How to get from Pratovecchio-Stia to San Polo In Chianti by bus and train?
From Pratovecchio-Stia to San Polo In Chianti by bus and train
To get from Pratovecchio-Stia to San Polo In Chianti in Greve In Chianti, you’ll need to take one train line and one bus line: take the RL from Pratovecchio-Stia station to Arezzo station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the R train and finally take the 354 B bus from Figline Valdarno FS station to Giaggioli station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 33 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from stationPratovecchio-Stia
- 2Wait forRLArezzo Rfi
- 3Ride toArezzo60 min
- 4Wait for trainRFirenze S.M.N.
- 5Ride to train stationFigline Valdarno40 min
- 6Walk to bus stationFigline Valdarno FSID FVN036120 m • 2 min
- 7Wait for bus354 BGreve Piazza Trento
- 8Ride to bus stationGiaggioliID FM196215 min
- 9Walk toSan Polo In ChiantiVia dei Giaggioli110 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Pratovecchio-Stia to San Polo In Chianti
Public transit stations close to Pratovecchio-Stia
Pratovecchio-Stia is located at Pratovecchio-Stia, Greve In Chianti and the nearest public transit station is Stia Stazione.
Bus stations close to Pratovecchio-Stia:
- Stia Stazione
- Stia Paese Via Roma Nc. 26 (Farmacia)
- Stia V.17 Partigiani Nc.23 Incr.M.Falter
Public transit stations close to San Polo In Chianti, Greve In Chianti
San Polo In Chianti is located at Via dei Giaggioli, Greve In Chianti and the nearest public transit station is San Polo Bivio Grassina.
Bus stations close to San Polo In Chianti:
- San Polo Bivio Grassina
- Ciocca
- San Polo Bivio Grassina_A
Related Routes
- Stazione FS Querceta to San Polo In Chianti
- Baracca Gori to San Polo In Chianti
- Rotonda Barbetti to San Polo In Chianti
- Via Sarzanese Civ.62 to San Polo In Chianti
- Via Circonvallazione, 118 to San Polo In Chianti
- Lo Stellino to San Polo In Chianti
- Via Del Ghirlandaio to San Polo In Chianti
- Arnolfo Orcagna to San Polo In Chianti
- Sella Campofiore to San Polo In Chianti
- Firenze Autostazione to San Polo In Chianti
- T1 Porta Al Prato - Leopolda to San Polo In Chianti
- Michelangiolo Ferrucci to San Polo In Chianti
- Porta Romana to San Polo In Chianti
- Petrarca Porta Romana to San Polo In Chianti
- Senese Le Romite to San Polo In Chianti
- Borghini to San Polo In Chianti
- Firenzuola to San Polo In Chianti
- Don Minzoni Pascoli to San Polo In Chianti
- Don Minzoni Giordano to San Polo In Chianti
- Matteotti Lamarmora to San Polo In Chianti
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Pratovecchio-Stia to San Polo In Chianti?
The fastest way takes 153 minutes, using Bus line RL, Bus line R, Bus line 354 B.
Is there a direct between Pratovecchio-Stia and San Polo In Chianti?
No, you’ll have to take one train line and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 33 min.
Which line goes from Pratovecchio-Stia to San Polo In Chianti?
The line goes from Arezzo Rfi station near Pratovecchio-Stia in Arezzo to Arezzo station. From there you’ll have to take one train line and one bus line till Arezzo station near San Polo In Chianti in Greve In Chianti.
How long does it take to travel from Pratovecchio-Stia to San Polo In Chianti by train and bus?
The total travel time between Pratovecchio-Stia in Arezzo and San Polo In Chianti in Greve In Chianti by train and bus is about 2 hr 33 min.
Where do I get on the near Pratovecchio-Stia to get to San Polo In Chianti?
Where do I get off the when travelling between Pratovecchio-Stia and San Polo In Chianti?
Get off the at the Arezzo stop, which is closest to San Polo In Chianti in Greve In Chianti.