How to get from Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor to San Lorenzo by bus?
From Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor to San Lorenzo by bus
Take one direct bus from Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor to San Lorenzo in San Lorenzo: take the 56 D bus from Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor station to Av. Rodríguez De Francia X San Lorenzo station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 37 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAv. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor
- 2Wait for bus56 DSan Lorenzo
- 3Ride to bus stationAv. Rodríguez De Francia X San Lorenzo30 min
- 4Walk toSan Lorenzo430 m • 6 min
Alternative route from Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor to San Lorenzo by bus via 56 C
Take one direct bus from Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor to San Lorenzo in San Lorenzo: take the 56 C bus from Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor station to Av. Rodríguez De Francia X San Lorenzo station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 37 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAv. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor
- 2Wait for bus56 CSan Lorenzo
- 3Ride to bus stationAv. Rodríguez De Francia X San Lorenzo30 min
- 4Walk toSan Lorenzo430 m • 6 min
Public transit directions from Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor to San Lorenzo
Public transit stations close to Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor
Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor is located at Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor, San Lorenzo and the nearest public transit station is Cruz Del Defensor X Av. Mcal. Lopéz.
Bus stations close to Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor:
- Cruz Del Defensor X Av. Mcal. Lopéz
- Avenida Mariscal López, 3811
- Gral. O'Higgins X Guido Spano
Public transit stations close to San Lorenzo, San Lorenzo
San Lorenzo is located at San Lorenzo, San Lorenzo and the nearest public transit station is 14 De Mayo X Rodríguez De Francia.
Bus stations close to San Lorenzo:
- 14 De Mayo X Rodríguez De Francia
- Gaspar R. De Francia X Julia Miranda Cueto
- Fortín Arce X 14 De Mayo
Related Routes
- Parada 44 to San Lorenzo
- Salado, 1595 to San Lorenzo
- Chile, 688 to San Lorenzo
- Azara X Estados Unidos to San Lorenzo
- Tacuari, 556 to San Lorenzo
- Centro Comercial to San Lorenzo
- Avenida Aviadores Del Chaco, 2351 to San Lorenzo
- Avenida Aviadores Del Chaco, 1669 to San Lorenzo
- Av. San Martín X Austria to San Lorenzo
- Avenida Republica Argentina, 201 to San Lorenzo
- Avenida Republica Argentina, 1773 to San Lorenzo
- Avenida Republica Argentina, 2175 to San Lorenzo
- Pilar, 2031 to San Lorenzo
- Av. Argentina X Cacique Tabapy to San Lorenzo
- Calle Guaraníes Y Av. Caciqué Lambaré to San Lorenzo
- Avenida Juan Domingo Perón, 2840 to San Lorenzo
- Tte. Lidio Cantalupi, 1935 to San Lorenzo
- Julio Correa to San Lorenzo
- Av. Molas López Y Av. San Martín to San Lorenzo
- Federación Rusa, 1274 to San Lorenzo
Alternative route from Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor to San Lorenzo by bus via 56 C
Take one direct bus from Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor to San Lorenzo in San Lorenzo: take the 56 C bus from Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor station to Av. Rodríguez De Francia X San Lorenzo station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 37 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationAv. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor
- 2Wait for bus56 CSan Lorenzo
- 3Ride to bus stationAv. Rodríguez De Francia X San Lorenzo30 min
- 4Walk toSan Lorenzo430 m • 6 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor to San Lorenzo?
The fastest way takes 37 minutes, using Bus line 56 D.
What is the alternative route to get from Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor to San Lorenzo?
The alternative route takes 37 minutes, using Bus line 56 C.
Is there a direct bus between Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor and San Lorenzo?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor in Asunción to San Lorenzo in San Lorenzo in 37 min.
Which bus line goes from Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor to San Lorenzo?
The 56 D bus line goes from San Lorenzo station near Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor in Asunción to Av. Rodríguez De Francia X San Lorenzo station near San Lorenzo in San Lorenzo.
How long does it take to travel from Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor to San Lorenzo by bus?
The total travel time between Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor in Asunción and San Lorenzo in San Lorenzo by bus is about 37 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor to get to San Lorenzo?
Get on the 56 D bus from the San Lorenzo stop near Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor in Asunción.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor and San Lorenzo?
Get off the bus at the Av. Rodríguez De Francia X San Lorenzo stop, which is closest to San Lorenzo in San Lorenzo.
When is the last bus from Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor to San Lorenzo?
The last bus from Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor in Asunción to San Lorenzo in San Lorenzo is the Ñemby - Asunción line. It leaves the Av. Mariscal López X Cruz Del Defensor stop at 4:23 AM.