How to get from Khouadra 1 to Soft School Marrakech by bus?
From Khouadra 1 to Soft School Marrakech by bus
Take one direct bus from Khouadra 1 to Soft School Marrakech in Menara Gueliz: take the 22 bus from Khouadra 1 station to Grande Poste station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 57 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationKhouadra 160 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus22Bab Doukkala
- 3Ride to bus stationGrande Poste50 min
- 4Walk toSoft School Marrakech5 Imm Rachadi Rue Sourya410 m • 6 min
Alternative route from Khouadra 1 to Soft School Marrakech by bus via 43
Take one direct bus from Khouadra 1 to Soft School Marrakech in Menara Gueliz: take the 43 bus from Khouadra 1 station to Grande Poste station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 57 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationKhouadra 160 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus43Bab Doukkala
- 3Ride to bus stationGrande Poste50 min
- 4Walk toSoft School Marrakech5 Imm Rachadi Rue Sourya410 m • 6 min
Public transit directions from Khouadra 1 to Soft School Marrakech
Public transit stations close to Khouadra 1
Khouadra 1 is located at Khouadra 1, Menara Gueliz and the nearest public transit station is Khouadra 1.
Bus stations close to Khouadra 1:
- Khouadra 1
- Aït Mbarek
- Khouadra
Public transit stations close to Soft School Marrakech, Menara Gueliz
Soft School Marrakech is located at 5 Imm Rachadi Rue Sourya, Menara Gueliz and the nearest public transit station is Ben Tbib.
Train stations close to Soft School Marrakech:
- Marrakech
Bus stations close to Soft School Marrakech:
- Ben Tbib
- Place Abdelmoumen
- Office Haouz
Related Routes
- Annexe Cadi Ayyad to Soft School Marrakech
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- Fantasia to Soft School Marrakech
- Chez Ali to Soft School Marrakech
- Ouahat Sidi Brahim to Soft School Marrakech
- Hôtel Sangho to Soft School Marrakech
- Hôtel Oasiria to Soft School Marrakech
- Abouab Fellah to Soft School Marrakech
- Dar Dmana to Soft School Marrakech
- Musée Mohammed 6 to Soft School Marrakech
- Iraki to Soft School Marrakech
- Malizia 2 to Soft School Marrakech
- Malizia to Soft School Marrakech
- Cmr Issil to Soft School Marrakech
- Al Warda to Soft School Marrakech
- Gare Routière to Soft School Marrakech
- Boukar Café Aymane to Soft School Marrakech
Alternative route from Khouadra 1 to Soft School Marrakech by bus via 43
Take one direct bus from Khouadra 1 to Soft School Marrakech in Menara Gueliz: take the 43 bus from Khouadra 1 station to Grande Poste station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 57 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationKhouadra 160 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus43Bab Doukkala
- 3Ride to bus stationGrande Poste50 min
- 4Walk toSoft School Marrakech5 Imm Rachadi Rue Sourya410 m • 6 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Khouadra 1 to Soft School Marrakech?
The fastest way takes 57 minutes, using Bus line 22.
What is the alternative route to get from Khouadra 1 to Soft School Marrakech?
The alternative route takes 57 minutes, using Bus line 43.
Is there a direct bus between Khouadra 1 and Soft School Marrakech?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Khouadra 1 in Loudaya to Soft School Marrakech in Menara Gueliz in 57 min.
Which bus line goes from Khouadra 1 to Soft School Marrakech?
The 22 bus line goes from Khouadra 1 station near Khouadra 1 in Loudaya to Bab Doukkala station near Soft School Marrakech in Menara Gueliz.
How long does it take to travel from Khouadra 1 to Soft School Marrakech by bus?
The total travel time between Khouadra 1 in Loudaya and Soft School Marrakech in Menara Gueliz by bus is about 57 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Khouadra 1 to get to Soft School Marrakech?
Get on the 22 bus from the Khouadra 1 stop near Khouadra 1 in Loudaya.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Khouadra 1 and Soft School Marrakech?
Get off the bus at the Bab Doukkala stop, which is closest to Soft School Marrakech in Menara Gueliz.
When is the first bus from Khouadra 1 to Soft School Marrakech?
The first bus from Khouadra 1 in Loudaya to Soft School Marrakech in Menara Gueliz is Bab Doukkala - Loudaya - Sidi Zouine. It leaves the Khouadra 1 stop at 8:13 AM.