How to get from Gréoux-Les-Bains to Saint-Maime by bus?
From Gréoux-Les-Bains to Saint-Maime by bus
To get from Gréoux-Les-Bains to Saint-Maime in Marseille, take the 136 DLVA bus from Fontaine Vieille station to Halte Routiere station. Next, take the 65 bus from Halte Routière station to Les Quatre Reines station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 23 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationGréoux-Les-Bains
- 2Wait for bus136 DLVA136 Esparron Manosque
- 3Ride to bus stationHalte Routiere33 min
- 4Walk to bus stationHalte RoutièreID MANOSQUE20 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus65
- 6Ride to bus stationLes Quatre ReinesID ST MAIME17 min
Public transit directions from Gréoux-Les-Bains to Saint-Maime
Public transit stations close to Gréoux-Les-Bains
Gréoux-Les-Bains is located at Gréoux-Les-Bains, Marseille and the nearest public transit station is Marronniers.
Bus stations close to Gréoux-Les-Bains:
- Marronniers
- Étoile
- Maurines
Public transit stations close to Saint-Maime, Marseille
Saint-Maime is located at Saint-Maime, Marseille and the nearest public transit station is Les Quatre Reines.
Bus stations close to Saint-Maime:
- Les Quatre Reines
- Village
- La Poste
Related Routes
- Aups to Saint-Maime
- Carry-Le-Rouet to Saint-Maime
- Gignac-La-Nerthe to Saint-Maime
- Saint-Zacharie to Saint-Maime
- Saint-Saturnin-Lès-Avignon to Saint-Maime
- Gordes to Saint-Maime
- Gare De Marseille-St-Charles to Saint-Maime
- Gréoux-Les-Bains to Esparron-De-Verdon
- Gréoux-Les-Bains to La Verdière
- Gréoux-Les-Bains to Bouc-Bel-Air
- Gréoux-Les-Bains to Cuers
- Gréoux-Les-Bains to Saint-Mandrier-Sur-Mer
- Gréoux-Les-Bains to Aix-En-Provence
- Gréoux-Les-Bains to Cavaillon
- Gréoux-Les-Bains to La Destrousse
- Gréoux-Les-Bains to Manosque
- Gréoux-Les-Bains to Orgon
- Gréoux-Les-Bains to Peyrolles-En-Provence
- Gréoux-Les-Bains to Saint-Martin-De-Crau
- Gréoux-Les-Bains to Saint-Rémy-De-Provence
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Gréoux-Les-Bains to Saint-Maime?
The fastest way takes 143 minutes, using Bus line 136 DLVA, Bus line 65.
Is there a direct bus between Gréoux-Les-Bains and Saint-Maime in Marseille?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 23 min.
Which bus line goes from Gréoux-Les-Bains to Saint-Maime in Marseille?
The 136 DLVA bus line goes from 136 Esparron Manosque station near Gréoux-Les-Bains to Halte Routiere station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Halte Routiere station near Saint-Maime in Marseille
How long does it take to travel from Gréoux-Les-Bains to Saint-Maime in Marseille by bus?
The total travel time between Gréoux-Les-Bains and Saint-Maime in Marseille by bus is about 2 hr 23 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Gréoux-Les-Bains to get to Saint-Maime in Marseille?
Get on the 136 DLVA bus from the 136 Esparron Manosque stop near Gréoux-Les-Bains in Marseille.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Gréoux-Les-Bains and Saint-Maime in Marseille?
Get off the bus at the Halte Routiere stop, which is closest to Saint-Maime in Marseille.