How to get from Plaza Minorista to Sabaneta by bus?
From Plaza Minorista to Sabaneta by bus
To get from Plaza Minorista to Sabaneta in Medellin, take the 1811 bus from Plaza Minorista station to Autopista Sur, 79 Sur129 station. Next, take the 807 bus from Autopista Sur, 79 Sur129 station to Calle 84 Sur, 40535 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 42 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationPlaza Minorista
- 2Wait for bus1811Carrera 50, 106 Sur, Caldas-Tablaza
- 3Ride to bus stationAutopista Sur, 79 Sur12931 min
- 4Wait for bus807Estación Metro Estrella Buses
- 5Ride to bus stationCalle 84 Sur, 405352 min
- 6Walk toSabaneta170 m • 3 min
Alternative route from Plaza Minorista to Sabaneta by bus via 1811 and C9 003
To get from Plaza Minorista to Sabaneta in Medellin, take the 1811 bus from Plaza Minorista station to Autopista Sur, 79 Sur129 station. Next, take the C9 003 bus from Autopista Sur, 79 Sur129 station to Calle 84 Sur, 40535 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 45 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationPlaza Minorista
- 2Wait for bus1811Carrera 50, 106 Sur, Caldas-Tablaza
- 3Ride to bus stationAutopista Sur, 79 Sur12931 min
- 4Wait for busC9 003Sta Barbara-Caldas, Parador Los Lagos
- 5Ride to bus stationCalle 84 Sur, 405352 min
- 6Walk toSabaneta170 m • 3 min
Public transit directions from Plaza Minorista to Sabaneta
Public transit stations close to Plaza Minorista
Plaza Minorista is located at Plaza Minorista, Medellin and the nearest public transit station is Minorista.
Metro stations close to Plaza Minorista:
- San Antonio
- Cisneros
- Prado
Bus stations close to Plaza Minorista:
- Minorista
- Minorista Carrera 58
- Carrera 56c, 54-56
Public transit stations close to Sabaneta, Medellin
Sabaneta is located at Sabaneta, Medellin and the nearest public transit station is Carrera 55, 83b Sur 100.
Metro stations close to Sabaneta:
- Sabaneta
- La Estrella
- Envigado
Bus stations close to Sabaneta:
- Carrera 55, 83b Sur 100
- Carrera 55, 83c Sur, Urb Villa Del Campo
- Carrera 50, 80 Sur343
Related Routes
- Rionegro to Sabaneta
- Carlos E Restrepo Avenida Colombia, 64b2-64b120 to Sabaneta
- Estación Estadio to Sabaneta
- Itagüí to Sabaneta
- Plaza Minorista to Bello
- Plaza Minorista to Universidad Nacional Sede Del Río
- Plaza Minorista to Universidad Adventista De Colombia
- Plaza Minorista to Clinica León XIII Bloque 3
- Estación Cisneros to Copacabana
- Estación Cisneros to Sena
- La Macarena to Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
- La Macarena to Universidad Eafit
- La Macarena to Universidad Cooperativa De Colombia
- La Macarena to Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo
- La Macarena to Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano Robledo
- La Macarena to Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor De Antioquia
- La Macarena to Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó
- Homecenter, Makro to Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
- Homecenter, Makro to Universidad Eafit
- Homecenter, Makro to Universidad Cooperativa De Colombia
Alternative route from Plaza Minorista to Sabaneta by bus via 1811 and C9 003
To get from Plaza Minorista to Sabaneta in Medellin, take the 1811 bus from Plaza Minorista station to Autopista Sur, 79 Sur129 station. Next, take the C9 003 bus from Autopista Sur, 79 Sur129 station to Calle 84 Sur, 40535 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 45 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationPlaza Minorista
- 2Wait for bus1811Carrera 50, 106 Sur, Caldas-Tablaza
- 3Ride to bus stationAutopista Sur, 79 Sur12931 min
- 4Wait for busC9 003Sta Barbara-Caldas, Parador Los Lagos
- 5Ride to bus stationCalle 84 Sur, 405352 min
- 6Walk toSabaneta170 m • 3 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Plaza Minorista to Sabaneta?
The fastest way takes 42 minutes, using Bus line 1811, Bus line 807.
What is the alternative route to get from Plaza Minorista to Sabaneta?
The alternative route takes 45 minutes, using Bus line 1811, Bus line C9 003.
Is there a direct bus between Plaza Minorista and Sabaneta in Medellin?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 42 min.
Which bus line goes from Plaza Minorista to Sabaneta in Medellin?
The 1811 bus line goes from Carrera 50, 106 Sur, Caldas-Tablaza station near Plaza Minorista to Autopista Sur, 79 Sur129 station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Autopista Sur, 79 Sur129 station near Sabaneta in Medellin
How long does it take to travel from Plaza Minorista to Sabaneta in Medellin by bus?
The total travel time between Plaza Minorista and Sabaneta in Medellin by bus is about 42 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Plaza Minorista to get to Sabaneta in Medellin?
Get on the 1811 bus from the Carrera 50, 106 Sur, Caldas-Tablaza stop near Plaza Minorista in Medellin.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Plaza Minorista and Sabaneta in Medellin?
Get off the bus at the Autopista Sur, 79 Sur129 stop, which is closest to Sabaneta in Medellin.
When is the last metro from Plaza Minorista to Sabaneta in Medellin?
The last metro from Plaza Minorista to Sabaneta in Medellin is the Niquía ⇄ La Estrella line. It leaves the Prado station at 6:15 PM.