How to get from Divizia 9 Cavalerie to Săcălaz by bus?
From Divizia 9 Cavalerie to Săcălaz by bus
Take one direct bus from Divizia 9 Cavalerie to Săcălaz in Sacalaz: take the M43 bus from Bastion station to Dispensar station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 43 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationBastion1.58 km • 21 min
- 2Wait for busM43Timișoara → Beregsău Mic
- 3Ride to bus stationDispensar21 min
- 4Walk toSăcălazStrada a 4-a40 m • 1 min
Public transit directions from Divizia 9 Cavalerie to Săcălaz
Public transit stations close to Divizia 9 Cavalerie
Divizia 9 Cavalerie is located at Divizia 9 Cavalerie, Sacalaz and the nearest public transit station is Divizia 9 Cavalerie.
Bus stations close to Divizia 9 Cavalerie:
- Iulius Mall
- Sf. Apostoli Petru Și Pavel
- Remus Răduleț
Trolleybus stations close to Divizia 9 Cavalerie:
- Divizia 9 Cavalerie
- Cimitirul Eroilor
- Pomiculturii
Public transit stations close to Săcălaz, Sacalaz
Săcălaz is located at Strada a 4-a, Sacalaz and the nearest public transit station is Liliacului Săcălaz.
Bus stations close to Săcălaz:
- Liliacului Săcălaz
- Liliacului
- Balta
Related Routes
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- Iulius Mall to Săcălaz
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- Catedrala Mitropolitană to Săcălaz
- Timișoara Shopping City to Săcălaz
- Piața Veteranilor to Săcălaz
- Leroy Merlin to Săcălaz
- Calea Circumvalațiunii to Săcălaz
- Batma to Săcălaz
- Ovidiu Cotruș to Săcălaz
- Cetății to Săcălaz
- Albăstrelelor to Săcălaz
- Timiș to Săcălaz
- Constantin Brâncoveanu to Săcălaz
- Auchan to Săcălaz
- Brico Depot to Săcălaz
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Divizia 9 Cavalerie to Săcălaz?
The fastest way takes 43 minutes, using Bus line M43.
Is there a direct bus between Divizia 9 Cavalerie and Săcălaz?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Divizia 9 Cavalerie in Timisoara to Săcălaz in Sacalaz in 43 min.
Which bus line goes from Divizia 9 Cavalerie to Săcălaz?
The M43 bus line goes from Bastion station near Divizia 9 Cavalerie in Timisoara to Timișoara → Beregsău Mic station near Săcălaz in Sacalaz.
How long does it take to travel from Divizia 9 Cavalerie to Săcălaz by bus?
The total travel time between Divizia 9 Cavalerie in Timisoara and Săcălaz in Sacalaz by bus is about 43 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Divizia 9 Cavalerie to get to Săcălaz?
Get on the M43 bus from the Bastion stop near Divizia 9 Cavalerie in Timisoara.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Divizia 9 Cavalerie and Săcălaz?
Get off the bus at the Timișoara → Beregsău Mic stop, which is closest to Săcălaz in Sacalaz.
When is the first bus from Divizia 9 Cavalerie to Săcălaz?
The first bus from Divizia 9 Cavalerie in Timisoara to Săcălaz in Sacalaz is Timișoara ⟷ Beregsău Mic. It leaves the Bastion stop at 6:25 AM.