How to get from Villafranca Padovana to Rubano by bus?
From Villafranca Padovana to Rubano by bus
To get from Villafranca Padovana to Rubano in Padova, take the 11 bus from Capolinea Taggì station to Giotto Contarine (Fr. Monumento) station. Next, take the 10 bus from Garibaldi Eremitani station to Capolinea Sarmeola station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 41 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationVillafranca Padovana
- 2Wait for bus11Capolinea S. Osvaldo
- 3Ride to bus stationGiotto Contarine (Fr. Monumento)15 min
- 4Walk to bus stationGaribaldi Eremitani180 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for bus10Capolinea Sarmeola
- 6Ride to bus stationCapolinea Sarmeola21 min
Public transit directions from Villafranca Padovana to Rubano
Public transit stations close to Villafranca Padovana
Villafranca Padovana is located at Villafranca Padovana, Padova and the nearest public transit station is Taggi' Suore.
Train stations close to Villafranca Padovana:
- Mestrino
Bus stations close to Villafranca Padovana:
- Taggi' Suore
- Taggi' Suore R
- Taggi' Di Sotto R
Public transit stations close to Rubano, Padova
Rubano is located at Rubano, Padova and the nearest public transit station is Sarmeola V.Le Po R.
Train stations close to Rubano:
- Mestrino
Bus stations close to Rubano:
- Sarmeola V.Le Po R
- Sarmeola V.Le Po
- Sarmeola Capol. Aps
Related Routes
- Belfiore to Rubano
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- Dolcè to Rubano
- Montebello Vicentino to Rubano
- Abano Terme to Rubano
- Albignasego to Rubano
- Cadoneghe to Rubano
- Campodarsego to Rubano
- Limena to Rubano
- Noventa Padovana to Rubano
- Ponte San Nicolò to Rubano
- Saccolongo to Rubano
- Selvazzano Dentro to Rubano
- Monselice to Rubano
- Solesino to Rubano
- Arquà Petrarca to Rubano
- Pozzonovo to Rubano
- Rovigo to Rubano
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Villafranca Padovana to Rubano?
The fastest way takes 41 minutes, using Bus line 11, Bus line 10.
Is there a direct bus between Villafranca Padovana and Rubano in Padova?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 41 min.
Which bus line goes from Villafranca Padovana to Rubano in Padova?
The 11 bus line goes from Capolinea S. Osvaldo station near Villafranca Padovana to Giotto Contarine (Fr. Monumento) station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Giotto Contarine (Fr. Monumento) station near Rubano in Padova
How long does it take to travel from Villafranca Padovana to Rubano in Padova by bus?
The total travel time between Villafranca Padovana and Rubano in Padova by bus is about 41 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Villafranca Padovana to get to Rubano in Padova?
Get on the 11 bus from the Capolinea S. Osvaldo stop near Villafranca Padovana in Padova.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Villafranca Padovana and Rubano in Padova?
Get off the bus at the Giotto Contarine (Fr. Monumento) stop, which is closest to Rubano in Padova.