How to get from Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 to Savia Salud Eps by bus?
From Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 to Savia Salud Eps by bus
Take one direct bus from Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 to Savia Salud Eps in Medellín: take the M 36 bus from Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 station to Mercados Del Río station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 10 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationEstacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16
- 2Wait for busM 36Carrera 49a, 46a Sur94
- 3Ride to bus stationMercados Del RíoID 757 min
- 4Walk toSavia Salud EpsCalle 25180 m • 3 min
Alternative route from Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 to Savia Salud Eps by bus via 303
Take one direct bus from Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 to Savia Salud Eps in Medellín: take the 303 bus from Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 station to Mercados Del Río station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 12 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationEstacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16
- 2Wait for bus303Carrera 81, 37d64
- 3Ride to bus stationMercados Del RíoID 758 min
- 4Walk toSavia Salud EpsCalle 25180 m • 3 min
Public transit directions from Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 to Savia Salud Eps
Public transit stations close to Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16
Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 is located at Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16, Medellín and the nearest public transit station is Barrio Colón.
Metro stations close to Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16:
- San Antonio
- Alpujarra
- Exposiciones
Bus stations close to Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16:
- Barrio Colón
- Calle 41, 4642-4674
- Calle 41, 452
Public transit stations close to Savia Salud Eps, Medellín
Savia Salud Eps is located at Calle 25, Medellín and the nearest public transit station is Barrio Colombia Carrera 44, 25-45.
Metro stations close to Savia Salud Eps:
- Poblado
- Alpujarra
- San Antonio
Bus stations close to Savia Salud Eps:
- Barrio Colombia Carrera 44, 25-45
- Discos Barrio Colombia, Carrera 43g, 25a50-25a110
- Bar Trilogía, Calle 24
Related Routes
- Unicentro Calle 33 Con Cra. 65d to Savia Salud Eps
- Cra 70 #25-141 to Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
- Cra 70 #25-141 to Universidad Eafit
- Cra 70 #25-141 to Universidad Cooperativa De Colombia
- Cra 70 #25-141 to Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo
- Cra 70 #25-141 to Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano Robledo
- Cra 70 #25-141 to Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor De Antioquia
- Cra 70 #25-141 to Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó
- Cra 70 #15-19 to Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
- Cra 70 #15-19 to Universidad Eafit
- Cra 70 #15-19 to Universidad Cooperativa De Colombia
- Cra 70 #15-19 to Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo
- Cra 70 #15-19 to Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano Robledo
- Cra 70 #15-19 to Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor De Antioquia
- Cra 70 #15-19 to Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó
- Cl 6 Sur - Cr 51, Medellín to Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
- Cl 6 Sur - Cr 51, Medellín to Universidad Eafit
- Cl 6 Sur - Cr 51, Medellín to Universidad Cooperativa De Colombia
- Cl 6 Sur - Cr 51, Medellín to Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo
- Cl 6 Sur - Cr 51, Medellín to Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano Robledo
Alternative route from Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 to Savia Salud Eps by bus via 303
Take one direct bus from Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 to Savia Salud Eps in Medellín: take the 303 bus from Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 station to Mercados Del Río station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 12 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationEstacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16
- 2Wait for bus303Carrera 81, 37d64
- 3Ride to bus stationMercados Del RíoID 758 min
- 4Walk toSavia Salud EpsCalle 25180 m • 3 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 to Savia Salud Eps?
The fastest way takes 10 minutes, using Bus line M 36.
What is the alternative route to get from Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 to Savia Salud Eps?
The alternative route takes 12 minutes, using Bus line 303.
Is there a direct bus between Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 and Savia Salud Eps?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 in Medellin to Savia Salud Eps in Medellín in 10 min.
Which bus line goes from Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 to Savia Salud Eps?
The M 36 bus line goes from Carrera 49a, 46a Sur94 station near Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 in Medellin to Mercados Del Río station near Savia Salud Eps in Medellín.
How long does it take to travel from Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 to Savia Salud Eps by bus?
The total travel time between Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 in Medellin and Savia Salud Eps in Medellín by bus is about 10 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 to get to Savia Salud Eps?
Get on the M 36 bus from the Carrera 49a, 46a Sur94 stop near Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 in Medellin.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 and Savia Salud Eps?
Get off the bus at the Mercados Del Río stop, which is closest to Savia Salud Eps in Medellín.
When is the last bus from Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 to Savia Salud Eps?
The last bus from Estacion Esso Carrera 43a, 41-16 in Medellin to Savia Salud Eps in Medellín is the Popular-Est Hospital/Prado/Cisneros/Alpujarra/Exposiciones/San Antonio-Centro line. It leaves the Carrera 51, 41-76 stop at 10:41 PM.