How to get from San Sperate Via Cagliari 89 to Santa Maria La Palma by bus and train?
From San Sperate Via Cagliari 89 to Santa Maria La Palma by bus and train
To get from San Sperate Via Cagliari 89 to Santa Maria La Palma in Alghero, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the 112 bus from San Sperate Via Cagliari 89 station to Decimomannu Stazione station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the REG train and finally take the 9323 bus from Sassari Via Padre Zirano station to Santa Maria La Palma station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 8 hr 23 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationSan Sperate Via Cagliari 89
- 2Wait for bus112Decimomannu Stazione
- 3Ride to bus stationDecimomannu StazioneID 101911 min
- 4Walk to train stationDecimomannu180 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for trainREGSassari
- 6Ride to train stationSassari205 min
- 7Walk to bus stationSassari Via Padre ZiranoID 7281520 m • 7 min
- 8Wait for bus9323Alghero Via Catalogna
- 9Ride to bus stationSanta Maria La PalmaID 726833 min
- 10Walk toSanta Maria La PalmaVia Zirra250 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from San Sperate Via Cagliari 89 to Santa Maria La Palma
Public transit stations close to San Sperate Via Cagliari 89
San Sperate Via Cagliari 89 is located at San Sperate Via Cagliari 89, Alghero and the nearest public transit station is San Sperate Scuole Elementari.
Bus stations close to San Sperate Via Cagliari 89:
- San Sperate Scuole Elementari
- SP 4 Tamoil
- San Sperate Via Risorgimento 51
Public transit stations close to Santa Maria La Palma, Alghero
Santa Maria La Palma is located at Via Zirra, Alghero and the nearest public transit station is Santa Maria La Palma.
Bus stations close to Santa Maria La Palma:
- Santa Maria La Palma
Related Routes
- Sorso Via Sennori 63-Consorzio to Santa Maria La Palma
- Policlinico Universitario-Cap. Metro to Santa Maria La Palma
- Sestu Via Gorizia 1 to Santa Maria La Palma
- Sestu Via Monserrato-Dedalo U to Santa Maria La Palma
- Settimo S.P. Via San Salvatore 92 to Santa Maria La Palma
- Settimo S.P. Via San Salvatore 96 to Santa Maria La Palma
- Maracalagonis SP 15 Civico 3 to Santa Maria La Palma
- Monastir Via Nazionale Fr.240 to Santa Maria La Palma
- Decimomannu Villaggio Azzurro to Santa Maria La Palma
- Settimo S.P. Stazione to Santa Maria La Palma
- Villacidro Fr. Lavatoio to Santa Maria La Palma
- Villacidro Via San Gavino 17 to Santa Maria La Palma
- Arbus Genna E Frongia 80 to Santa Maria La Palma
- Guspini Via Mazzini 157 to Santa Maria La Palma
- Villasor Piazza G.Matteotti to Santa Maria La Palma
- Pimentel Via Roma 93 to Santa Maria La Palma
- Nuraminis Municipio to Santa Maria La Palma
- Serrenti Via Nazionale 56 to Santa Maria La Palma
- Serrenti Via Nazionale 12 to Santa Maria La Palma
- Maracalagonis Cantina Sociale to Santa Maria La Palma
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from San Sperate Via Cagliari 89 to Santa Maria La Palma?
The fastest way takes 503 minutes, using Bus line 112, Bus line REG, Bus line 9323.
Is there a direct bus between San Sperate Via Cagliari 89 and Santa Maria La Palma?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines and one train line in total. The total travelling time is 8 hr 23 min.
Which bus line goes from San Sperate Via Cagliari 89 to Santa Maria La Palma?
The 112 bus line goes from Decimomannu Stazione station near San Sperate Via Cagliari 89 in San Sperate to Decimomannu Stazione station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line and one train line till Decimomannu Stazione station near Santa Maria La Palma in Alghero.
How long does it take to travel from San Sperate Via Cagliari 89 to Santa Maria La Palma by bus and train?
The total travel time between San Sperate Via Cagliari 89 in San Sperate and Santa Maria La Palma in Alghero by bus and train is about 8 hr 23 min.
Where do I get on the bus near San Sperate Via Cagliari 89 to get to Santa Maria La Palma?
Get on the 112 bus from the Decimomannu Stazione stop near San Sperate Via Cagliari 89 in San Sperate.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between San Sperate Via Cagliari 89 and Santa Maria La Palma?
Get off the bus at the Decimomannu Stazione stop, which is closest to Santa Maria La Palma in Alghero.