How to get from Selgros to Sâmbăteni by light rail?
From Selgros to Sâmbăteni by light rail
Take one direct light rail from Selgros to Sâmbăteni in Paulis: take the 11 light rail from Vama Micălaca station to Sâmbăteni I station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 50 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to light rail stationVama Micălaca830 m • 11 min
- 2Wait for light rail11Piața U.T.A. ⟶ Ghioroc
- 3Ride to light rail stationSâmbăteni I36 min
- 4Walk toSâmbăteni160 m • 3 min
Public transit directions from Selgros to Sâmbăteni
Public transit stations close to Selgros
Selgros is located at Selgros, Paulis and the nearest public transit station is Aurel Crișan.
Bus stations close to Selgros:
- Aurel Crișan
- A.N.L.
- Real
Related Routes
- Caius Iacob to Sâmbăteni
- Gara C.F.R. to Sâmbăteni
- Romanilor to Sâmbăteni
- Traian to Sâmbăteni
- Ana Ipătescu to Sâmbăteni
- Caraiman to Sâmbăteni
- Autoservice to Sâmbăteni
- Stan Dragul to Sâmbăteni
- Astra Sector II to Sâmbăteni
- Sere to Sâmbăteni
- Vama Grădiște to Sâmbăteni
- Gorunului to Sâmbăteni
- Piața U.T.A. to Sâmbăteni
- Maximilian to Sâmbăteni
- Vama Micălaca to Sâmbăteni
- Vladimirescu Moară to Sâmbăteni
- Vladimirescu II to Sâmbăteni
- Uzina Electrică to Sâmbăteni
- Pășunii to Sâmbăteni
- Vladimirescu I to Sâmbăteni
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Selgros to Sâmbăteni?
The fastest way takes 50 minutes, using Bus line 11.
Is there a direct light rail between Selgros and Sâmbăteni?
Yes, there’s a direct light rail going from Selgros in Arad to Sâmbăteni in Paulis in 50 min.
Which light rail line goes from Selgros to Sâmbăteni?
The 11 light rail line goes from Vama Micălaca station near Selgros in Arad to Piața U.T.A. ⟶ Ghioroc station near Sâmbăteni in Paulis.
How long does it take to travel from Selgros to Sâmbăteni by light rail?
The total travel time between Selgros in Arad and Sâmbăteni in Paulis by light rail is about 50 min.
Where do I get on the light rail near Selgros to get to Sâmbăteni?
Get on the 11 light rail from the Vama Micălaca station near Selgros in Arad.
Where do I get off the light rail when travelling between Selgros and Sâmbăteni?
Get off the light rail at the Piața U.T.A. ⟶ Ghioroc station, which is closest to Sâmbăteni in Paulis.