How to get from Boylston to Revere by subway?
From Boylston to Revere by subway
To get from Boylston to Revere in Boston, take the GREEN LINE D subway from Boylston station to Government Center station. Next, take the BLUE LINE subway from Government Center station to Wonderland station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 28 min. The ride fare is $2.40.
Step by Step
- 1Start from subway stationBoylston
- 2Wait for subwayGREEN LINE DUnion Square
- 3Ride to subway stationGovernment Center4 min
- 4Wait for subwayBLUE LINEWonderland
- 5Ride to subway stationWonderland19 min
Alternative route from Boylston to Revere by subway via GREEN LINE B and BLUE LINE
To get from Boylston to Revere in Boston, take the GREEN LINE B subway from Boylston station to Government Center station. Next, take the BLUE LINE subway from Government Center station to Wonderland station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 28 min. The ride fare is $2.40.
Step by Step
- 1Start from subway stationBoylston
- 2Wait for subwayGREEN LINE BGovernment Center
- 3Ride to subway stationGovernment Center4 min
- 4Wait for subwayBLUE LINEWonderland
- 5Ride to subway stationWonderland19 min
Public transit directions from Boylston to Revere
Public transit stations close to Boylston
Boylston is located at Boylston, Boston and the nearest public transit station is Tremont St @ Boylston Station.
Subway stations close to Boylston:
- Downtown Crossing
- Park Street
- Tufts Medical Center
Bus stations close to Boylston:
- Tremont St @ Boylston Station
- 285 Tremont St
- Stuart St @ Charles St S
Public transit stations close to Revere, Boston
Revere is located at Revere, Boston and the nearest public transit station is Wonderland.
Subway stations close to Revere:
- Revere Beach
- Beachmont
- Suffolk Downs
Bus stations close to Revere:
- Wonderland
- Revere St @ Bosson St
- Revere Beach - Beach St @ Kimball Ave
Related Routes
- Sturbridge to Revere
- East Brookfield to Revere
- Forestdale to Revere
- Harwich Port to Revere
- Brewster to Revere
- North Westport to Revere
- Pocasset to Revere
- Smith Mills to Revere
- White Island Shores to Revere
- Abington to Revere
- Andover to Revere
- Attleboro to Revere
- Brockton to Revere
- Brookline to Revere
- Burlington to Revere
- Dedham to Revere
- Fall River to Revere
- Lunenburg to Revere
- Lynn to Revere
- Malden to Revere
Alternative route from Boylston to Revere by subway via GREEN LINE B and BLUE LINE
To get from Boylston to Revere in Boston, take the GREEN LINE B subway from Boylston station to Government Center station. Next, take the BLUE LINE subway from Government Center station to Wonderland station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 28 min. The ride fare is $2.40.
Step by Step
- 1Start from subway stationBoylston
- 2Wait for subwayGREEN LINE BGovernment Center
- 3Ride to subway stationGovernment Center4 min
- 4Wait for subwayBLUE LINEWonderland
- 5Ride to subway stationWonderland19 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Boylston to Revere?
The fastest way takes 28 minutes, using Bus line GREEN LINE D, Bus line BLUE LINE.
What is the alternative route to get from Boylston to Revere?
The alternative route takes 28 minutes, using Bus line GREEN LINE B, Bus line BLUE LINE.
Is there a direct subway between Boylston and Revere in Boston?
No, you’ll have to take 2 subway lines in total. The total travelling time is 28 min.
Which subway line goes from Boylston to Revere in Boston?
The GREEN LINE D subway line goes from Union Square station near Boylston to Government Center station. From there you’ll have to take one subway line till Government Center station near Revere in Boston
How long does it take to travel from Boylston to Revere in Boston by subway?
The total travel time between Boylston and Revere in Boston by subway is about 28 min.
Where do I get on the subway near Boylston to get to Revere in Boston?
Get on the GREEN LINE D subway from the Union Square station near Boylston in Boston.
Where do I get off the subway when travelling between Boylston and Revere in Boston?
Get off the subway at the Government Center station, which is closest to Revere in Boston.
When is the last bus from Boylston to Revere in Boston?
The last bus from Boylston to Revere in Boston is the Maverick - Wonderland line. It leaves the Cambridge St @ Government Ctr Sta stop at 8:53 PM.
How much is the subway fare from Boylston to Revere?
The ride from Boylston to Revere costs $2.40.