How to get from Arnad to Saint-Vincent by bus?
From Arnad to Saint-Vincent by bus
Take one direct bus from Arnad to Saint-Vincent in Aosta Valley: take the 110 bus from Bivio Paese (Arnad) station to Ponte Romano (Saint-Vincent) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 23 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationArnad
- 2Wait for bus110Aosta
- 3Ride to bus stationPonte Romano (Saint-Vincent)22 min
Public transit directions from Arnad to Saint-Vincent
Public transit stations close to Arnad
Arnad is located at Arnad, Aosta Valley and the nearest public transit station is Arnad Vivenda.
Train stations close to Arnad:
- Hone-Bard
- Verres
Bus stations close to Arnad:
- Arnad Vivenda
- Cimitero - Arnad
- Arnad Municipio
Public transit stations close to Saint-Vincent, Aosta Valley
Saint-Vincent is located at Saint-Vincent, Aosta Valley and the nearest public transit station is Cillian Capolinea.
Train stations close to Saint-Vincent:
- Châtillon-Saint-Vincent
Bus stations close to Saint-Vincent:
- Cillian Capolinea
- Funicolare (Saint-Vincent)
- Saint-Vincent Autostazione
Related Routes
- Ayas to Saint-Vincent
- Bionaz to Saint-Vincent
- Brusson to Saint-Vincent
- Challand-Saint-Anselme to Saint-Vincent
- Cogne to Saint-Vincent
- Fontainemore to Saint-Vincent
- Gaby to Saint-Vincent
- Gressoney-La-Trinitè to Saint-Vincent
- Gressoney-Saint-Jean to Saint-Vincent
- Issime to Saint-Vincent
- Lillianes to Saint-Vincent
- Oyace to Saint-Vincent
- Valpelline to Saint-Vincent
- Antey-Saint-Andrè to Saint-Vincent
- Aosta to Saint-Vincent
- Arvier to Saint-Vincent
- Avise to Saint-Vincent
- Aymavilles to Saint-Vincent
- Bard to Saint-Vincent
- Brissogne to Saint-Vincent
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Arnad to Saint-Vincent?
The fastest way takes 23 minutes, using Bus line 110.
Is there a direct bus between Arnad and Saint-Vincent in Aosta Valley?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Arnad to Saint-Vincent in Aosta Valley in 23 min.
Which bus line goes from Arnad to Saint-Vincent in Aosta Valley?
The 110 bus line goes from Aosta station near Arnad to Ponte Romano (Saint-Vincent) station near Saint-Vincent in Aosta Valley.
How long does it take to travel from Arnad to Saint-Vincent in Aosta Valley by bus?
The total travel time between Arnad and Saint-Vincent in Aosta Valley by bus is about 23 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Arnad to get to Saint-Vincent in Aosta Valley?
Get on the 110 bus from the Aosta stop near Arnad in Aosta Valley.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Arnad and Saint-Vincent in Aosta Valley?
Get off the bus at the Ponte Romano (Saint-Vincent) stop, which is closest to Saint-Vincent in Aosta Valley.
When is the last bus from Arnad to Saint-Vincent in Aosta Valley?
The last bus from Arnad to Saint-Vincent in Aosta Valley is the Aosta - Pont Saint Martin FS line. It leaves the Bivio Paese (Arnad) stop at 11:05 PM.