How to get from Esbjerg St. to Rudbøl by bus and train?
From Esbjerg St. to Rudbøl by bus and train
To get from Esbjerg St. to Rudbøl in Tønder, take the 030 train from Esbjerg St. station to Tønder St. station. Next, take the 266 bus from Vestergade V Tønder St (Tønder) station to Højer Busstation station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 55 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationEsbjerg St.
- 2Wait for train030Tønder St.
- 3Ride to train stationTønder St.79 min
- 4Walk to bus stationVestergade V Tønder St (Tønder)280 m • 4 min
- 5Wait for bus266Højer
- 6Ride to bus stationHøjer Busstation21 min
- 7Walk toRudbøl220 m • 3 min
Public transit directions from Esbjerg St. to Rudbøl
Public transit stations close to Esbjerg St.
Esbjerg St. is located at Esbjerg St., Tønder and the nearest public transit station is Skolegade V Englandsgade (Esbjerg).
Train stations close to Esbjerg St.:
- Jerne St.
Bus stations close to Esbjerg St.:
- Skolegade V Englandsgade (Esbjerg)
- Esbjerg Busterminal
- Jernbanegade V Havnegade (Esbjerg)
Public transit stations close to Rudbøl, Tønder
Rudbøl is located at Rudbøl, Tønder and the nearest public transit station is Nørrevej V Digeskolen (Højer).
Bus stations close to Rudbøl:
- Nørrevej V Digeskolen (Højer)
- Højer Busstation
- Tøndervej V Højervej (Højer)
Related Routes
- Sydhavn St. (Togbus) to Rudbøl
- Borgmester Andersensvej V Jørgensgård to Rudbøl
- Kingosgade (Vesterbrogade) to Rudbøl
- Vestre Stationsvej (Odense Letbane) to Rudbøl
- Køge Nord Egedesvej (Egedesvej) to Rudbøl
- Esbjerg St. to Furesø
- Esbjerg St. to Lolland
- Esbjerg St. to Aalborg
- Esbjerg St. to Frederikshavn
- Esbjerg St. to Greve
- Esbjerg St. to Helsingør
- Esbjerg St. to Hillerød
- Esbjerg St. to Holbæk
- Esbjerg St. to Lemvig
- Esbjerg St. to Middelfart
- Esbjerg St. to Nyborg
- Esbjerg St. to Odder
- Esbjerg St. to Rødovre
- Esbjerg St. to Roskilde
- Esbjerg St. to Samsø
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Esbjerg St. to Rudbøl?
The fastest way takes 115 minutes, using Bus line 030, Bus line 266.
Is there a direct train between Esbjerg St. and Rudbøl?
No, you’ll have to take one train line and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 55 min.
Which train line goes from Esbjerg St. to Rudbøl?
The 030 train line goes from Tønder St. station near Esbjerg St. in Esbjerg to Tønder St. station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Tønder St. station near Rudbøl in Tønder.
How long does it take to travel from Esbjerg St. to Rudbøl by train and bus?
The total travel time between Esbjerg St. in Esbjerg and Rudbøl in Tønder by train and bus is about 1 hr 55 min.
Where do I get on the train near Esbjerg St. to get to Rudbøl?
Get on the 030 train from the Tønder St. station near Esbjerg St. in Esbjerg.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Esbjerg St. and Rudbøl?
Get off the train at the Tønder St. stop, which is closest to Rudbøl in Tønder.