How to get from Vizille to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs by bus?
From Vizille to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs by bus
To get from Vizille to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs in Grenoble, take the X03 bus from Vizille, L'Alliance station to Grenoble, Durand Savoyat station. Next, take the T50 bus from Grenoble, Durand Savoyat station to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs, Gare Routiere station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 52 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationVizille, L'AllianceID ST0489580 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for busX03Voreppe, Gare
- 3Ride to bus stationGrenoble, Durand SavoyatID ST0929637 min
- 4Wait for busT50Beaurepaire, Gare Routiere
- 5Ride to bus stationSaint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs, Gare RoutiereID ST0924857 min
- 6Walk toSaint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs310 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from Vizille to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs
Public transit stations close to Vizille
Vizille is located at Vizille, Grenoble and the nearest public transit station is Vizille, Place Du Château.
Train stations close to Vizille:
- Jarrie - Vizille
Bus stations close to Vizille:
- Vizille, Place Du Château
- Vizille, Les Forges
- Vizille, Le Grimpillon
Public transit stations close to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs, Grenoble
Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs is located at Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs, Grenoble and the nearest public transit station is Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs, Gare Routiere.
Bus stations close to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs:
- Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs, Gare Routiere
- Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs, Parking Relais Mandrin
Related Routes
- Voreppe to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs
- Pierre-Châtel to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs
- Aiguebelette-Le-Lac to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs
- Apprieu to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs
- Beaufort to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs
- Izeaux to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs
- Izeron to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs
- La Frette to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs
- Le Grand-Lemps to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs
- Les Abrets to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs
- Saint-Béron to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs
- Saint-Marcellin to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs
- Villard-De-Lans to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs
- Voiron to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs
- Vizille to Fontanil-Cornillon
- Vizille to Saint-Martin-Le-Vinoux
- Vizille to Arvillard
- Vizille to Apprieu
- Vizille to Charnècles
- Vizille to La Buisse
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Vizille to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs?
The fastest way takes 112 minutes, using Bus line X03, Bus line T50.
Is there a direct bus between Vizille and Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs in Grenoble?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 52 min.
Which bus line goes from Vizille to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs in Grenoble?
The X03 bus line goes from Vizille, L'Alliance station near Vizille to Voreppe, Gare station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Voreppe, Gare station near Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs in Grenoble
How long does it take to travel from Vizille to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs in Grenoble by bus?
The total travel time between Vizille and Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs in Grenoble by bus is about 1 hr 52 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Vizille to get to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs in Grenoble?
Get on the X03 bus from the Vizille, L'Alliance stop near Vizille in Grenoble.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Vizille and Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs in Grenoble?
Get off the bus at the Voreppe, Gare stop, which is closest to Saint-Étienne-De-Saint-Geoirs in Grenoble.