How to get from Imbiribeira to Santo Amaro by bus and subway?
From Imbiribeira to Santo Amaro by bus and subway
To get from Imbiribeira to Santo Amaro in Recife Region, take the SUL subway from Metrorec - Estação Tancredo Neves station to Metrorec - Estação Joana Bezerra station. Next, take the 1909 TI PELÓPIDAS / TI JOANA BEZERRA bus from Terminal Integrado Joana Bezerra station to Avenida Governador Agamenon Magalhães 4096 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 31 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to subway stationMetrorec - Estação Tancredo Neves30 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for subwaySULRecife
- 3Ride to subway stationMetrorec - Estação Joana Bezerra11 min
- 4Walk to bus stationTerminal Integrado Joana Bezerra10 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus1909 TI PELÓPIDAS / TI JOANA BEZERRAVia Aacd
- 6Ride to bus stationAvenida Governador Agamenon Magalhães 409614 min
Alternative route from Imbiribeira to Santo Amaro by bus and subway via SUL and 1913 TI PE-15 / TI JOANA BEZERRA
To get from Imbiribeira to Santo Amaro in Recife Region, take the SUL subway from Metrorec - Estação Tancredo Neves station to Metrorec - Estação Joana Bezerra station. Next, take the 1913 TI PE-15 / TI JOANA BEZERRA bus from Terminal Integrado Joana Bezerra station to Avenida Governador Agamenon Magalhães 4096 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 35 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to subway stationMetrorec - Estação Tancredo Neves30 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for subwaySULRecife
- 3Ride to subway stationMetrorec - Estação Joana Bezerra11 min
- 4Walk to bus stationTerminal Integrado Joana Bezerra10 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus1913 TI PE-15 / TI JOANA BEZERRATi Pe-15 / Ti Joana Bezerra
- 6Ride to bus stationAvenida Governador Agamenon Magalhães 409612 min
Public transit directions from Imbiribeira to Santo Amaro
Public transit stations close to Imbiribeira
Imbiribeira is located at Imbiribeira, Recife Region and the nearest public transit station is Terminal Integrado Tancredo Neves.
Subway stations close to Imbiribeira:
- Metrorec - Estação Shopping
- Metrorec - Estação Tancredo Neves
- Metrorec - Estação Antônio Falcão
Bus stations close to Imbiribeira:
- Terminal Integrado Tancredo Neves
- Av. Sul 269 | Área Externa Do Ti Tancredo Neves
- Rua Coronel Fabriciano 13
Public transit stations close to Santo Amaro, Recife Region
Santo Amaro is located at Santo Amaro, Recife Region and the nearest public transit station is Avenida Norte Miguel Arraes De Alencar 1795.
Subway stations close to Santo Amaro:
- Metrorec - Estação Joana Bezerra
- Metrorec - Estação Central Recife
- Metrorec - Estação Largo Da Paz
Bus stations close to Santo Amaro:
- Avenida Norte Miguel Arraes De Alencar 1795
- Avenida Norte Miguel Arraes De Alencar 1624
- Rua Castro Alves, 409
Related Routes
- Curado to Santo Amaro
- Dois Irmãos to Santo Amaro
- Guabiraba to Santo Amaro
- Hipódromo to Santo Amaro
- Areias to Santo Amaro
- Caxangá to Santo Amaro
- Santa Terezinha to Santo Amaro
- Santo Agostinho to Santo Amaro
- São José to Santo Amaro
- São Lourenço Da Mata to Santo Amaro
- Soledade to Santo Amaro
- Torre to Santo Amaro
- Ipsep to Santo Amaro
- Jardim São Paulo to Santo Amaro
- Mangueira to Santo Amaro
- Paissandu to Santo Amaro
- Peixinhos to Santo Amaro
- Pina to Santo Amaro
- Metrorec - Estação Largo Da Paz to Santo Amaro
- Pe-15, 153 | Pernambuco Motos - Pista Local to Santo Amaro
Alternative route from Imbiribeira to Santo Amaro by bus and subway via SUL and 1913 TI PE-15 / TI JOANA BEZERRA
To get from Imbiribeira to Santo Amaro in Recife Region, take the SUL subway from Metrorec - Estação Tancredo Neves station to Metrorec - Estação Joana Bezerra station. Next, take the 1913 TI PE-15 / TI JOANA BEZERRA bus from Terminal Integrado Joana Bezerra station to Avenida Governador Agamenon Magalhães 4096 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 35 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to subway stationMetrorec - Estação Tancredo Neves30 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for subwaySULRecife
- 3Ride to subway stationMetrorec - Estação Joana Bezerra11 min
- 4Walk to bus stationTerminal Integrado Joana Bezerra10 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus1913 TI PE-15 / TI JOANA BEZERRATi Pe-15 / Ti Joana Bezerra
- 6Ride to bus stationAvenida Governador Agamenon Magalhães 409612 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Imbiribeira to Santo Amaro?
The fastest way takes 31 minutes, using Bus line SUL, Bus line 1909 TI PELÓPIDAS / TI JOANA BEZERRA.
What is the alternative route to get from Imbiribeira to Santo Amaro?
The alternative route takes 35 minutes, using Bus line SUL, Bus line 1913 TI PE-15 / TI JOANA BEZERRA.
Is there a direct subway between Imbiribeira and Santo Amaro in Recife Region?
No, you’ll have to take one subway line and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 31 min.
Which subway line goes from Imbiribeira to Santo Amaro in Recife Region?
The SUL subway line goes from Metrorec - Estação Tancredo Neves station near Imbiribeira to Recife station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Recife station near Santo Amaro in Recife Region
How long does it take to travel from Imbiribeira to Santo Amaro in Recife Region by subway and bus?
The total travel time between Imbiribeira and Santo Amaro in Recife Region by subway and bus is about 31 min.
Where do I get on the subway near Imbiribeira to get to Santo Amaro in Recife Region?
Get on the SUL subway from the Metrorec - Estação Tancredo Neves station near Imbiribeira in Recife Region.
Where do I get off the subway when travelling between Imbiribeira and Santo Amaro in Recife Region?
Get off the subway at the Recife stop, which is closest to Santo Amaro in Recife Region.
When is the first subway from Imbiribeira to Santo Amaro in Recife Region?
The first subway from Imbiribeira to Santo Amaro in Recife Region is Recife ↔ Cajueiro Seco. It leaves the Metrorec - Estação Tancredo Neves station at 2:09 AM.