How to get from Hospital to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain by bus?
From Hospital to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain by bus
To get from Hospital to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain in Frontera, take the R03 bus from Hospital station to Estación Frontera station. Next, take the R12 bus from Estación Frontera station to Plaza Sabinosa F station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 48 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationHospital
- 2Wait for busR03Valverde - Frontera
- 3Ride to bus stationEstación FronteraID 00040121 min
- 4Wait for busR12Frontera - Pozo De La Salud
- 5Ride to bus stationPlaza Sabinosa FID 00243618 min
- 6Walk toSabinosa Canary Islands Spain360 m • 5 min
Public transit directions from Hospital to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain
Public transit stations close to Hospital
Hospital is located at Hospital, Frontera and the nearest public transit station is Colegio Valverde Barriada.
Bus stations close to Hospital:
- Colegio Valverde Barriada
- Seguridad Social
- Gasolinera Valverde F
Public transit stations close to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain, Frontera
Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain is located at Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain, Frontera and the nearest public transit station is Balneario Pozo De La Salud.
Bus stations close to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain:
- Balneario Pozo De La Salud
- Plaza Sabinosa F
- Plaza Sabinosa
Related Routes
- Estación Valverde to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain
- Tesine 1 to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain
- Tesine 2 to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain
- Tesine 3 to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain
- Cr. C/ Santiago//C/ Provisor Magdaleno to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain
- Instituto Valverde to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain
- El Cabo: C/Carrera Quesadillas to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain
- El Cabo: Colegio De Valverde to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain
- Centro De Día Valverde to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain
- Correos Valverde to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain
- Balaustrada to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain
- El Puente to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain
- Campo De Fútbol to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain
- El Cabo: Hi-2//Cr Calzada-Cr Hondillo to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain
- Estación El Pinar to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain
- Rotonda El Pinar/ Camino Jinama to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain
- Cr: Hi-5// C/Jamones to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain
- Estación Frontera to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain
- Las Puntas 2(Las Casitas) to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain
- Punta Grande to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Hospital to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain?
The fastest way takes 48 minutes, using Bus line R03, Bus line R12.
Is there a direct bus between Hospital and Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 48 min.
Which bus line goes from Hospital to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain?
The R03 bus line goes from Valverde - Frontera station near Hospital in El Hierro to Estación Frontera station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Estación Frontera station near Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain in Frontera.
How long does it take to travel from Hospital to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain by bus?
The total travel time between Hospital in El Hierro and Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain in Frontera by bus is about 48 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Hospital to get to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain?
Get on the R03 bus from the Valverde - Frontera stop near Hospital in El Hierro.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Hospital and Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain?
Get off the bus at the Estación Frontera stop, which is closest to Sabinosa Canary Islands Spain in Frontera.