How to get from Rameau to Riom by bus?
From Rameau to Riom by bus
Take one direct bus from Rameau to Riom in Riom: take the 2 bus from Rameau station to Bel Horizon station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 17 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationRameau
- 2Wait for bus2Volvic Vers Riom
- 3Ride to bus stationBel Horizon11 min
- 4Walk toRiomRue du Commerce350 m • 5 min
Public transit directions from Rameau to Riom
Public transit stations close to Rameau
Rameau is located at Rameau, Riom and the nearest public transit station is Rameau.
Train stations close to Rameau:
- Riom - Châtel-Guyon
Bus stations close to Rameau:
- Rameau
- De Gaulle
- Village Basque
Public transit stations close to Riom, Riom
Riom is located at Rue du Commerce, Riom and the nearest public transit station is Bel Horizon.
Train stations close to Riom:
- Riom - Châtel-Guyon
Bus stations close to Riom:
- Bel Horizon
- Sainte Marie
- Desaix
Related Routes
- Clermont-Ferrand Patinoire to Riom
- Jaude to Riom
- Marmilhat to Riom
- Chamalières Lycée to Riom
- Lycée Sidoine Apollinaire to Riom
- Delille Montlosier to Riom
- La Plaine to Riom
- Graviers to Riom
- Les Pègues to Riom
- Biopôle 1 to Riom
- Centre Bourg to Riom
- Lilas to Riom
- Chu Estaing to Riom
- La Monnerie-Le-Montel Stade/Roulière to Riom
- Pôle Multimodal Sncf to Riom
- Alphonse Cornet to Riom
- Chabrier to Riom
- Village Basque to Riom
- Collège Mendès France to Riom
- René Cassin to Riom
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Rameau to Riom?
The fastest way takes 17 minutes, using Bus line 2.
Is there a direct bus between Rameau and Riom in Riom?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Rameau to Riom in Riom in 17 min.
Which bus line goes from Rameau to Riom in Riom?
The 2 bus line goes from Volvic Vers Riom station near Rameau to Bel Horizon station near Riom in Riom.
How long does it take to travel from Rameau to Riom in Riom by bus?
The total travel time between Rameau and Riom in Riom by bus is about 17 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Rameau to get to Riom in Riom?
Get on the 2 bus from the Volvic Vers Riom stop near Rameau in Riom.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Rameau and Riom in Riom?
Get off the bus at the Bel Horizon stop, which is closest to Riom in Riom.
When is the first bus from Rameau to Riom in Riom?
The first bus from Rameau to Riom in Riom is VOLVIC <> MARSAT <> Collège M. France <>Georges Gershwin - ZA Portes de Riom. It leaves the Rameau stop at 10:44 AM.