How to get from Κοσκινού 1 to Rhodes by bus?
From Κοσκινού 1 to Rhodes by bus
Take one direct bus from Κοσκινού 1 to Rhodes in Ρόδος: take the 03 bus from Euromedica 1 station to Πλατεια Φωκιαλη Ροδος station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 48 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationEuromedica 11.37 km • 18 min
- 2Wait for bus03Euromedica - Κέντρο
- 3Ride to bus stationΠλατεια Φωκιαλη Ροδος24 min
- 4Walk toRhodes450 m • 6 min
Public transit directions from Κοσκινού 1 to Rhodes
Public transit stations close to Κοσκινού 1
Κοσκινού 1 is located at Κοσκινού 1, Ρόδος and the nearest public transit station is Κοσκινού 4.
Bus stations close to Κοσκινού 1:
- Κοσκινού 4
- Κοσκινου Κεντρο Ροδος
- Κοσκινού 3
Public transit stations close to Rhodes, Ρόδος
Rhodes is located at Rhodes, Ρόδος and the nearest public transit station is 7 Βαιες.
Bus stations close to Rhodes:
- 7 Βαιες
- Βενετοκλειο
- Ορφεας
Related Routes
- Euromedica to Rhodes
- Αδτε to Rhodes
- Χ.Μανωλη Ε. to Rhodes
- Λονδινου to Rhodes
- Παρκο Ροδινιου to Rhodes
- Ικα to Rhodes
- Grand Hotel to Rhodes
- Κων. Υδραιου to Rhodes
- Κολωνα - Παλια Πολη to Rhodes
- Παρκο Σασιωτων Αγωνιστων to Rhodes
- Θερμαι to Rhodes
- Εμπορικο Κεντρο Παναγου to Rhodes
- Ανω Ηλιουπολη to Rhodes
- Αγ. Αποστολοι (Νοσοκομειο) to Rhodes
- 4ο Γενικο Λυκειο Ροδου to Rhodes
- Εκκλησια Αναληψεως to Rhodes
- Στ. Κωτιαδη 2 to Rhodes
- Λιμανι to Rhodes
- Αγ. Αποστολοι to Rhodes
- Αποστολου Παυλου to Rhodes
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Κοσκινού 1 to Rhodes?
The fastest way takes 48 minutes, using Bus line 03.
Is there a direct bus between Κοσκινού 1 and Rhodes?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Κοσκινού 1 in Κοσκινού to Rhodes in Ρόδος in 48 min.
Which bus line goes from Κοσκινού 1 to Rhodes?
The 03 bus line goes from Euromedica 1 station near Κοσκινού 1 in Κοσκινού to Euromedica - Κέντρο station near Rhodes in Ρόδος.
How long does it take to travel from Κοσκινού 1 to Rhodes by bus?
The total travel time between Κοσκινού 1 in Κοσκινού and Rhodes in Ρόδος by bus is about 48 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Κοσκινού 1 to get to Rhodes?
Get on the 03 bus from the Euromedica 1 stop near Κοσκινού 1 in Κοσκινού.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Κοσκινού 1 and Rhodes?
Get off the bus at the Euromedica - Κέντρο stop, which is closest to Rhodes in Ρόδος.
When is the last bus from Κοσκινού 1 to Rhodes?
The last bus from Κοσκινού 1 in Κοσκινού to Rhodes in Ρόδος is the ΚΕΝΤΡΟ - EUROMEDICA - (ΚΟΣΚΙΝΟΥ) line. It leaves the Euromedica 1 stop at 10:55 PM.