How to get from Arruda to Soledade by bus?
From Arruda to Soledade by bus
Take one direct bus from Arruda to Soledade in Recife Region: take the 741 DOIS UNIDOS bus from Av. Beberibe, 1303 station to Avenida João De Barros 108 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 20 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAv. Beberibe, 1303ID 120041100 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus741 DOIS UNIDOSVia João De Barros
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida João De Barros 10811 min
- 4Walk toSoledade520 m • 7 min
Alternative route from Arruda to Soledade by bus via 746 ALTO DO CAPITÃO
Take one direct bus from Arruda to Soledade in Recife Region: take the 746 ALTO DO CAPITÃO bus from Av. Beberibe, 1303 station to Avenida João De Barros 108 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 20 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAv. Beberibe, 1303ID 120041100 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus746 ALTO DO CAPITÃOVia Rosário
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida João De Barros 10811 min
- 4Walk toSoledade520 m • 7 min
Public transit directions from Arruda to Soledade
Public transit stations close to Arruda
Arruda is located at Arruda, Recife Region and the nearest public transit station is Av. Beberibe, 1303.
Bus stations close to Arruda:
- Av. Beberibe, 1303
- Av. Beberibe, 958
- 120209 - Parque Aquático Santa Cruz
Public transit stations close to Soledade, Recife Region
Soledade is located at Soledade, Recife Region and the nearest public transit station is Avenida Conde Da Boa Vista 629.
Subway stations close to Soledade:
- Metrorec - Estação Central Recife
- Metrorec - Estação Joana Bezerra
- Metrorec - Estação Largo Da Paz
Bus stations close to Soledade:
- Avenida Conde Da Boa Vista 629
- Rua Do Príncipe, 515 | Unicap (Parada 2)
- Rua Do Príncipe, 610 | Unicap (Parada 1)
Related Routes
- Ilha De Itamaraca to Soledade
- Beberibe to Soledade
- Boa Vista to Soledade
- Boa Viagem to Soledade
- São José to Soledade
- Totó to Soledade
- Joana Bezerra to Soledade
- Linha Do Tiro to Soledade
- Arruda to Engenho Do Meio
- Arruda to Igarassu
- Arruda to Alto José Do Pinho
- Arruda to Boa Vista
- Arruda to Cabo De Santo Agostinho
- Arruda to Casa Amarela
- Arruda to Jardim São Paulo
- Arruda to Jordão
- Arruda to Macaxeira
- Arruda to Madalena
- Arruda to Mustardinha
- Arruda to Paudalho
Alternative route from Arruda to Soledade by bus via 746 ALTO DO CAPITÃO
Take one direct bus from Arruda to Soledade in Recife Region: take the 746 ALTO DO CAPITÃO bus from Av. Beberibe, 1303 station to Avenida João De Barros 108 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 20 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationAv. Beberibe, 1303ID 120041100 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus746 ALTO DO CAPITÃOVia Rosário
- 3Ride to bus stationAvenida João De Barros 10811 min
- 4Walk toSoledade520 m • 7 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Arruda to Soledade?
The fastest way takes 20 minutes, using Bus line 741 DOIS UNIDOS.
What is the alternative route to get from Arruda to Soledade?
The alternative route takes 20 minutes, using Bus line 746 ALTO DO CAPITÃO.
Is there a direct bus between Arruda and Soledade in Recife Region?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Arruda to Soledade in Recife Region in 20 min.
Which bus line goes from Arruda to Soledade in Recife Region?
The 741 DOIS UNIDOS bus line goes from Av. Beberibe, 1303 station near Arruda to Via João De Barros station near Soledade in Recife Region.
How long does it take to travel from Arruda to Soledade in Recife Region by bus?
The total travel time between Arruda and Soledade in Recife Region by bus is about 20 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Arruda to get to Soledade in Recife Region?
Get on the 741 DOIS UNIDOS bus from the Av. Beberibe, 1303 stop near Arruda in Recife Region.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Arruda and Soledade in Recife Region?
Get off the bus at the Via João De Barros stop, which is closest to Soledade in Recife Region.
When is the last bus from Arruda to Soledade in Recife Region?
The last bus from Arruda to Soledade in Recife Region is the Alto Santa Terezinha (Bacurau) line. It leaves the Av. Beberibe, 1303 stop at 12:33 AM.