rivera station to Pb82-Parada 1 / Plaza Renca station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 31 min. The ride fare is CLP740.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to Micro stationPb1970-Av. Independencia / Esq. Rivera120 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for MicroB03© Miraflores - (M) Cerro Blanco - Miraflores
- 3Ride to Micro stationPb82-Parada 1 / Plaza Renca29 min
Alternative route from Echeverría - Independencia to Renca by Micro via 201 and 408
To get from Echeverría - Independencia to Renca in Renca, take the 201 Micro from Pb1950-Av. Independencia / Esq. Dávila Baeza station to Pa49-Parada / Hospital Traumatológico station. Next, take the 408 Micro from Pa49-Parada / Hospital Traumatológico station to Pb82-Parada 1 / Plaza Renca station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 26 min. The ride fare is CLP740.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to Micro stationPb1950-Av. Independencia / Esq. Dávila Baeza100 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for Micro201San Bernardo
- 3Ride to Micro stationPa49-Parada / Hospital Traumatológico5 min
- 4Wait for Micro408Renca
- 5Ride to Micro stationPb82-Parada 1 / Plaza Renca18 min
Public transit directions from Echeverría - Independencia to Renca
Public transit stations close to Echeverría - Independencia
Echeverría - Independencia is located at Echeverría - Independencia, Renca and the nearest public transit station is Av. Independencia Esq. Rivera.
Micro stations close to Echeverría - Independencia:
- Av. Independencia Esq. Rivera
- Pb1950-Av. Independencia / Esq. Dávila Baeza
- Pb1970-Av. Independencia / Esq. Rivera
Public transit stations close to Renca, Renca
Renca is located at Blanco Encalada, Renca and the nearest public transit station is Pb1088-Baquedano / Esq. Caupolicán.
Micro stations close to Renca:
- Pb1088-Baquedano / Esq. Caupolicán
- Pb2012-Parada 3 / Plaza Renca
- Pb69-Parada 4 / Plaza Renca
Related Routes
- Pb1856-Las Petunias / Esq. Los Retamos to Renca
- Pg1905-Almirante Riveros / Esq. Robert Schumann to Renca
- Pg1921-Santa Mercedes / Esq. Ernesto Riquelme to Renca
- Pi403-Parada 8 / (M) Estación Central to Renca
- Pi1523-La Sinfonía / Esq. La Opera to Renca
- Pc859-Camino El Huinganal / Esq. Camino Del Yunque to Renca
- Pb725-Av. Los Zapadores / Esq. Dora to Renca
- Ph207-Parada 1 / Paradero 1 Av.Vicuña Mackenna to Renca
- Ph204-Parada 4 / Hospital Trudeau to Renca
- Pj1684-Avenida La Estrella / Esq. Lebreles to Renca
- Pc107-Av. Manquehue Sur / Esq. Av. Cristóbal Colón to Renca
- Pc857-Camino El Huinganal / Esq. Gino Girardi to Renca
- Pc855-Camino El Huinganal / Esq. Camino Colonial to Renca
- Pc854-Padre Alfredo Arteaga / Esq. El Rodeo to Renca
- Pc533-Martín De Zamora / Esq. César Cascabel to Renca
- Pf954-Av. Paseo Pie Andino / Esq. Cerro Paranal to Renca
- Pi339-Parada 3 / Concón to Renca
- Pc116-Avenida Las Condes / Esq. G. Fuenzalida to Renca
- Pj77-Avenida Laguna Sur / Esq. Lebreles to Renca
- Pb1023-Costaneras Férreas / Esq. Lenga to Renca
Alternative route from Echeverría - Independencia to Renca by Micro via 201 and 408
To get from Echeverría - Independencia to Renca in Renca, take the 201 Micro from Pb1950-Av. Independencia / Esq. Dávila Baeza station to Pa49-Parada / Hospital Traumatológico station. Next, take the 408 Micro from Pa49-Parada / Hospital Traumatológico station to Pb82-Parada 1 / Plaza Renca station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 26 min. The ride fare is CLP740.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to Micro stationPb1950-Av. Independencia / Esq. Dávila Baeza100 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for Micro201San Bernardo
- 3Ride to Micro stationPa49-Parada / Hospital Traumatológico5 min
- 4Wait for Micro408Renca
- 5Ride to Micro stationPb82-Parada 1 / Plaza Renca18 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Echeverría - Independencia to Renca?
The fastest way takes 31 minutes, using Micro line B03.
What is the alternative route to get from Echeverría - Independencia to Renca?
The alternative route takes 26 minutes, using Micro line 201, Micro line 408.
Is there a direct Micro between Echeverría - Independencia and Renca?
Yes, there’s a direct Micro going from Echeverría - Independencia in Independencia to Renca in Renca in 31 min.
Which Micro line goes from Echeverría - Independencia to Renca?
The B03 Micro line goes from Pb1970-Av. Independencia / Esq. Rivera station near Echeverría - Independencia in Independencia to © Miraflores - (M) Cerro Blanco - Miraflores station near Renca in Renca.
How long does it take to travel from Echeverría - Independencia to Renca by Micro?
The total travel time between Echeverría - Independencia in Independencia and Renca in Renca by Micro is about 31 min.
Where do I get on the Micro near Echeverría - Independencia to get to Renca?
Get on the B03 Micro from the Pb1970-Av. Independencia / Esq. Rivera stop near Echeverría - Independencia in Independencia.
Where do I get off the Micro when travelling between Echeverría - Independencia and Renca?
Get off the Micro at the © Miraflores - (M) Cerro Blanco - Miraflores stop, which is closest to Renca in Renca.
When is the first Micro from Echeverría - Independencia to Renca?
The first Micro from Echeverría - Independencia in Independencia to Renca in Renca is Miraflores - (M) Cerro Blanco. It leaves the Pb1970-Av. Independencia / Esq. Rivera stop at 5:04 AM.
How much is the Micro fare from Echeverría - Independencia to Renca?
The ride from Echeverría - Independencia to Renca costs CLP740.