How to get from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac by train?
From Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac by train
To get from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac in Bordeaux, take the D44 train from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean station to Gare De La Réole station. Next, take the F44 train from Gare De La Réole station to Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 5 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationGare Bordeaux Saint-Jean
- 2Wait for trainD44866811
- 3Ride to train stationGare De La Réole35 min
- 4Wait for trainF44866870
- 5Ride to train stationSaint-Pierre-D'Aurillac11 min
Public transit directions from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac
Public transit stations close to Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean
Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean is located at Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean, Bordeaux and the nearest public transit station is Gare Saint-Jean.
Train stations close to Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean:
- Bordeaux Saint-Jean
Bus stations close to Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean:
- Gare Saint-Jean
- Gare St Jean
- Gare St Jean (Rue Domercq)
Public transit stations close to Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac, Bordeaux
Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac is located at Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac, Bordeaux and the nearest public transit station is Saint-Macaire.
Train stations close to Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac:
- Saint-Macaire
- Caudrot
- Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac
Related Routes
- Bassens to Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac
- Begles to Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac
- Carignan-De-Bordeaux to Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac
- Créon to Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac
- Saint-Hilaire-Du-Bois to Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac
- Saint-Philippe-D'Aiguille to Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac
- Gare De Arcachon to Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac
- Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Bassens
- Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Bouliac
- Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Talence
- Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Braud-Et-Saint-Louis
- Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Cartelègue
- Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Castillon-La-Bataille
- Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Comps
- Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Croignon
- Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Francs
- Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Gauriac
- Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Grayan-Et-L'Hôpital
- Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Langoiran
- Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Le Tourne
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac?
The fastest way takes 65 minutes, using Bus line D44, Bus line F44.
Is there a direct train between Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean and Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac in Bordeaux?
No, you’ll have to take 2 train lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 5 min.
Which train line goes from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac in Bordeaux?
The D44 train line goes from 866811 station near Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Gare De La Réole station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till Gare De La Réole station near Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac in Bordeaux
How long does it take to travel from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac in Bordeaux by train?
The total travel time between Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean and Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac in Bordeaux by train is about 1 hr 5 min.
Where do I get on the train near Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to get to Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac in Bordeaux?
Get on the D44 train from the 866811 station near Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean in Bordeaux.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean and Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac in Bordeaux?
Get off the train at the Gare De La Réole station, which is closest to Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac in Bordeaux.
When is the last train from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac in Bordeaux?
The last train from Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean to Saint-Pierre-D'Aurillac in Bordeaux is the 44. Bordeaux - Langon - Marmande - Agen line. It leaves the Gare Bordeaux Saint-Jean station at 9:32 PM.