How to get from Aichach to Schwabhausen by bus?
From Aichach to Schwabhausen by bus
Take one direct bus from Aichach to Schwabhausen in Bavaria: take the 704 bus from Aichach, Sparkasse station to Schwabhausen, Münchner Straße station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 41 min. The ride fare is €7.70.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAichach, Sparkasse460 m • 6 min
- 2Wait for bus704Dachau Bahnhof
- 3Ride to bus stationSchwabhausen, Münchner Straße34 min
Public transit directions from Aichach to Schwabhausen
Public transit stations close to Aichach
Aichach is located at Aichach, Bavaria and the nearest public transit station is Aichach, Stadtpfarrkirche A.
Train stations close to Aichach:
- Aichach
Bus stations close to Aichach:
- Aichach, Stadtpfarrkirche A
- Aichach, Stadtpfarrkirche
- Aichach, Stadtplatz (A)
Public transit stations close to Schwabhausen, Bavaria
Schwabhausen is located at Schwabhausen, Bavaria and the nearest public transit station is Schwabhausen, Münchner Straße.
Train stations close to Schwabhausen:
- Niederroth
- Bachern
- Schwabhausen
Bus stations close to Schwabhausen:
- Schwabhausen, Münchner Straße
- Schwabhausen
- Schwabhausen, Augsburger Str.
Related Routes
- Aletshausen to Schwabhausen
- Waltenhausen to Schwabhausen
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- Augsburg to Schwabhausen
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- Königsmoos to Schwabhausen
- Schrobenhausen to Schwabhausen
- Gachenbach to Schwabhausen
- Dachau to Schwabhausen
- Haar to Schwabhausen
- Karlsfeld to Schwabhausen
- Moosburg to Schwabhausen
- Obermenzing to Schwabhausen
- Riem to Schwabhausen
- Hauptbahnhof to Schwabhausen
- Aichach to Holzheim
- Aichach to Ziemetshausen
- Aichach to Diedorf
- Aichach to Fischach
- Aichach to Ehekirchen
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Aichach to Schwabhausen?
The fastest way takes 41 minutes, using Bus line 704.
Is there a direct bus between Aichach and Schwabhausen in Bavaria?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Aichach to Schwabhausen in Bavaria in 41 min.
Which bus line goes from Aichach to Schwabhausen in Bavaria?
The 704 bus line goes from Aichach, Sparkasse station near Aichach to Dachau Bahnhof station near Schwabhausen in Bavaria.
How long does it take to travel from Aichach to Schwabhausen in Bavaria by bus?
The total travel time between Aichach and Schwabhausen in Bavaria by bus is about 41 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Aichach to get to Schwabhausen in Bavaria?
Get on the 704 bus from the Aichach, Sparkasse stop near Aichach in Bavaria.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Aichach and Schwabhausen in Bavaria?
Get off the bus at the Dachau Bahnhof stop, which is closest to Schwabhausen in Bavaria.
When is the first bus from Aichach to Schwabhausen in Bavaria?
The first bus from Aichach to Schwabhausen in Bavaria is Aichach - Altomünster / Dachau. It leaves the Aichach, Sparkasse stop at 6:18 AM.
How much is the bus fare from Aichach to Schwabhausen?
The ride from Aichach to Schwabhausen costs €7.70.