How to get from Doctor Vidal, 1106 to San Salvador de Jujuy by bus?
From Doctor Vidal, 1106 to San Salvador de Jujuy by bus
Take one direct bus from Doctor Vidal, 1106 to San Salvador de Jujuy in San Salvador De Jujuy: take the 46 bus from López, 409 station to Avenida El Exodo, 520 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 21 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationLópez, 409400 m • 6 min
- 2Wait for bus46B° Cnel. Arias - Bajo Gorriti - Centro - Cdad. De Nieva - Asentamiento Pablo Soria
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida El Exodo, 52014 min
- 4Walk toSan Salvador de Jujuy120 m • 2 min
Alternative route from Doctor Vidal, 1106 to San Salvador de Jujuy by bus via 6 and 2
To get from Doctor Vidal, 1106 to San Salvador de Jujuy in San Salvador De Jujuy, take the 6 bus from Doctor Vidal, 1106 station to Avenida Córdoba, 2082 station. Next, take the 2 bus from Avenida Córdoba, 2082 station to Avenida El Exodo, 520 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 18 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationDoctor Vidal, 1106
- 2Wait for bus6560 Viviendas
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Córdoba, 20824 min
- 4Wait for bus2Etapa 8 De La Tupac
- 5Ride to bus stationAvenida El Exodo, 52010 min
- 6Walk toSan Salvador de Jujuy120 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Doctor Vidal, 1106 to San Salvador de Jujuy
Public transit stations close to Doctor Vidal, 1106
Doctor Vidal, 1106 is located at Doctor Vidal, 1106, San Salvador De Jujuy and the nearest public transit station is Suipacha, 337.
Bus stations close to Doctor Vidal, 1106:
- Suipacha, 337
- Ituzaingó, 494
- Suipacha, 423
Public transit stations close to San Salvador de Jujuy, San Salvador De Jujuy
San Salvador de Jujuy is located at San Salvador de Jujuy, San Salvador De Jujuy and the nearest public transit station is Lisandro De La Torre Y Campero.
Bus stations close to San Salvador de Jujuy:
- Lisandro De La Torre Y Campero
- República De Siria, 380
- República De Siria, 595
Related Routes
- José Hernández, 664 to San Salvador de Jujuy
- Calle Alberdi, 6846 to San Salvador de Jujuy
- Av. Forestal Y García Del Río to San Salvador de Jujuy
- Av. Forestal Y Mina 9 De Octubre to San Salvador de Jujuy
- Av. El Éxodo Y Cerro Aguilar to San Salvador de Jujuy
- Estadio 23 De Agosto to San Salvador de Jujuy
- Av. Savio Y French to San Salvador de Jujuy
- Av. Savio Y Valparaíso to San Salvador de Jujuy
- Rn 9 Y Calle 411 to San Salvador de Jujuy
- Rn 9 Y Guide to San Salvador de Jujuy
- Rn 9 Y María Pérez to San Salvador de Jujuy
- Rn 9 Y Los Cactus to San Salvador de Jujuy
- Rn 9 Y El Nogal to San Salvador de Jujuy
- Cementerio Parque El Solar to San Salvador de Jujuy
- Salar De Caucharí Y Av. Marina Vitte to San Salvador de Jujuy
- Av. Valle Grande Y Alfarcito to San Salvador de Jujuy
- Calle Marina Vilte, 523 to San Salvador de Jujuy
- Av. Valle Grande Y Catamontana to San Salvador de Jujuy
- Feria Copacabana to San Salvador de Jujuy
- Arroyo Colorado Y Lozano to San Salvador de Jujuy
Alternative route from Doctor Vidal, 1106 to San Salvador de Jujuy by bus via 6 and 2
To get from Doctor Vidal, 1106 to San Salvador de Jujuy in San Salvador De Jujuy, take the 6 bus from Doctor Vidal, 1106 station to Avenida Córdoba, 2082 station. Next, take the 2 bus from Avenida Córdoba, 2082 station to Avenida El Exodo, 520 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 18 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationDoctor Vidal, 1106
- 2Wait for bus6560 Viviendas
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida Córdoba, 20824 min
- 4Wait for bus2Etapa 8 De La Tupac
- 5Ride to bus stationAvenida El Exodo, 52010 min
- 6Walk toSan Salvador de Jujuy120 m • 2 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Doctor Vidal, 1106 to San Salvador de Jujuy?
The fastest way takes 21 minutes, using Bus line 46.
What is the alternative route to get from Doctor Vidal, 1106 to San Salvador de Jujuy?
The alternative route takes 18 minutes, using Bus line 6, Bus line 2.
Is there a direct bus between Doctor Vidal, 1106 and San Salvador de Jujuy?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Doctor Vidal, 1106 in San Salvador de Jujuy to San Salvador de Jujuy in San Salvador De Jujuy in 21 min.
Which bus line goes from Doctor Vidal, 1106 to San Salvador de Jujuy?
The 46 bus line goes from López, 409 station near Doctor Vidal, 1106 in San Salvador de Jujuy to B° Cnel. Arias - Bajo Gorriti - Centro - Cdad. De Nieva - Asentamiento Pablo Soria station near San Salvador de Jujuy in San Salvador De Jujuy.
How long does it take to travel from Doctor Vidal, 1106 to San Salvador de Jujuy by bus?
The total travel time between Doctor Vidal, 1106 in San Salvador de Jujuy and San Salvador de Jujuy in San Salvador De Jujuy by bus is about 21 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Doctor Vidal, 1106 to get to San Salvador de Jujuy?
Get on the 46 bus from the López, 409 stop near Doctor Vidal, 1106 in San Salvador de Jujuy.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Doctor Vidal, 1106 and San Salvador de Jujuy?
Get off the bus at the B° Cnel. Arias - Bajo Gorriti - Centro - Cdad. De Nieva - Asentamiento Pablo Soria stop, which is closest to San Salvador de Jujuy in San Salvador De Jujuy.
When is the first bus from Doctor Vidal, 1106 to San Salvador de Jujuy?
The first bus from Doctor Vidal, 1106 in San Salvador de Jujuy to San Salvador de Jujuy in San Salvador De Jujuy is B° Cnel. Arias - Bajo Gorriti - Centro - Cdad. de Nieva - Asentamiento Pablo Soria. It leaves the López, 409 stop at 5:10 AM.