How to get from Galapagar to Santa María Del Tiétar by bus and train?
From Galapagar to Santa María Del Tiétar by bus and train
To get from Galapagar to Santa María Del Tiétar in Madrid, take the C10 train from Galapagar - La Navata station to Méndez Álvaro station. Next, take the VAC224 bus from Estacion Sur De Autobuses station to Santa María Del Tiétar (Urb. Flor Del Valle II) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 24 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationGalapagar
- 2Wait for trainC10Madrid-Chamartín-Clara Campoamor
- 3Ride to train stationMéndez Álvaro43 min
- 4Walk to bus stationEstacion Sur De AutobusesID 8_0616510 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for busVAC224802: Santa Cruz Del Valle
- 6Ride to bus stationSanta María Del Tiétar (Urb. Flor Del Valle II)70 min
Public transit directions from Galapagar to Santa María Del Tiétar
Public transit stations close to Galapagar
Galapagar is located at Galapagar, Madrid and the nearest public transit station is Galapagar - La Navata.
Train stations close to Galapagar:
- Galapagar - La Navata
- Torrelodones
Bus stations close to Galapagar:
- Ctra. La Navata - Est. Galapagar La Navata
- Ctra. La Navata - Urb. Los Olmos
- Ctra. La Navata - Ermita La Navata
Public transit stations close to Santa María Del Tiétar, Madrid
Santa María Del Tiétar is located at Santa María Del Tiétar, Madrid and the nearest public transit station is Santa María Del Tiétar (Urb. Flor Del Valle II).
Bus stations close to Santa María Del Tiétar:
- Santa María Del Tiétar (Urb. Flor Del Valle II)
Related Routes
- Cogolludo to Santa María Del Tiétar
- Arroyo De Las Fraguas to Santa María Del Tiétar
- La Mierla to Santa María Del Tiétar
- Puebla De Beleña to Santa María Del Tiétar
- Yunquera De Henares to Santa María Del Tiétar
- Humanes to Santa María Del Tiétar
- El Escorial to Santa María Del Tiétar
- Humanes De Madrid to Santa María Del Tiétar
- Alpedrete to Santa María Del Tiétar
- Collado Mediano to Santa María Del Tiétar
- Los Molinos to Santa María Del Tiétar
- Cercedilla to Santa María Del Tiétar
- Jurisdicción Mancomunada De Cerdedilla Y Navacerrada to Santa María Del Tiétar
- Collado Villalba to Santa María Del Tiétar
- Torrelodones to Santa María Del Tiétar
- Azuqueca De Henares to Santa María Del Tiétar
- Guadalajara to Santa María Del Tiétar
- Meco to Santa María Del Tiétar
- Valdemoro to Santa María Del Tiétar
- Ciempozuelos to Santa María Del Tiétar
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Galapagar to Santa María Del Tiétar?
The fastest way takes 144 minutes, using Bus line C10, Bus line VAC224.
Is there a direct train between Galapagar and Santa María Del Tiétar in Madrid?
No, you’ll have to take one train line and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 24 min.
Which train line goes from Galapagar to Santa María Del Tiétar in Madrid?
The C10 train line goes from Madrid-Chamartín-Clara Campoamor station near Galapagar to Méndez Álvaro station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Méndez Álvaro station near Santa María Del Tiétar in Madrid
How long does it take to travel from Galapagar to Santa María Del Tiétar in Madrid by train and bus?
The total travel time between Galapagar and Santa María Del Tiétar in Madrid by train and bus is about 2 hr 24 min.
Where do I get on the train near Galapagar to get to Santa María Del Tiétar in Madrid?
Get on the C10 train from the Madrid-Chamartín-Clara Campoamor station near Galapagar in Madrid.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Galapagar and Santa María Del Tiétar in Madrid?
Get off the train at the Méndez Álvaro stop, which is closest to Santa María Del Tiétar in Madrid.