How to get from Calle 319 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador by bus?
From Calle 319 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador by bus
To get from Calle 319 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador in Manta, take the 7 bus from Calle 319 Manta station to Avenida De La Cultura Manta station. Next, take the 1 bus from Avenida De La Cultura Manta station to Manta station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 18 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationCalle 319 Manta
- 2Wait for bus7Ciudadela Nueva Esperanza
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida De La Cultura Manta19 min
- 4Walk to bus stationAvenida De La Cultura Manta160 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for bus1Los Gavilanes
- 6Ride to bus stationManta41 min
- 7Walk toSan Mateo Manabí Ecuador730 m • 10 min
Alternative route from Calle 319 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador by bus via 1
Take one direct bus from Calle 319 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador in Manta: take the 1 bus from Calle 324 Manta station to Manta station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 25 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationCalle 324 Manta490 m • 7 min
- 2Wait for bus1Los Gavilanes
- 3Ride to bus stationManta68 min
- 4Walk toSan Mateo Manabí Ecuador730 m • 10 min
Public transit directions from Calle 319 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador
Public transit stations close to Calle 319 Manta
Calle 319 Manta is located at Calle 319 Manta, Manta and the nearest public transit station is Calle 319 A Manta.
Bus stations close to Calle 319 Manta:
- Calle 319 A Manta
- Manta
- Vía Interbarrial Manta
Public transit stations close to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador, Manta
San Mateo Manabí Ecuador is located at San Mateo Manabí Ecuador, Manta and the nearest public transit station is Manta.
Bus stations close to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador:
- Manta
Related Routes
- Vía Manta - Montecristi Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador
- Calle Universitaria 8 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador
- Av. 217 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador
- E15 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador
- Calle 319 A Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador
- Av. 210 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador
- Calle Montecristi Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador
- Avenida Flavio Reyes Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador
- Calle 15 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador
- Via Al Palmar Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador
- Avenida 24 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador
- Calle 325 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador
- Avenida Circunvalación Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador
- Via Interbarrial Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador
- Los Laureles (Calle 320) Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador
- Avenida 105 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador
- Avenida 108 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador
- Calle J7 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador
- Manta-Colisa Parroquia Jaramijó to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador
- Vía Interbarrial Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador
Alternative route from Calle 319 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador by bus via 1
Take one direct bus from Calle 319 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador in Manta: take the 1 bus from Calle 324 Manta station to Manta station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 25 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationCalle 324 Manta490 m • 7 min
- 2Wait for bus1Los Gavilanes
- 3Ride to bus stationManta68 min
- 4Walk toSan Mateo Manabí Ecuador730 m • 10 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Calle 319 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador?
The fastest way takes 78 minutes, using Bus line 7, Bus line 1.
What is the alternative route to get from Calle 319 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador?
The alternative route takes 85 minutes, using Bus line 1.
Is there a direct bus between Calle 319 Manta and San Mateo Manabí Ecuador in Manta?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 18 min.
Which bus line goes from Calle 319 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador in Manta?
The 7 bus line goes from Ciudadela Nueva Esperanza station near Calle 319 Manta to Avenida De La Cultura Manta station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Avenida De La Cultura Manta station near San Mateo Manabí Ecuador in Manta
How long does it take to travel from Calle 319 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador in Manta by bus?
The total travel time between Calle 319 Manta and San Mateo Manabí Ecuador in Manta by bus is about 1 hr 18 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Calle 319 Manta to get to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador in Manta?
Get on the 7 bus from the Ciudadela Nueva Esperanza stop near Calle 319 Manta in Manta.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Calle 319 Manta and San Mateo Manabí Ecuador in Manta?
Get off the bus at the Avenida De La Cultura Manta stop, which is closest to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador in Manta.
When is the last bus from Calle 319 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador in Manta?
The last bus from Calle 319 Manta to San Mateo Manabí Ecuador in Manta is the Ciudadela 15 de Abril - Los Gavilanes line. It leaves the Calle 324 Manta stop at 1:38 AM.