How to get from Chợ Thủ Đức to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus by bus?
From Chợ Thủ Đức to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus by bus
To get from Chợ Thủ Đức to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus in Quận 7, take the 93 bus from Chợ Thủ Đức station to Bến Xe Buýt Sài Gòn station. Next, take the 72 bus from Bến Xe Buýt Sài Gòn station to Đh Tôn Đức Thắng station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 10 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationChợ Thủ Đức
- 2Wait for bus93Bến Xe Buýt Sài Gòn
- 3Ride to bus stationBến Xe Buýt Sài GònID BX 0141 min
- 4Wait for bus72Cầu Kênh Lộ
- 5Ride to bus stationĐh Tôn Đức ThắngID Q7 07215 min
- 6Walk toRmit University Vietnam - Saigon South CampusNguyễn Văn Linh800 m • 11 min
Alternative route from Chợ Thủ Đức to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus by bus via 93 and 102
To get from Chợ Thủ Đức to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus in Quận 7, take the 93 bus from Chợ Thủ Đức station to Trường Cđkt Cao Thắng station. Next, take the 102 bus from Trạm Trung Chuyển Trên Đường Hàm Nghi station to ĐạI HọC Rmit station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 11 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationChợ Thủ Đức
- 2Wait for bus93Bến Xe Buýt Sài Gòn
- 3Ride to bus stationTrường Cđkt Cao ThắngID Q1 07737 min
- 4Walk to bus stationTrạm Trung Chuyển Trên Đường Hàm NghiID Q1 161100 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus102Bến Xe Miền Tây
- 6Ride to bus stationĐạI HọC RmitID Q7 09227 min
- 7Walk toRmit University Vietnam - Saigon South CampusNguyễn Văn Linh360 m • 5 min
Public transit directions from Chợ Thủ Đức to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus
Public transit stations close to Chợ Thủ Đức
Chợ Thủ Đức is located at Chợ Thủ Đức, Quận 7 and the nearest public transit station is Làng Thiếu Niên Thủ Đức.
Metro stations close to Chợ Thủ Đức:
- Phước Long
Bus stations close to Chợ Thủ Đức:
- Làng Thiếu Niên Thủ Đức
- Bxb Linh Đông
- Bãi Xe Phường Bình Thọ
Ferry stations close to Chợ Thủ Đức:
- Ga Tàu Thuỷ Linh Đông
- Ga Tàu Thuỷ Hiệp Bình Chánh
Public transit stations close to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus, Quận 7
Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus is located at Nguyễn Văn Linh, Quận 7 and the nearest public transit station is Thảo Loan Plaza.
Bus stations close to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus:
- Thảo Loan Plaza
- Khu Dân Cư Trung Sơn
- Đại Học Tôn Đức Thắng
Related Routes
- Chợ Thủ Đức to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus
- Công An Phường Linh Đông to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus
- Trường Cao Đẳng Vinatex to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus
- Tthc Huyện Hớn Quản to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus
- Ubnd P. Minh Hưng to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus
- Ngã 4 Chơn Thành to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus
- Ubnd P. Minh Thành to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus
- Siêu Thị Coop Mart to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus
- Bến Xe Trường Hải to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus
- Công Ty Nông Nghiệp Cờ Đỏ to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus
- Ngang Ubnd Xã Trung Hưng to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus
- Ktx Khu A Đhqg to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus
- Bến Xe Buýt Đh Quốc Gia Tphcm (Mới) to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus
- Trung Tâm Giáo Dục Thường Xuyên Huyện Phú Giáo to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus
- Cây Xăng Ngọc Ánh to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus
- Ngã Tư Hành Chính Phước Vĩnh to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus
- TrườNg TiểU HọC Tân BìNh to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus
- TrạM Xăng DầU Số 32 to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus
- TrườNg HùNg Vương to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus
- Ubnd Thành Phố Dĩ An (Đi) to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus
Alternative route from Chợ Thủ Đức to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus by bus via 93 and 102
To get from Chợ Thủ Đức to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus in Quận 7, take the 93 bus from Chợ Thủ Đức station to Trường Cđkt Cao Thắng station. Next, take the 102 bus from Trạm Trung Chuyển Trên Đường Hàm Nghi station to ĐạI HọC Rmit station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 11 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationChợ Thủ Đức
- 2Wait for bus93Bến Xe Buýt Sài Gòn
- 3Ride to bus stationTrường Cđkt Cao ThắngID Q1 07737 min
- 4Walk to bus stationTrạm Trung Chuyển Trên Đường Hàm NghiID Q1 161100 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus102Bến Xe Miền Tây
- 6Ride to bus stationĐạI HọC RmitID Q7 09227 min
- 7Walk toRmit University Vietnam - Saigon South CampusNguyễn Văn Linh360 m • 5 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Chợ Thủ Đức to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus?
The fastest way takes 70 minutes, using Bus line 93, Bus line 72.
What is the alternative route to get from Chợ Thủ Đức to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus?
The alternative route takes 71 minutes, using Bus line 93, Bus line 102.
Is there a direct bus between Chợ Thủ Đức and Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 10 min.
Which bus line goes from Chợ Thủ Đức to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus?
The 93 bus line goes from Bến Xe Buýt Sài Gòn station near Chợ Thủ Đức in Thủ Đức to Bến Xe Buýt Sài Gòn station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Bến Xe Buýt Sài Gòn station near Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus in Quận 7.
How long does it take to travel from Chợ Thủ Đức to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus by bus?
The total travel time between Chợ Thủ Đức in Thủ Đức and Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus in Quận 7 by bus is about 1 hr 10 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Chợ Thủ Đức to get to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus?
Get on the 93 bus from the Bến Xe Buýt Sài Gòn stop near Chợ Thủ Đức in Thủ Đức.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Chợ Thủ Đức and Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus?
Get off the bus at the Bến Xe Buýt Sài Gòn stop, which is closest to Rmit University Vietnam - Saigon South Campus in Quận 7.