How to get from Bekat to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti by bus?
From Bekat to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti by bus
To get from Bekat to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti in Oqdaryo, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the C004 bus from Bekat station to Urgut station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the C001 bus and finally take the 41 bus from Betonka station to Amir Temur Ko'Chasi, 9 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 1 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationBekat
- 2Wait for busC004Kishlak → Urgut
- 3Ride to bus stationUrgut9 min
- 4Wait for busC001Urgut → Samarqand
- 5Ride to bus stationBekat68 min
- 6Walk to bus stationBetonka150 m • 2 min
- 7Wait for bus41Betonka → Sogdiana
- 8Ride to bus stationAmir Temur Ko'Chasi, 921 min
Alternative route from Bekat to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti by bus via C004, C001 and 17
To get from Bekat to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti in Oqdaryo, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the C004 bus from Bekat station to Urgut station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the C001 bus and finally take the 17 bus from Sanatorium Zarafshan station to Amir Temur Ko'Chasi, 9 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 7 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationBekat
- 2Wait for busC004Kishlak → Urgut
- 3Ride to bus stationUrgut9 min
- 4Wait for busC001Urgut → Samarqand
- 5Ride to bus stationSanatorium Zarafshan81 min
- 6Wait for bus17Observatoriya Ulughbek → Zheleznodorozhnii Vokzal
- 7Ride to bus stationAmir Temur Ko'Chasi, 922 min
Public transit directions from Bekat to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti
Public transit stations close to Bekat
Bekat is located at Bekat, Oqdaryo and the nearest public transit station is Bekat.
Bus stations close to Bekat:
- Bekat
Public transit stations close to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti, Oqdaryo
Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti is located at Shohruh ko'chasi, Oqdaryo and the nearest public transit station is Abdurahmon Jomiy Ko'Chasi, 98.
Bus stations close to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti:
- Abdurahmon Jomiy Ko'Chasi, 98
- Amir Temur Ko'Chasi, 20
- Бўстонсарой Кўчаси, 89
Related Routes
- Гагарин Кўчаси, 35 to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti
- Shkola Nº 53 to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti
- Beruniy Ko'Chasi, 71 to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti
- Most to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti
- Poselok Motrid to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti
- AZS to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti
- Uzbekkenti to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti
- Uzbekkenti (Konechnaya) to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti
- Bakhor to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti
- Voenkomat to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti
- Zavod to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti
- Khazora to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti
- Rinok to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti
- Dal'Nii Lager' to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti
- Voennii Gorodok to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti
- Bekat to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti
- Ali Qushchi to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti
- Ul. Zielilar to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti
- Superfosfatnii to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti
- Khoja Abdi Berun Cemetery to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti
Alternative route from Bekat to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti by bus via C004, C001 and 17
To get from Bekat to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti in Oqdaryo, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the C004 bus from Bekat station to Urgut station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the C001 bus and finally take the 17 bus from Sanatorium Zarafshan station to Amir Temur Ko'Chasi, 9 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 7 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationBekat
- 2Wait for busC004Kishlak → Urgut
- 3Ride to bus stationUrgut9 min
- 4Wait for busC001Urgut → Samarqand
- 5Ride to bus stationSanatorium Zarafshan81 min
- 6Wait for bus17Observatoriya Ulughbek → Zheleznodorozhnii Vokzal
- 7Ride to bus stationAmir Temur Ko'Chasi, 922 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Bekat to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti?
The fastest way takes 121 minutes, using Bus line C004, Bus line C001, Bus line 41.
What is the alternative route to get from Bekat to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti?
The alternative route takes 127 minutes, using Bus line C004, Bus line C001, Bus line 17.
Is there a direct bus between Bekat and Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti?
No, you’ll have to take 3 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 1 min.
Which bus line goes from Bekat to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti?
The C004 bus line goes from Kishlak → Urgut station near Bekat in Urgut to Urgut station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Urgut station near Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti in Oqdaryo.
How long does it take to travel from Bekat to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti by bus?
The total travel time between Bekat in Urgut and Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti in Oqdaryo by bus is about 2 hr 1 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Bekat to get to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti?
Get on the C004 bus from the Kishlak → Urgut stop near Bekat in Urgut.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Bekat and Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti?
Get off the bus at the Urgut stop, which is closest to Samarqand Iqtisod Va Servis Instituti in Oqdaryo.