How to get from Wal-Mart to Sioux City, IA by bus?
From Wal-Mart to Sioux City, IA by bus
To get from Wal-Mart to Sioux City, IA in Sioux City, take the 9 bus from Wal-Mart station to Mlk Transportation Center station. Next, take the 6 bus from Mlk Transportation Center station to Dace & Bluff Rd. station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 49 min. The ride fare is $1.80.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationWal-Mart
- 2Wait for bus9Inbound
- 3Ride to bus stationMlk Transportation Center29 min
- 4Wait for bus6
- 5Ride to bus stationDace & Bluff Rd.3 min
- 6Walk toSioux City, IA490 yd • 6 min
Alternative route from Wal-Mart to Sioux City, IA by bus via 9 and 1
To get from Wal-Mart to Sioux City, IA in Sioux City, take the 9 bus from Wal-Mart station to Mlk Transportation Center station. Next, take the 1 bus from Mlk Transportation Center station to 4th St & Chambers St station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 52 min. The ride fare is $1.80.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationWal-Mart
- 2Wait for bus9Inbound
- 3Ride to bus stationMlk Transportation Center29 min
- 4Wait for bus1Outbound
- 5Ride to bus station4th St & Chambers St4 min
- 6Walk toSioux City, IA610 yd • 8 min
Public transit directions from Wal-Mart to Sioux City, IA
Public transit stations close to Wal-Mart
Wal-Mart is located at Wal-Mart, Sioux City and the nearest public transit station is College Way - NE Community College.
Bus stations close to Wal-Mart:
- College Way - NE Community College
- W 21st St & Hwy 77
- Cornhusker Plaza Hy-Vee
Public transit stations close to Sioux City, IA, Sioux City
Sioux City, IA is located at Sioux City, IA, Sioux City and the nearest public transit station is Court St & 5th St.
Bus stations close to Sioux City, IA:
- Court St & 5th St
- 5th St & Iowa St
- Leech & Cunningham Dr.
Related Routes
- Court St & 23rd St to Sioux City, IA
- Court St & 19th St to Sioux City, IA
- Jennings St & 12th St to Sioux City, IA
- W 7th St & Bluff St to Sioux City, IA
- Military Rd & Edgewater Ave to Sioux City, IA
- Riverside Blvd & Whicher Ave - Billy Boy to Sioux City, IA
- Chambers St & 27th St to Sioux City, IA
- Court St & 11th St to Sioux City, IA
- Pierce St & 11th St to Sioux City, IA
- Myrtle St & Tri-View Ave - Central Mart to Sioux City, IA
- Morningside Ave & Nicolett St to Sioux City, IA
- Court St & 25th St to Sioux City, IA
- Morningside Ave & Oleander St to Sioux City, IA
- Geneva St & W 18th St to Sioux City, IA
- Dakota Ave & 21st St to Sioux City, IA
- 27th St & Chambers St to Sioux City, IA
- Nebraska St & 7th St to Sioux City, IA
- Gordon Dr & Linn St to Sioux City, IA
- St Aubin St & Glenn Ave to Sioux City, IA
- Stone Ave & Pomegranite St to Sioux City, IA
Alternative route from Wal-Mart to Sioux City, IA by bus via 9 and 1
To get from Wal-Mart to Sioux City, IA in Sioux City, take the 9 bus from Wal-Mart station to Mlk Transportation Center station. Next, take the 1 bus from Mlk Transportation Center station to 4th St & Chambers St station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 52 min. The ride fare is $1.80.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationWal-Mart
- 2Wait for bus9Inbound
- 3Ride to bus stationMlk Transportation Center29 min
- 4Wait for bus1Outbound
- 5Ride to bus station4th St & Chambers St4 min
- 6Walk toSioux City, IA610 yd • 8 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Wal-Mart to Sioux City, IA?
The fastest way takes 49 minutes, using Bus line 9, Bus line 6.
What is the alternative route to get from Wal-Mart to Sioux City, IA?
The alternative route takes 52 minutes, using Bus line 9, Bus line 1.
Is there a direct bus between Wal-Mart and Sioux City, IA in Sioux City?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 49 min.
Which bus line goes from Wal-Mart to Sioux City, IA in Sioux City?
The 9 bus line goes from Inbound station near Wal-Mart to Mlk Transportation Center station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Mlk Transportation Center station near Sioux City, IA in Sioux City
How long does it take to travel from Wal-Mart to Sioux City, IA in Sioux City by bus?
The total travel time between Wal-Mart and Sioux City, IA in Sioux City by bus is about 49 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Wal-Mart to get to Sioux City, IA in Sioux City?
Get on the 9 bus from the Inbound stop near Wal-Mart in Sioux City.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Wal-Mart and Sioux City, IA in Sioux City?
Get off the bus at the Mlk Transportation Center stop, which is closest to Sioux City, IA in Sioux City.
How much is the bus fare from Wal-Mart to Sioux City, IA?
The ride from Wal-Mart to Sioux City, IA costs $1.80.